Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 The complete detailed coverage of the events held at Pandurang Kshetra , Hadshi, by our team from Bhagawan's visit to Sri Sathya Sai Pandurang Kshetra 28 Oct. 2009 (Morning) - Day 1 Nature in her pristine glory awaits the arrival of the Yuga Avatar at Panduranga Kshetra in Hadshi village. Colourful canopies adorn the lush green lawns. Every creation around reflects this mood; the caressing breeze, the singing birds and the colourful butterflies all await the Lord… The Sarva Dharma Stupa beautifully decorated with an array of colourful flowers and lights stand magnificently at the entrance leading to the golden gate of the Ganesha temple. Ladies attired in traditional pink and red Nawari sarees are waiting to perform the Kalash Puja outside the golden gate. With a prayer in their hearts, these ladies have walked all the way to Panduranga Kshetra from their villages. The fountains behind the Ganesha Temple are gushing with joy and enthusiasm that the Lord is to be in our midst. The aisle leading to the shrine of Vitthal Rakumai and Shirdi Sai Baba are lined with men in colourful turbans—they are set to welcome the Lord with Lazium (Maharashtrian Traditional dance) to the rhythm of dholkis. The Abhangs of Tukaram rent the air outside the sanctum sanctorum of Vitthal Rakumai while the Prana Pratishta Yagna is going on in the Yagna Mandap adjoining the Vithal Rakumai temple. A warm and loving welcome awaited Swami as he descended from the aircraft at Pune airport around 10 AM enroute to Panduranga Kshetra. Shri Jadhav and his family members along with the State President of Maharashtra Shri. Ramesh Sawant expressed their gratefulness to Bhagawan while receiving Him. The young ambassadors of Bhagawan’s mission, the Bal vikas children attired in colorful Maharashtrian dresses extended their welcome to one and all At 12:11 PM, our Beloved Lord arrived at Panduranga Kshetra after gracing the house of Shri Jadhav in Pune where He spent almost 45 minutes with the family. He further blessed innumerable people who were lined up all along the route yearning to have a glimpse of Bhagawan. He was greeted by the auspicious chant of the Vedas recited by Bal Vikas children and the vibrant music of the band. The family of Shri. Jadhav welcomed Swami with traditional tokens of auspiciousness. Mrs. & Mr. Vishal Jadhav (son of Shri Jadhav) presented the Kalash while other dignitaries offered floral salutations to our Beloved Lord As Swami’s car proceeded to His residence, He graciously blessed His devotees who were singing Abhangs with intense love. Bhagawan alighted from the car and inaugurated the Divine Abode acceding to the prayers of Shri Jadhav. The students and entourage were also greeted with roses before being escorted to Swami’s residence. Bhagawan's visit to Sri Sathya Sai Pandurang Kshetra 28 Oct. 2009 (Evening) - Day 1 October 28 – Pandurang Kshetra – 5 pm The evening descended on an eager expanse of devotees – most of whom had waited in the scorching sun since 12 noon. The setting was perfect. Cool fresh evening breeze and the tender twilight of the setting sun The evening programme commenced with Bhajans sung mellifluously by the Bhajan singers of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation. Vinayaka Vinayaka, Antaranga Sai, Madhusudana Muralidhara, Vithala Narayana, Allah ho tum Easwar ho tum, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Pyare Nandalal darshan dijo, Hari anandamaya jaya Narayana infused life into the devotees. When Swami arrived at 6.09 pm, the increase in the tempo of ‘Swagatam, shubha swagatam’ was enough to disclose the sheer joy of the devotees Swami then permitted the ‘Shri Hari Bhajan Mandal’ of Hadshi to sing the Abhangs ‘To paha, aala Vithala’ and ‘Ek gao aamhi Vithobache naav’. The artists of the evening – Padmashree Smt. Kavita Krishnamoorthy, Kum. Sapna Mukherjee, Shri Nitin Mukesh sought Swami’s blessings and were rewarded with Paadnamaskar by Bhagawan. Kum. Sapna Mukherjee sought the blessings of Swami for her new album ‘Sai Krishna’ in which Shri Nitin Mukesh and she have sung Bhajans. The evening drowned into a musical ecstasy as both man and God celebrated their ever- lasting cosmic bond. Chords to touch the soul – this was a mass elevation of mind and spirit with Kavita