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Shri Shirdi Sai speaks-5th oct/Mohit Dubey celebrating Dusera with Sai

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Om Shree Ganeshaya Namaha!Om Sai Ram!Jai Maata Di!If for some reason you are not able to see , or download the below pictures or click to the below links and pictures- Plz go to http://debu7370.blogspot.com/ You can also have access to all the previous Shirdi Sai speaks mails at the above link.And if any of you or your friends would like to receive these messages directly to your mailbox-- send me an email at debu7366

As usual, click on any of the below pictures to see the larger view or to save them to your computer.. The above picture is designed by the true Sai devotee

who had the bliss of visiting Shirdi yesterday and was so happy to have Baba's wonderful darshan Baba in Ghaziabad at the residence of Sai Devotee Mohit Dubey, celebrating Dushhera [ 2009]Sadguru Sainath in the pooja room of Sai devotee Mohit Dubey who lives in Ghaziabad clebrating Dushera 2009 Let us all offer our Saakshaat Pranams to the holy feet of Shri Shirdi Sai baba in Ghaziabad May Shri Shirdi Sai baba always shower His kind blessings and grace upon all of us and mak eour lives worth living.. A must Read-- 'Shri Sai Divya Sandesh Newsletter-Dasera 2009 issue in Hindi and English by Shri Narayan Baba : http://scribd.com/doc/20369478 Baba at the house of Mohit Dubey in Ghaziabad at the auspicious occasion of Diwali in 2008 [Mohit Dubey's Puja room] Baba at the house of Mohit Dubey in Ghaziabad at the auspicious occasion of Diwali in 2008 . Baba at the house of Mohit Dubey in Ghaziabad at the auspicious occasion of Diwali in 2008Message from the teachings of Sai baba for 5th

octoberSai DevotionThe devotional path of Sai is the wonderful one that the mankind could easily follow. Like a kite controlled by a string, Baba would bring devotees and non-believers to Him. In this Kaliyuga there is no other sure-fire method except Sai Devotion to elevate and liberate the soul. This is the easiest of all methods. In this age, it is difficult for us to practice Yoga, penance or conduct of religious rituals. Hence, All-Knowing Sai appeared to the devotees in the form they wished and taught them the simplest and practically feasible path of devotion. Baba has taught that 'faith and patience' are essential for people treading the path of devotion. To get devoted to Sai, one's age, color etc., does not matter much. Only love for Baba coupled with devotion is sufficient. Indeed, good conduct and virtues are naturally cultivated by Sai devotees. Before He shed His mortal coil, Baba, with love, dropped nine coins, symbolizing nine

modes of worship, into the palms of Lakshmibhai Shinde. They are viz., listening to Sai Leelas, chanting His name, remembering Him, worshipping His feet, performing rites, bowing, friendship and self-surrender. One is assured of attaining salvation through any of the nine modes of worship. Let us choose any one of the paths and make every effort to reach Sai by devout practice and let us make our lives worthier.


Posted By Deepa H to Sai Picture gallery

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