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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 6)

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not the beauty of the body, for its beauty is like that of a flower, a

beauty that is short lived. Work hard instead, to emit the beauties

that lie in the self, for the beauty of the self can change you and

touch the lives of several others. Know, that beauty lies in a simple

truth, beauty shines in an act of sacrifice, beauty awakens in the one

that is patient, and the beauty of love, is love like that of God. Consider

Me to be your doctor, and love your medicine. The doctor may perform

procedures that may be unpleasant and painful, but your faith in him

allows him to do his work that is needful, without any complaints. The

medicine itself is sometimes bitter and sometimes sweet, but you know

that the cure for your illness lies in it. In

the same way, you may undergo circumstances in life that inflict pain

and suffering, but this is just My procedure to correct your

imperfections. My love, which is the cure for your mental illnesses,

may sometimes be sweet and calming, and at other times, be strict with

discipline. Accept all with love, My love for you. Let

your love for God be most intense, the intensity of this love can

moderate all other forms of love and eliminate your passions. If your

love is intense for something or someone in this world, then that love

turns into a jealous obsession, and the presence of God gets masked in

your insanity. You

ask Me several times as to "how do I love all?" My answer to you is

practice of love. Practice love, deliberately and intentionally at

first. Continual practice in My presence, with no need of praise, will

allow your attempts of love to grow into a love that one day will flow

automatically, without even any effort. Put love into your routines,

and your everyday will become a refreshing change. Shut your ego with

the love of God, and let the fountain of love from within flow. Do not

let the failure in your practice discourage you. Love can face all

failures, and turn each of them into a divine, miraculous success. Your

success to Me, is to pick yourselves up after every attempt, and pursue

your goal to love. You must walk every step in the confidence of the

self. Your determination to find the truth of God in love must compel

you to think like God, speak like God, and act like God, too! God's

love has no limitations, thus your love, too, must extend itself to the

fullest of its ability. Love will only have limitations, when your

expectations to receive love back begins to rise, and you begin to

envision the rewards of what you have given in love to others. Let Me

tell you, that each of you is capable of giving this divine love. Your

excuse of being only "human" makes you lazy, and lets you look for an

easy way out to support your imperfect ways of life. Within every human

lies the virtues of the divine. However much you may stray today, each

one of you, will one day, come back to Me. Even when you are lost, you

are still within My reach. All will leave one day, but God stays! You

can never leave Me, and I, My child, will never leave you. The

beauty of love lies in your humility to serve. Serve without a

question, serve to fill in the need to help the cause. Work hard to

uplift the distressed, help to heal the diseased with the cure of

compassion, and share your worldly riches with the poor. Let your

shoulders support the burdens of the elderly, let your spirit of

selfless love encourage the youth to work with you in your project of

love, and let the child born today grow in the warmth and security of a

loving and caring family. I want you today to be leaders of love,

models of compassion and to be the ideals of the future to come. Your

mind is a fickle companion that shifts its loyalties continuously. It

may prompt you to act in one way now, but the next moment it may

degrade you and make you repent for the act that it prompted. The

judgments of the mind are rash and sometimes unforgiving. Your mind is

heartless and does not know compassion and love. Your

heart, on the other hand, does not have a mind. It does not think,

evaluate and judge. It acts promptly where the truth of love exists.

The mind and the heart, both, belong to you. For you to learn the

language of the divine, your minds, My dears, must go; your hearts must

awaken. Follow the heart, and leave your mind behind. The heart will

always speak My voice, and the mind will only doubt. Your heart beats

with a strong will to find love, your mind will only fear the losses

involved in finding this love. The heart serves with no purpose, it

gives to gain pleasure from the act of giving. Your mind serves with

the purpose of gain, it will give, only to receive at least the same

value of the gift, if not more, and it suffers severe disappointments

upon not receiving. Your goal is to train the mind to be devoid of

thoughts. Let your thoughts become fewer and purer. The fewer your

thoughts, the lesser your worries and fears. Your mind needs a focus.

Whatever your mind focuses on, those are your thoughts, your desires,

and it is this focus, that gives you the instant need to act and react.

The mind is like a machine that needs to be fed with data all the time.

It takes strict discipline and strong will power to keep the mind empty

and pure.- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine

Inspirations' is now on Facebook!Facebook link : http://www.facebook.com/saidivineinspirationsBlog link : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/

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