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Inauguation of Sathya Sai Primary School Mauritius

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“Education is meant not to satisfy the senses but to make one transcend the senses and set an ideal to society”- Sathya Sai Baba.


The Sathya Sai Primary School Mauritius was officially inaugurated yesterday, Thursday 01.10.2009, by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Mauritius, Sir Aneerood Jugnauth, G.C.S.K., K.C.M.G, Q.C, in the presence of Mr.  Kishen Khubchandani, Zone Chairman of Africa, Middle East, UK and Islands of the Indian Ocean, Dr. L. Singh, Central Coordinator, Africa Region, Mr. D. Nathoo, Chairman Sathya Sai Service Organization Mauritius and other eminent personalities and distinguished guests at the seat of the school at La Caverne, Vacoas.

The welcome address was delivered by Mrs. Gayeetree Ramchurn Samboo, the Chairperson of the Board of Management, Sathya Sai School Mauritius, who laid stress on the need to indoctrinate the teaching of human values in our schools, followed by inspiring talks by Dr. Singh, Sir Aneerood Jugnauth, Mr. Khubchandani and Mr.Nathoo.

Mr.S.Joshi of Mumbai read a beautiful message sent specially for the Sathya Sai School by Mr. Indulal Shah, Advisor of World Sathya Sai Organization.

The guests were also graced with poems and songs by our adorable school children.

Readers and devotees will surely recall that Sir Aneerood Jugnauth, a staunch devotee of Bhagawan Baba was the Guest Speaker at the Twelfth Convocation Ceremony of the Sri Sathya Sai University, Puttaparthi on 22 November 1993.

Value is for Education

Education is for Life

Life is for Love

Love is for Man

Man is for Spirituality

Spirituality is for the World

World is for PEACE.

‘Humility and Character are the Hallmarks of an Educated Person’- Sathya Sai Baba.


At the Lotus Feet of SAI


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