Krishnamoorthy’s ‘Easwaramma tera Sai’, Nitin Mukesh’s Jyot se Jyot, Sapna Mukherjee’s Payoji Maine among other songs. Swami acknowledged Kavita Krishnamoorthy’s soulful rendition of Sakshata parabramha Sai by applauding at the end of her Bhajan and was seen chanting the introductory Shloka of ‘Twameva Mata, Pita Twameva’ with Shri Nitin Mukesh. Swami felicitated the artists, after their performance. The programme was concluded with Aarti being offered to Bhagawan. Bhagawan's visit to Sri Sathya Sai Pandurang Kshetra 29 Oct. 2009 (Morning) - Day 2 - October 29 – Pandurang Kshetra – 9:35 am Today, October 29, 2009, is the sacred day Shri Jadhavji and thousands of devotees from all over Maharashtra have yearned for, for several years! True to His Divine promise, the Lord of the Universe, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, performed the Prana Prathishtha (life-inducting) ceremony of the Lord Ganesha, Vitthala Rakumai and Shirdi Sai Baba idols at Pandurang Kshetra. Earlier in the morning, scores of devotees (some overwhelmed with tears for their prayers were finally answered!) poured into the grounds of the Holy venue. The air was charged with excitement as His bhaktas continued to be in high spirits after the beautiful Darshan and soul-stirring musical rendition of the previous evening. The splendid pink and white Ganesha Mandir at the entrance of the enclosure was delicately decorated with fragrant flowers, floral Swastiks and festive streamers. Soft rose petals were sprinkled all along the pathway to the Mandir. A ‘Shri’ inscribed in the floral decoration just above the doorway of the Mandir, welcomed the Lord within, where, on a raised, decorated platform, sat the magnificent marble idol of the Destroyer of Obstacles, Lord Ganesha. Just before Swami arrived, priests and the Seva Dal performed a Kumbha Abhishek at the Ganesha and Vitthala Mandirs. Chanting prayers, they washed and sanctified two 3-tiered golden-coloured Kalash, and then placed a garland of fresh flowers around the Kalash. The sanctified Kalash was placed on the spires of the Ganesha and Vitthala Mandirs. At 9:20 am, the Band of Solapur lined the red carpet leading to the Mandir welcoming Swami in traditional Maharashtrian style. The atmosphere was suffused with Mantra chanting and rhythmic sounds of percussion melodies. Our most gracious Bhagawan arrived at 9:20 am. The combined sounds of Vedam, cymbals, trumpets and drums electrified the atmosphere all over the grounds. At 9:33 am, Baba arrived in His car at the Ganesha mandir where He performed the Ganesha Murthi Sthapana (Idol Installation) rituals. Swami then proceeded to the Vitthala Rukhumai Mandir. As soon as he entered the premises, Bhajans began at 9:45 am with ‘Pahi Gajanana Deenawana’. Baba went into the Shirdi Sai temple while the Bhajan ‘Sai Ram Ghanshyam Bhagawan Tumhara Naam’ was being sung. Here, Baba conducted the Prana Pratishtha ritual for the Shirdi Baba idol. He also blessed Shri and Smt. Jadhav. As Bhagawan approached the Vitthala temple, devotees sang Panduranga Bhajans. Swami then conducted the Prana Pratishtha ceremony for the Vitthal idol. The devotees sitting in the lawns, waiting for a glimpse of Bhagawan, sang their hearts out, paying eager tributes to their Lord! This charged atmosphere was further enhanced as a para glider circling the venue showered rose petals on them! At 10:16 am, Bhagawan emerged from the Mandir, giving the much awaited Darshan to His eager devotees. On the verandah of the magnificient Temple, Bhagawan looked like the Emperor of the Universe, glancing love on His creation. He enquired the welfare of His devotees; He spoke to them and blessed them. At approximately 10:35 am, Swami proceeded towards the Prana Pratishtha Yagna. To the chants of the Vedas, Bhagawan Himself offered the Purnahuti of the Yagna, signalling the completion of the sacred ritual. At 10:45 am, Bhagawan accepted Aarti from Sri Jadhavji’s parents. He then left for His residence. Pandurang Kshetra, nestled amidst the lush, verdant hills of Hadshi, was indeed transformed into the Valley of Bliss! The residents of Hadshi could not have asked for a bigger blessing, a greater gift! Bhagawan's visit to Sri Sathya Sai Pandurang Kshetra 29 Oct. 2009 (Evening) - Day 2 29th October 2009 – 5:00 PM The sun was beaming in anticipation