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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 4)

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you look into the sea from the shores, the sea appears to have a

limited boundary. Travel across the sea, and you will see that the

ocean goes far beyond the boundary that appeared from the shore. Such

is the case of love. You seem to think that you have reached the limits

of love, but to your surprise, you will find that you can love even

more. Love grows to infinity. The limits of love are the limits you

place on it. The more love you experience, the more love will grow and

give. Fly, and spread the wings of love, and set yourselves free. Your

attachments will fail in the test of love. Attachments identify your

limitation to the body with no recognition of the self. This love is

your own dependency till this body remains. Divine love, recognizes the

body as only an instrument of the Lord and knows, that the self is only

a part of Him that serves through this body. Be

simplistic in your ways of life. Your obsessions of your possessions

supercedes your love for your own selves. Your temporary contentment in

your houses, cars, and bank balances prevent you to even know who God

really is. Your "wants" today dominate your "needs", and in this race

to want more, your need for God has diminished and even disappeared.

Wake up, and see that these worldly riches have made you the poor human

you are today. All your desires of comforts may be at your feet, yet

your mind is diseased, and your heart experiences pain to detach and to

give. When your love for the world takes the place to love God, your

pains, My child, are inevitable. Ask yourselves, how much are you able

to give of yourselves to the people you love. You will be amazed as to

how much your love actually demands than gives. How much of it do you

think is real love, or is it simply using their love to your advantage? Evaluate

yourselves and your lives, and realize the vacuum of emptiness you are

enclosed in. Change, be softer and more compassionate to the needs of

others, and stop your complaints of them. Change, be quiet to be able

to hear the pain of others, and stop living for yourselves. Your

expectations of others is only your own ego, your acceptance of them is

divine. You can change the world in the way you perceive it. I can

motivate and inspire you to love, but it is still you that has to take

the step to love. I can show you the benefits of your change, but it is

you that must be determined to change. Make your efforts and earn the

blessing of eternal bliss. Do

not consider it your defeat of your weakness when you do not retaliate

to others' attacks on you. Stay quiet, for your reply and defense

humiliates the God within both of you. The resistance to reply to each

harsh word depicts your strength to endure. Your reaction must always

reflect the God within you. In fact, it is only your pride, and the

lack of belief of the God in all, that allows you to reply with a harsh

word. Love can face the bullet and ignore and forget the pain. Firing

the bullet back, will only cause a painful war, innocent deaths, and

the spread of more evil. If

one is not able to accept your love in a civil manner, then you must

stay away but not resent. If the person comes back to you to accept

your love once again, you must welcome him, with no complaints of the

past. The grudges you hold will only make you miserable, cutting the

cables of communication with Me and the world. When

you do not clean your house for a few days, you accumulate a lot of

dust, dirt and garbage that makes your home foul smelling and

unlivable. The house must be cleaned everyday, so that you can rest in

a clean and a pure, peaceful environment. In the same way, you must

make an attempt to purify your inner selves each and every moment you

live. When you allow the evils to develop within you, your mind gets

restless, your words become sour, your heart hardens, and your acts

revolve around the "I", making you a very unpleasant person to be with.

Love, my sweet, is the purifier that cleanses your inner homes where I

reside. Practice love, and remove all this dirt and garbage that has

made you immune. You

have found the heavens, when you have found and believed in your own

divinity. Hell exists, only when the self is denied. Do not settle for

any less than perfection in your love. You must not and will not lose

when I accompany you in this journey. My love will give you the

strength and motivation to love others. Once you have tasted the

sweetness of the love of the Lord, sugar will lose its sweetness on

you. When the God within awakens, His love flows, and guides your

thoughts, words and actions. Living in the comfort of love, is more

desirable than any other worldly possession. The confidence of love is

your biggest security and your most powerful weapon.Light

a flame of love in your hearts and burn in it all your hatred into

ashes. Let this flame be your light and guide to move forward into a

life of enlightenment. Be sure of refueling, so that the lamp remains

alight, and you are never lost again in the dark superiority of your

egos. The burning of the ego is the emergence of the divine within. Take

every opportunity to love, and be thankful to those who give you this

opportunity. The need of love of another from you, is simply your own

purification process in your path to reach Me. No superiority or

inferiority exists in this relationship as both need each other; for

one confirms his faith in God in his time of need, and the other

completes his given task and realizes his own oneness with God. Both,

the acceptance, and the giving of love with humility and surrender, are

the acts of God. When superiority of one over the other comes in, then

love walks away and the "pride of pity" comes in. Take whatever you get

as His blessings with thankfulness, and give without the pain of pride

or attachments - the only thing that belongs to you is God, His love,

and His presence in you, at all times. You

cannot compete or compare love, for then the love is only a measurement

of your egos. Each one's story of love says its own verse of sacrifice

and must not under any circumstance, be belittled. Praise the love of

others and keep yours a silent secret. In the silence itself, lies the

applause of the Lord.- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine Inspirations' is now on

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