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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 9)

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this earth is an Avatar, He walks with all the divine energies of the

universe within Him, His name is truth, His form is love, His mission

is to be only on the right path, and His promise to us, is peace at all

times. This is a mother who has come to take Her children back home

with Her. A mother who never sleeps and will tirelessly work to awaken

Her children from their deep slumber of ignorance. A mother who never

complains, but who patiently listens to Her child's complaints, even

complaints of Her. A mother who is perfect Herself, yet is grateful to

you for your efforts to transform. A mother who will worry, when you do

not give her your worries. A mother who will cushion your fall with Her

own hands and who will grace your success with rewards of Her love and

protection forever. The mother in Me, looks for the child in you to

respond and recognize My call of love, to work with Me in My task to

spiritually elevate with you all your brothers and sisters of this

world, so that none of you can ever be an orphan again, and with My

light of truth and warmth of love, this mother will carry each one of

Her children to the home of divine peace. The nature of your existence

is to give love and seek peace. So I say, "Let the fires in your heart

burn with love, and let this fire burn into ashes your thoughts and

desires and empty your mind, only to fill it with peace." My mission is

to transform the bitter to sweet, to melt the stone to butter, to

remove the impurities and polish the jewel of virtues, and your

mission, My dears, is to live My mission from the beginning of your

journey till the end. The Guru can teach, but it is the devotee that

must learn. The Guru can save, but it is the devotee that must allow

Him to save. My mission and your mission, both depend upon you, for my

mission will succeed, only, if your mission wins. Today, I plead to you

as a mother to listen, I instruct you as your teacher to pass your

test, and I bless you with the divine energies to succeed in your task

and to give purpose to the cause for which this has come. Change to

love all, and you will love the change it will bring in yourselves. When

you begin to experience the beauty of love with the efforts you make in

your spiritual sadhana, and you begin to share this experience with

others, so they too, can feel this wave of peace, you have become a

part of My "team". You have become one of My hands to complete My task,

you have become the hope in My eyes, you have brought truth to My

teachings, you have begun the process of eliminating the "I" and

opening the spiritual eye to see the Lord yourselves, and you have

begun to share the way with others. If you help one, and the one helps

another, then the truth is not far away, and in the circle of love, we

will find God.When

you have shared love, you have not shared your wealth of this life, but

your wealth of several lives, only to see it grow to become your

treasure. This treasure of love makes you the owner of this world,

without the desire or obsession to own. You will realize, that the rest

of the world is your want "to need", but love is all you really need.

Your urge to share this love is the divine energy within you that goes

beyond the need of your "self" to the needs of all the "selves" that

surround you. Each of us is a part of this whole, and love is the

magnet that attracts us to each other to come together and become one

spirit, "the spirit of God". The difference lies only in the body, for

the inner beings of each one of us come and go back to the same Source.

Close your eyes, and shut off to the external physical differences.

When you pray, you close your eyes to the external distractions, so

that you can concentrate on looking inward. In the same way, your

relation with others must go beyond the body. The eyes of your "self"

will recognize the bond in the "self" of another. Then tell Me, who can

you hate, who can you envy, and who is really the target of your anger?

Your own self! You cannot make anyone suffer, for the one who suffers

is you, and the one who inflicts the suffering is also you. I know this

may be hard to understand, for you are reeled into this wheel of

superficiality, but I am the truth, and I have come to reveal it to

you. "God is true love and love is the true self." All else experienced

or known, is unreal. To

live amongst the defects of this world, to overcome all your faults and

ignore them in others, and to live your life in perfect purity, seems

to be only a wishful thought to you. Do not blindfold yourselves with

the idea that all this is impossible and difficult to accomplish. To

Me, most of your difficulties lie in your disbelief of God, in your

fears of handling the reins over to Him, in the mountain of pride that

stops you to love, and in the lack of confidence in your own self.

Believe Me, you live in a very difficult situation today, and My path

for you is less crooked and very simple. When the Lord walks in your

life with you, the strength of His purity will compel you to wash away

your impurities. His feet, you will follow, all through your ups and

downs, the warmth of His smile, and the sweet voice of His encouraging

words will take away all your pains, His hands you will hold to

overcome the blinding spells of your chaotic senses, His eyes will be

your guide to help you reach home, and your eyes will find contentment

in only seeing Him. The bliss you can find in your journey of life with

Him is not comparable to your journeys that leave you alone and lost. When

a person in jail suffers long-term imprisonment, he begins to adapt to

the ways in the prison and begins to find security in his cell. He

fears to be released into the real world outside, due to his lack of

self-confidence. He becomes afraid of rejection and failure. You,

too, have been locked into several bodies and have begun to find

comfort and security in this unreal world. Your fears of the unknown,

and of your fears of change have limited you in your inquiries of the

self. You are imprisoned by choice and not by force. Come, open the

doors, and breathe the fresh air of freedom! Come, untie the chains

that lock your feet, and learn to walk again! Come, unfold your

blindfold, and in the brightness of the sunlight, enjoy the true vision

and see again! In such confinement, divine love suffocates and dies.- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine Inspirations'

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