for a glimpse of the Lord. The devotees had braved its scorch all afternoon. Suddenly, as a reply to the million prayers in thousands of hearts, a murmur of activity was noticed in Bhagawan’s residence. The Lord was coming after what seemed like eternity! No other sound of engines, no other cavalcade of cars had ever been so blessed and so very welcome! With anticipation, the devotees prepared themselves for yet another Divine Encounter. The Bhajans had already commenced and man and nature seemed to become one in an ambience of love and devotion. Sai Krishna arrived just as Madhusudhana Hare Madhava was being sung. Seated on the grand entrance of the Vitthal mandir, the Lord of the Universe graced the thousands present with His Darshan. He presided at the gathering like an Emperor holding the court of love in the land of the heart. The beautiful Bhajans were followed by yet more beautiful Divine feelings of Love flowing from the devotees’ hearts. Some of them – Shri Jadhav, Shri V. Srinivasan – the All India President, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations and Shri Nishikant Barodekar – staff of the Sathya Sai Mirapuri College of Music, Prasanthi Nilayam shared their experiences and offered gratitude to Swami for His infinite Grace. Shri Jadhav in all humility thanked Bhagawan for coming to Hadshi. He was filled with gratitude at the immense gathering for coming to the pristine surroundings of Hadshi, sanctified by Bhagawan’s Divine Presence. He declared to the delight of all gathered that Pandurang Kshetra is in the shape of the Divine AUM – the source of all knowledge, the seat of all dharma. Shri Jadhav gratefully reminisced the day’s events when Swami had graciously performed the Prana Pratishtha ritual for enlivening the Divine energy in the Ganesha, Vitthal Rakhumai and Shirdi Sai Baba idols . He had no words to thank Bhagawan for this grace and he earnestly prayed that we all indulge in spiritual and service activities. Shri Jadhav concluded his talk by urging Swami to come again and again to Hadshi, to the delight of the thousands gathered there. The All India President of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation - Shri V. Srinivasan spoke next. He declared that for 37 years devotees of Bhagawan from Lonavala and Pune had been eagerly waiting for His arrival. The land had faced problems as even rains had become scarce. Shri Srinivasan was convinced in complete faith that with Bhagawan coming here, even dry, arid lands will become fertile. He further urged that Bhakti is the only way to reach Swami. He reiterated Swami’s teachings that nothing is greater than Love. He spoke of Swami’s various institutions like the University in which perfect education is provided to prepare the students not just for earning a living, but for life. He also spoke about the hospitals where modern and state-of-the-art treatment is provided to one and all completely free of cost. He declared that it has all departments except the billing department. Shri Srinivasan further exhorted the gathering to make our life His message. He said that the Sai Avatar has come for transformation and to help us realise our divinity. He said if you want to do Rama Seva, you must first do Grama Seva. He declared that Swami was happy to see the villagers who had come from far off places. He ended by saying that if Maharashtra has to progress it must become a “Sai Rashtraâ€. He quoted Swami as saying, “When have I left Maharashtra? I am always here.†Shri Srinivasan concluded with the prayer “Samastha Lokaha Sukhino Bhavantuâ€. The last speaker for the day before Swami began His discourse was Shri Nishikant Barodekar. He related the experiences of his own family to the delight of all the devotees. He started with his family's first encounter with Bhagawan in His previous Avatar as Sri Shirdi Sai Baba. In 1912 they had been travelling by train. Their 3 year old daughter was suffering from typhoid and her condition had deteriorated. They alighted from the train at Kopergaon where they were guided to go to Shirdi. Once there, their daughter was cured. Years later, in 1965 the same girl who had now become a famous singer, Smt. Heerabai was going to be felicitated by renowned artists and other dignitaries at a function to be held in her honour on her 60th birthday. Swami called