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LOVE OF HUMANITY IS LOVE OF GODThe words I, Me and mine take precedence over other issues in the modern world. With the evolution of nuclear families there has been a massive increase in selfish attitude and indifference towards others in this world. Self-reliance and independence is good, but that should not pave the way to greed, self-centred behaviour among human beings and unmindful of basic human values of love, kindness, compassion and empathy. Let us stop and think why there is so much restlessness in this world? Why is there competition among siblings? Why is healthy competition replaced by obnoxious harmful behaviour in our society? What is the reason for increase in crime in

our society? It is ironical that the values that any corporate organisation considers as essential for recruitment are being trustworthy, loyal, responsible and accountable. We demonstrate these with words and convince officials to get selected for a job, but do we really have these qualities in our lives when we interact with the people around us? Instead of making life easier, the technological revolution seems to have created an insecure world where we fear our parents, children, relatives and neighbours. When we do not trust our own family, parents or siblings whom we have seen and with whom we have shared good times and bad times, how can we place trust in something that is not visible to the eye, i.e., God.God has bestowed us with intelligence to be used to attain God vision and appreciate the marvellous creation. Instead we use our intellect to discriminate and differentiate between people. We assign ownership, name

gender, and place to every object we see. We differentiate between human beings based on nationality, religion, region, caste, language and even colour! When we see so many differences is it possible for us to identify with other humans? When one is at a party you find people divided into small groups scattered in corners. Group are based either on a common native place, or language or they belong to one caste. Amazingly enough we, who call ourselves spiritual and take pride in calling ourselves children of Baba, are equally guilty of the act. Rarely do you find a group with a mix of religion, dialect, region and colour.Let us break the barriers of limiting our understanding to bonding only with our family, friends, relatives and neighbours. Firstly we have to realise that there are only two classes of humans that exist worldwide - vegetarians and non-vegetarians. This broad concept will lessen the gap between the human paradigms. And

now to lessen the gap further, the difference between vegetarians and non- vegetarians, is based on the choice of an individual and their likes and taste. Since some people eat meat and drink alcohol despite being born in a caste or religion, which forbids them to do so, these choices are not dependent only on family or caste or religion. These are acquired tastes in life based on life style, personal likes and dislikes. When we acknowledge that there is basically no difference between humans then the gap is bridged. As humans we develop respect towards each other and none of the heartbreak or trauma occurs when there are inter-caste, inter-religious, inter-regional marriages. If we acknowledge that all individuals irrespective of their demographic differences are just like us and have emotions, feelings and are subjected to pain when hurt, this will help us to empathize with others and feel their pain and pleasure. When we are involved

in an act we should analyze the impact of our action, words or behavior on others and outcomes of such an act.The spiritual concept that the whole universe is one and there is no distinction between individuals makes sense when we identify ourselves with others. This process helps us to understand the spiritual concept better. The same is explained by Baba in Chapter 39 from the Shri Sai Satcharita. Baba says the root cause for the ignorance that gives rise to human misconception, resulting in inflicting pain on self and others by humans is due to the following:1 - I am a Jiva (creature)2 - Body is the soul (I am the body). 3 - God, world and Jiva are different. 4 - I am not God. 5 - Not knowing, that body is not the soul. 6 - Not knowing that God, world and Jiva are one. The above-mentioned are some of the ideas that result in our seeing duality in all elements. Spiritual aspirants will need to destroy this

sense of duality and understand that the whole universe is threaded by the common energy of God. When this truth is acknowledged and assimilated and the mind is constantly trained to recognise the divinity in oneself then this knowledge will reduce pain, anger, and chaos in world. Man will then develop more endearing relationships towards others and the world will become a better place. This understanding does not happen overnight. Man has to be constantly reminded of this concept. For this, a learned guru is needed who can help us to understand these principles and be reminded when faced with troubles and hurdles in this mundane world. Often we get disappointed and overwhelmed with the problems and lose sight of the reality. In such circumstances, the company of a guru or Satsang or group of people with common spiritual goals is essential.Let us not wait for somebody else to do this for us. It might be too late. Once having chosen to

tread on the spiritual path we should know that it is not an easy path to tread, neither has Baba promised that it will be a path of roses. To quote Lily Tomlin I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that.Then I realised I was somebody. Let us make the difference. As humans we are ambitious, so let us show our eagerness to progress in spiritual context by embracing the concept of non duality by showing love towards humanity, love and serve one another and help each other in times of need, which would be loving and serving God. When we believe in ourselves, our uniqueness and in our innate qualities, which are divinely ordained, then we are filled with love for mankind, the quality shown by God. The easiest path to reach God is by loving our fellow beings. Let us not delay further and embark on making a new beginning and seek Baba’s blessing in setting out in this

path.Jai Sai Ram


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