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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 8)

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CHAPTER 8 Behind

every virtue, lies the backbone of love. Truth is important in a

relationship of love. You cannot lie or be deceitful, for your love

also becomes a lie. Behind patience, also, lies the foundation of love.

Why else would you bear or endure, if there is no love? You forgive the

faults of someone close, only because of love. You are humble, because

you want to please the one you love. You will want to give away the

best you have, only out of love. Even if one hurts you, you will not

hurt back and you will swallow the anger and pride, only out of love.

Try to love, want to love, for love will make you a better person. Your

virtues are the compartments that follow the engine of love. Wake

up each morning with a prayer that asks the Lord to give you His

strength to be able to love all during that day. A mountain of divine

strength lays latent within you that awakens only with His grace.

Believe with certainty, that behind every act are the hands of God. He

acts, He receives, He wins, He fails...you are only the pen with which

He writes your life. Devotion

to God is not only for Him, but love accompanied with the will of

strong faith and sweet patience. This kind of devotion leads to the

ultimate surrender that liberates you to become God. For true devotion

to arise, your love for God must climb over all desires, your faith

must not speculate gains, and your patience must seek no compensations

for your wait. Love for God sprouts when your eyes will clearly see His

purity and your own impurities. Devotion does not count the time spent

with God. Time must become God, or time spent is time wasted. Life

comes in the form of a human, only to give you the opportunity to know

Him, love Him, and realize Him. You are fortunate to have this birth,

to realize one day that the master exists in the servant, and the

servant serves only to become the master one day.I

will repeat Myself until all your doubts are erased, until all your

hesitations are removed, and until your faith in God, becomes the power

of your will. Use this power of your will to transform yourselves,

using love as a tool, good character as your discipline, divine virtues

as your education, and surrender to God as faith in your mission.

Believe, that in every failure, there is a strength that lies to

succeed ahead, and behind each success, lies the smile of the Lord. Win

the "Me" in all successfully, and thus, succeed to win "Me".God's

expectations of you are not high, it is only that the standards of God

that you have maintained within your "self", is too low. You have

allowed yourselves to become what you are, and you have justified

within your minds that God is a far purer entity than your "self". Then

tell Me, what is your understanding of God? Why is God important in

your life? Why must you pray? Why are you here? Who are you, and who am

I? None of these questions can be answered by your justifications. When

you understand God, you understand the self. Without God, your life

loses meaning, and without prayer, your life loses God. You are here to

know God, to know that you are God, and that I am the God in you. Then

tell Me what can separate you and Me? Only you! - For I see you in Me

and Me in you. You, too, must see the Me in you and know that that Me

is actually you. So when you try, I try; when you fail, I fail; when

you succeed, I succeed; and when you are impure, I become impure too.

You say God cannot be impure, then I say, you too, cannot "stay"

impure. Let me give you an example. The subject of Mathematics appears

difficult to comprehend, abstract to apply, and in your fear and your

lack of understanding, you dislike the subject, and to mask this lack

of confidence, you begin to ignore the subject, justifying in your mind

that the need of mathematics in your life is unnecessary and unhelpful.

But is this really true? By simply ignoring the subject, it does not

disappear. Its applications in your day to day life are necessary and

so is your understanding. If your basics in the subject are strong,

then even the most difficult part of the subject gets easier to solve.

But it is not that the subject will always remain easy. Even the master

of mathematics will have to tackle tough problems with a steady mind,

have confidence in his learning and have faith in the love of his

subject. Similarly,

if God appears abstract to you, you cannot ignore His presence in your

life. Your mind can live without God, but in your heart of hearts,

lives God. If you have grown with God, then it becomes easier to

understand Him and His ways. But He will remain to stay a challenge

even to His biggest devotee. It is only a man that has conquered his

mind, lived up to his faith in God, accepted and surrendered all to His

will and has transformed his heart into the home of the Lord, such a

man, will master his subject to become Him. - Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine Inspirations' is now on

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