for her to perform before Him on the very same day. Without a second thought, Smt. Heerabai decided to skip the function and left for Puttaparthi. There, Swami told her that she had seen Him before, clearly referring to her first encounter with Him at Shirdi. At another time Smt. Heerabai had been invited to perform by the Government of India before a group of foreign delegates. Once again, Swami wanted her to perform before Him on the very same day. She therefore declined the Government's invitation and rushed to Puttaparthi instead. A few days after she returned from the Divine Presence, she received a cheque from the State congratulating her for her performance at the all important event! Clearly, Bhagawan had Himself taken her form and had performed instead of her at the prestigious event. Finally, Shri Nishikant narrated his own experience. While he had been learning Tabla, his Guru had asked him to perform in his place owing to his ill-health. Shri Nishikant who had been extremely nervous, recalled Bhagawan’s advice to contemplate on him and take His name. Shri Nishikant immediately thought of Swami, seeking His grace for the performance. No sooner did he begin contemplating on Bhagawan, did Bhagawan grace him with His Darshan and needless to say, his performance was a great success. Lastly, Shri Nishikant urged the devotees to surrender to the Lord. He said it is important for us not to think of how much faith we have in the Lord, but rather, how much faith the Lord can have in us! He further emphasised that spirituality can be found only in the depths of simplicity. Swami was pleased with Shri Nishikant’s talk and blessed him by materialising a ring for him. Swami then blessed the gathering with his Divine Discourse. DIVINE DISCOURSE DATED OCTOBER 29, 2009 In the land of Bharat, tolerance and forbearance constitute the real beauty. What is the nectarine feeling more than the feeling towards one own mother? How much ever you may learn, still there remains knowledge which is infinite and there is always more to learn. Bharat is the most sacred land – a land of Divinity. Everyone born in this holy land Bharat have done a lot of meritorious deeds in their past lives. What is the purpose of this human life? Human life is gifted to earn God’s grace. The person who receives God’s grace in abundance can bring transformation in society. The modern society is full of anxiety and restlessness. Wherever you go, whatever you encounter, you only find misery. We have witnessed several natural calamities recently. The calamities we are passing through have nothing to do with God. It is because of man’s own mistakes and his own makings. God teaches only Dharma (righteousness). He never wants you to walk the path of Adharma (unrighteousness). Satyam Vada, Dharmam Chara. We cannot escape from reflection, reaction and resound. Therefore we should know that God is one. We give many names to the One and the same God. All are one. Therefore, in the whole world, only one is in existence. There is same consciousness in all beings. Ekam Sath, Bahuda Vipraha Bhavanti. In fact we feel we are miserable. If you ask yourself, you will know that the misery is of your own making. It has nothing to do with God. Therefore, never think that everything is given by God. Everything comes back to us because of our own thought process. It is only God which confers bliss to all of us, that is not dual, that is ethereal, and one without a second. If we make deep enquiries into our Vedanta, God gives us nothing. Pain or pleasure is of our own making. We are mistaken if we thing that someone else is responsible for our pain or pleasure. Help Ever, Hurt Never. Love All. Have faith in everyone. There is no human being without love. Even beasts, birds, animals and insects have love. This love is experienced even in the smallest of creatures. We should have deep conviction that God is present in everyone in the form of the Atma – consciousness. You are not hating yourself, you are hating God when you hate others. Every human being is like a mirror. In the mirror, you find a reflection of yourself. In many mirrors, you see many reflections of yourself. Reflection. Reaction. Resound. You are accusing yourself, blaming yourself. Therefore, whoever you come across, have deep faith that they are all God’s forms. Man