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Why go to the Temple?

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Is the " Temple " a physical building located somewhere down the street, or a spiritual state of heart and mind located within you?

Jai Ramakrishna,


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I think that I, as a devotee need both the physical temple and the temple within my heart. Just as I need the physical avatar and the teachings as well as the inner relationship with the avatar.Re: Why go to the Temple? Posted by: "Brad Stephan" bradstephan Sat May 30, 2009 10:34 am (PDT) Namaste:Is the "Temple" a physical building located somewhere down the street, or aspiritual state of heart and mind located within you?Jai Ramakrishna,Brad

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Both. But for those with a place where they can go to recharge the spiritual battery, a nuclear spiritual centre is what the temple represents. Prashanth.--- On Sat, 30/5/09, Brad Stephan <bradstephan wrote:Brad Stephan <bradstephan[sri Ramakrishna] Re: Why go to the Temple?"Ramakrishna List" <ramakrishna >Saturday, 30 May, 2009, 7:53 PM



Is the "Temple" a physical building located somewhere down the street, or a spiritual state of heart and mind located within you?

Jai Ramakrishna,



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Going to the temple helps only if one cannot concentrate by self. Otherwise, one can pray anywhere and achieve the same result as far as spiritual development is concerned. People spend a lot of money to build a temple which is nothing but a structure with nothing to offer except peace and quiet if one is lucky. Instead of that why don't we consider the the world as our temple and spend the money for the welfare of the disadvantaged to give them a chance to focus on spirituality which is the purpose of having the birth of a human being.


The Princess of Faith--- On Sun, 5/31/09, Joan Fisher <mjfisher2005 wrote:

Joan Fisher <mjfisher2005[sri Ramakrishna] Re: Why go to the Temple?Ramakrishna Date: Sunday, May 31, 2009, 11:42 AM







I think that I, as a devotee need both the physical temple and the temple within my heart. Just as I need the physical avatar and the teachings as well as the inner relationship with the avatar.Re: Why go to the Temple? Posted by: "Brad Stephan" bradstephan@ gmail.com Sat May 30, 2009 10:34 am (PDT) Namaste:Is the "Temple" a physical building located somewhere down the street, or aspiritual state of heart and mind located within you?Jai Ramakrishna,Brad

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In today's media savy world, a world driven by materialistic competition, there

is a need for a temple more than ever. I have heard many comments such as

temples are a waste of money, a way to create division in the society etc. But

for me on a personal level I get peace and serenity going to a temple. I think

that spiritual progression is enhanced by regular visits. This is something that

people need to do practically instead of just making comments. Visit a temple

regulary and meditate, even if for 10-15 mins 2-3 days a week. You will find the

difference yourself.

Jai Maa.





Ramakrishna , Joan Fisher <mjfisher2005 wrote:


> I think that I, as a devotee need both the physical temple and the temple

within my heart. Just as I need the physical avatar and the teachings as well as

the inner relationship with the avatar.


> Re: Why go to the Temple?

> Posted by: " Brad Stephan " bradstephan

> Sat May 30, 2009 10:34 am (PDT)



> Namaste:

> Is the " Temple " a physical building located somewhere down the street, or a

> spiritual state of heart and mind located within you?

> Jai Ramakrishna,

> Brad


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Different people have different needs and go to the temple for different reasons. Who are we to advice or stop them.Helping disadvangtaged people is a different issue.  A person like Sri Ramakrishna spiritual awakening led to the establishment of the Ramakrishna math which went to do numerous service to the disadvantaged.

We can conclude that spiritual awakening and help is more important than physical help. A temple is an asset which has benefits for hundreds of years (besides employing people, generating donations which can be used for numerous causes). Giving the same money for poor people in a one time effort. We don't see the money again nor will the people be helped in the long term (and the only benefit is our ego becomes inflated) Isn't better the donations come from the temple and the person doing is the deity himself to whom the wealth belongs. An egoless way of giving?

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Anybody know of a good temple or group in South Wales for a devotee of Sri Ramakrishna to go to?Russ--- On , 2009, 11:02 AM


The undersigned does not know of any temple or venue in South Wales where a devotee of Sri Ramakrishna can go to. But surely they can come to you? regards


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Point well taken and thank you. Everything depends on one's beliefs and faith, therefore, there is no right or wrong decision about going to temple. If someone thinks that going to the temple is a prerequisite of spiritualism, so be it. If somebody thinks that the deities(the images of God who is formless) are able to help the underprivileged so be it. This does not solve the issue of spending or wasting money to build a temple where no one is tangibly helped except the people who are employed for the same. As far as inflation of ego is concerned building a temple inflates it far more than helping people in distress which is part of being a human being.


Thanks for your input.The Princess of Faith--- On Mon, 6/1/09, sri venkat <ahvenkitesh wrote:

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In a different context here's an episode from my life.


Years ago, I happened to visit a nadi astrologer who made some amazingly accurate readings and predictions

about my past and future including my past birth. The details were so accurate right to the names of my parents

and name of my wife (I was unmarried at that time but my wife's name and other details he predicted turned out to be correct).

He also told about my past birth and the sins I have committed in that. To alleviate my sins and to avoid the repercussions

of the same in my current birth he told me to visit some particular temples and special worships to be performed there.

I was convinced that the astrologer is right.


I wrote to Srimad Swami Ranganathanandji Maharaj about this and asked for his permission to perform these worships. I waited a few days and there was no reply. I wrote again and still no reply. I felt I have made some mistake because Maharaj usually replies within a day or two. In my third mail I apologized to Him and asked for His forgiveness if I have wrote something out of my ignorance. Pat came the reply -


"One has to face the results of his actions be it from this birth or past. This is the law. Where do you need to go and what fear should you have for your future when you have got the holy name of Sri Ramakrishna?"


Years have passed, I have not done any special worships the astrologer suggested and never intend to.





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And yet, didn't even Holy Mother go to the temple when Ramakrishna was ill and offer a coconut to Divine Mother to ask for him to get well? I think when you are distressed there is nothing wrong with going to God with your problem and stating what you wish with the understanding that Mother will do as She wills. Some people will do that within their hearts and some will go to the temple. There is no harm in going to the temple with a sincere wish and then leaving it in the hands of Ma. I am not talking about superstition or an attempt to evade karma.


Re: Why go to the Temple?

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Ramakrishna , Brad Stephan <bradstephan wrote:


> Namaste:

> Is the " Temple " a physical building located somewhere down the street, or a

> spiritual state of heart and mind located within you?

> Jai Ramakrishna,

> Brad



Aum Namo Naarayanaya

Dear sisters and brothers,

Trust you are well...

It is my belief that both are valuable assets. Masters name has been chanted

millions of times in Ashrams and Temples around the world. He worshiped there..

as living... therefore, it cant b a just a building. It is Gods home. That, in

itself, creates an atmosphere that is extremely difficult to describe. It is

much easier to think of Master there than at home.

In addition, the mere fact that we have the Atman makes our heart a temple as

well. Both are indespensible, as we need both to progress.


Have a wonderful day.


Kind regards


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