Guest guest Posted September 23, 2009 Report Share Posted September 23, 2009 Om Shree Ganeshaya Namaha! Om Sai Ram! Jai Maata Di! If for some reason you are not able to see , or download the below pictures or click to the below links- Plz go to You can also have access to all the previous Shirdi Sai speaks mails at the above link.And if any of you or your friends would like to receive these messages directly to your mailbox-- send me an email at debu7366 Below is the copy af the email sent to me by Sai devotee G P Sinha ji regarding Baba giving Darshan in Kuwait..... I am writing on behalf of Smt. Chandbala Singh from Kuwait. Meeting with her and husband, Sri Nagendra Singh, was organised by Baba himself. The couple are very much devoted to Baba. Baba has shown many of His leelas to them under different circumstances to them. I am sharing a miracle with the readers of your blogs on behalf of Chand Bhabhi. Chand Bhabhi was trying to download some bhajans from the net. She is not a very net savvy person. She just typed Palki hoping to search and download some palki songs. Accidentally, she started to download songs from a very old hindi film Palki.When the first song started playing she realised it was not a palki song, but she had a vision of seeing Baba in "real" palki song. She could not believe her eyes when suddenly Baba's picture appeared on the screen. There is no connection of Baba and the film Palki, but there was our Baba on the screen fulfilling Chand Bhabhi's wish of a drashan. She managed to click the picture of the screen from her camera phone. Then she started another song from the same album hoping it to be a palki song. Again the same thing happened and Baba appeared again. This time in a different profile. She again took the picture. Both the pictures are enclosed. I tried emulating the experience by going on the same website, but I had no such luck. Can anyone please explain this miracle?----------------------- Ever wondered which is the tallest and the biggest Ganesh Statue? The 66-feet Chinmaya Ganadhish idol in Kolhapur is at present considered to be the tallest Ganesha idol in the world. The idol sits on 24-feet Dhyana Nilayam (raised platform). Thus the statue is 90 feet from the ground level. This tall Ganapati is a permanent statue unlike the idols created during Ganesh Chaturthi. Sculptured as mentioned in the Shastras (scriptures), the Ganesh idol is made up of concrete (cement) and weighs around 800 metric tonnes. The idol was completed in 18 months and nearly 50 skilled workers were involved in the construction along with scores of Chinmaya volunteers and Ganesha devotees. [Click on the below image to see the larger view or to save it to ur pc]The statue was erected in November 2001 to commemorate the Golden Jubilee year of the Chinmaya Mission. It is located at the Chinmaya Sandeepany Ashram, Toap –Sambhapur, Kolhapur, Maharashtra. I hope one day we all get a chance to visit this sacred place and pray to Ganesh ji to remove all the obstacles from our life.. My heartfelt pranams to Shri Ganesh ji for always being a part of my life..-----------------------------Today is the fifth day of Navratri which is known as Lalita Panchami, it is traditional, to gather and display all literature available in the house, light a lamp or 'diya' to invoke Saraswati Maa, the Goddess of knowledge and art.Lalitha Panchami Vrat, or Lalita Panjami, is a highly auspicious day during the nine-day Navaratri festival. Lalita Panchami falls on the fifth day of Navratri. It is dedicated to Lalita Devi, a form of Shakti or Mother Goddess. She is associated with the Pancha Mahabhutas or five elements. Goddess Lalita is believed to be the representation or form of the five elements –earth, water, air, fire, and space. Some people also observe a fast known as Lalita Panchami Vrat. It is believed to bring wealth, happiness and knowledge. When Lord Shiva was performing severe Tapas (penance), Manmadha tried to disturb him by aiming the arrows of seduction. Lord Shiva was disturbed greatly and with a deep anger opened his third eye and destroyed Manmadha into ashes. Shiva Gana Sevaks collected the ashes of Kama Deva and drew a portrait of a man. With a single glance of Lord Shiva on that portrait of ashes, it came alive. As we know, Lord Shiva is called as Bhola Shankar, blessed the live form of the ashes, which became demon called Bhandasura.Blessed by Lord Shiva, Bhandasura started to show his real characteristics of a demon. He harassed Sadhus (saints) and occupied all the lokas including Swarga Loka (the Heaven). To get rid of demon Bhanda, Lord Indra (the King of Gods and Swarga Adhipathi) observed a Yagna (sacrifice) to please the Mother Goddess. Pleased with Indra’s Yagna, Goddess Shakti appeared as Sri Lalitha Devi sitting on Sri Chakra.Sri Lalitha Devi demolished the demon Bhandasura and his original form of Manmadha or Kama was restored. The whole episode of Lalita and Bhandasura is explained as ‘Bhandasura Vadha’ in Puranas.---------Message from the teachings of Sai baba for 23rd SeptemberBaba is InfiniteIt is not apt on our part to limit Baba, the Infinite One. Many people failed to comprehend Baba's miracles. Dwelling in the human body, He revealed His Infinity and Divinity and showed the way to attain the fruit of self-realization. Out of unbounded compassion, Baba took on to His body and suffered the diseases and discomforts of His devotees. In order to save or lessen the adverse effects of the past sins committed by many a devotee, Baba received the sins of many births of His devotees in the form of bhiksha or alms which He begged from His devotees. By lighting earthen lamps with water, He dispelled the darkness in the minds of the ignorant. He opened their inner eye of wisdom. He showed by His own life, how one should not get attached to one's body while living in a body and how to perform one's duties without getting attached to the fruit of one's effort.By His Divine Power, He blessed Dasganu to witness the sacred rivers Ganga and Yamuna gush out from the toes of His Feet. Since the body is perishable, Baba wants to guide us in the light of the immortal spirit in us. Baba has been broadcasting to our minds the message, viz, "if you want to know My Omnipresence and Universal Love, do remember Me in full faith. I will ensure that your legitimate desires are fulfilled and right prayers answered even before you ask or pray for Me". Posted By Deepa H to Sai Picture gallery Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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