fails to understand this truth. It is not proper on our path to make fun of anyone or hate anyone. Love is the only royal path that takes you closer to God. Therefore all noble souls merged in God because of their incessant love for God. Sakkubai went on repeating “Ranga, Ranga, Rangaâ€. Everybody made fun of her and her husband persecuted her. Ultimately, she merged in God. She always said “I am not different from Rangaâ€. In all three states of awareness, she thought of Ranga only. An atheist in Tamil Nadu used to take the idol of Vinayaka and beat Him with slippers. Karunanidhi used to enjoy this act. But Karunanidhi now declares that Sathya Sai is God. It’s quite likely that we commit mistakes out of ignorance. Then we repent. But you have to make amends for your mistakes. True repentence gives us atonement for our sins. Karunanidhi’s son Stalin believes in God. He comes to Puttaparthi and shares his experience with others when he goes to Delhi. It is only God who speaks, walks, listens to every activity. We go by name and form. We may call it snake or scorpion. God is in every creature. God has given skills to different creatures to protect themselves. The scorpion stings in self defence and not with an intention to hurt. In a dense forest, a lion hurts only if hurt. Reaction, reflection, resound. Bad actions lead to bad results. So do good. All that you face are consequences of our thought process. Our thoughts should be pure. A human being should have human values. Today, human beings are treated like dogs. Therefore all defects and mistakes lie with man. Reaction, reflection and resound. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that we correct our own mistakes and do not search for mistakes in others. People made fun of those involved in the rescue of flood victims. In the same way, the whole community made fun of Sakkubai who kept chanting the name of Krishna. They were finally taught a lesson by Krishna. God is an ocean of love. Out of gross injustice and utter ignorance, we don’t understand ourselves and we blame God. The good or bad that we face is the consequence of our own doing. So we have to correct ourselves within. The Christians believe in ‘I’. Cut the ‘I’ and it becomes a cross. The ego has to be killed. Once we get rid of this ego, then we can realise the real self. Man today is knowledgeable in all aspects of life. He is conquering space, prepared to count stars. But he fails in simple things. Love is the undercurrent of everything. There are different kinds of sweets, but the sugar is one. The Upanishads say that whomsoever you salute, it reaches God. God is the one, who gives you everything. Understand your own mind. Realise your own mistake. Help Ever. Hurt Never. He is a true man who knows this fundamental truth, who has morality and character. If you understand this, you will not put anyone to suffering. Recognise unity in diversity. God is only one – Atma – consciousness, has no name or form. It is the spirit or consciousness which permeates all beings. Several lights exist, but current is one. We may undertake several spiritual activities but it all comes back to oneness. If you understand the oneness, you will have peace and bliss. You are Atma – the only one – the eternal one. God is only one – never think that He is many. When we face difficulties, we chant many names. But when we don’t have any problems in life, we don’t think of God. We should cling on to ‘Soham’. The name given to everyone at the time of birth is ‘Soham’. We will redeem our lives, working for liberation, if we know the Divine principle and Divine nature. Many people speak of Swami differently. It is their imagination. Bhagawan has no imagination at all. All imagination should be dispensed. Politicians know nothing. If they know the truth, the nation will be a better place. Do not follow politics. There is no relation between what the politician says and what he does. If anybody does good, follow it. This is the message of Baba to all of us today. The whole world should be happy. Let all the beings be happy. You will acquire this bliss through love. We say ‘Peace, peace, peace’. Where is this peace ? Only pieces. Bhagawan is happy and blesses all those gathered here. The discourse concluded with the song ‘Bhajo, bhajo, Vithala’ by the music college students. Bhagawan's