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story time - HE BURNED HIS BOATS

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A long time ago there was a great General who was facedwith a situation which made it necessary for him tomake a drastic decision to insure his success on thebattlefield. He was about to send his army on shore to

face a powerful enemy, whose men outnumbered his. Heloaded his soldiers into boats, and sailed to face theenemies on shore. When they reached the shore, heordered them to unload the soldiers and cargoes. He

then ordered for all the ships and boats to be burned.Addressing his men before the battle, he said, “You seethe ships and boats going up in smoke. That means thatwe cannot leave these shores alive unless we win! We

now, have no choice – either we win, or we perish.”TheyWON!


Just like the General, we have to burn all our bridgesif we want to achieve success. There can be no room forretreat and we must have an attitude of, “Whatever ittakes”, taking into consideration that we can have

anything we desire provided we do not violate UniversalLaws and the rights of our fellow human beings. Do notdwell on the past. Move forward with confidence and wewill surely see success, unexpected in common hours.


" A hero is an ordinary individual who finds thestrength to persevere and endure in spite ofoverwhelming obstacles. "

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Very inspiring story, the moral may be difficult to follow but should be everybody's goal to achieve.


Thanks for the story.

The Princess of Faith--- On Mon, 5/18/09, Ritu Arora <

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