visit to Sri Sathya Sai Pandurang Kshetra 30 Oct. 2009 (Morning) - Day 3 October 30 – Pandurang Kshetra – 11:10 am Another day dawned brightly holding the promise of being in the Divine presence after having soaked in the Lord’s nectarine shower of words the previous evening. Bhajans began as a communion with the Lord, urging Him to grant Darshan and seeking His grace to rejuvenate the body, mind and spirit. Every heart filled with hope and prayers longed to bask in His divine glory. The blazing sun, cool breeze and lush, damp grass – it seemed as though Mother Nature had rushed forth to offer herself to the Lord of the Universe. The flags on the temple fluttered in enthusiasm as though they were gratified to be perched on such a sacred and sanctified spot. Bhagawan first went to the site of the Yagna Mandap where as a part of the Prana Pratishtha ritual the offering of 5 Cows, 20 Sewing Machines, 25 Fertiliser Pumps, 2000 sets of Clothes (Saris, Shirts, Pants), 5 Tri-cycles was made to the villagers, after Bhagawan blessed them. Like a waft of cool breeze, the Lord arrived on the stage at about 11:10 am, a welcome respite from the sun shining in all its might. The most compassionate Lord acceded to the request of Shri Shivaji Rao Jadhav to permit the Bal Vikas children of Hadshi and Kolvan to sing a few Bhajans. So sweet and innocent was the rendition of the Bal Vikas children, that the Lord was seen smiling and giving rhythm to the melody of their soul stirring Bhajans. Bhajans by the students of Bhagawan continued thereafter, before Bhagawan signalled for the Aarathi to be performed. After the Aarathi, Bhagawan retired to His abode, but not before He blessed the entire gathering with the double Abhayastha encompassing one and all in His infinite Love. Bhagawan's visit to Sri Sathya Sai Pandurang Kshetra 30 Oct. 2009 (Evening) - Day 3 Little Champs, Big Moments 30th October 2009 – Evening Bhagawan’s grace and His love for His devotees is boundless and eternal. He keeps showering grace and still has lots more to spare. The evening of October 31, 2009 began with such a flow of Divine delight as Bhagawan blessed the Jadhav family by conducting the ‘Graha Pravesh’ ceremony at their new home. After the Pooja, Baba went straight to His favorite residence: the hearts of His innumerable devotees who were beseeching Him through their melodious Bhajan ‘Radhe Govinda Gopala’. At 6.20pm, 5 Little Champs (Zee Television-Marathi) — Rohit Raut, Arya Aambekar, Prathmesh Lagate, Mugdha Vaishampayan and Kartiki Gaikwad — arrived on stage. They took Swami’s blessings before they started their performance. Rohit Raut offered the first Abhang ‘Sakha Panduranga’. The children sang beautifully, uplifting the entire gathering to the sublime heights of devotion. Their pure, heartfelt rendition touched the heart of Bhagawan so deeply that He swayed to the music, applauding each and every song. The Abhang ‘Swami Krupa Kadi Karanar’ especially moved Swami. He even blessed the children with Pada-namaskar before they began the next Abhang. After they had finished their last song, Baba asked the children, “Is it over?†He wanted them to sing one more Bhajan! The delighted children then sang a group song ‘Jayo Stute Jayo Stute'. Our gracious Bhagawan blessed the Little Champs with tokens of His boundless Love. He felicitated the young singers with shawls and mementos. Baba Himself put the shawls around the thrilled performers — a rare blessing indeed! As if Bhagawan was in the mood to empty His ever-full satchel of Grace, He gave Pada-namskar to each of the Champ’s parents as well. He blessed them all with an invitation to come to Puttaparthi. With the love of a thousand mothers, Bhagawan urged them to have dinner before they left! Baba then accepted Aarati and proceeded to His residence. Later, an overwhelmed Rohit Raut said, “It is an honour to get a chance to perform in front of Bhagawan. In the competition, we sing for points, but here we sing for the Lord and it is an incomparable experience!†All through the beautiful evening, Namasmarana flowed in unison with the pure love of the wonderfully talented children. Their beautiful renditions delighted The Divine Musical Maestro with their notes of devotion and chords of joy! Enclosed pdf file. 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