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Complete Detailed Coverage of Bhagawan Visit to Mumbai

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The complete detailed coverage of the events held in Mumbai, by our team

from http://www.srisathyasai.in


Bhagawan's visit to Mumbai, 31st Oct. 2009 (Afternoon) - Day 4

October 31 – Dharmakshetra – 13:55 pm


It was a red letter day in the history of Dharmakshetra, when Bhagawan’s Lotus

Feet tread on its soil after several years, re-charging and sanctifying it once

again.. Dharmakshetra looked like a bejeweled bride awaiting her Lord. The

stage was a kaleidoscope of colorful flowers and there a bustle of activity all

around. The boys of the Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Mandir sporting orange turbans

and the girls attired in white flanked the slopy ascent leading to Sathyadeep, the

Divine Abode. Their hands were filled with flower petals to match their hearts

overwhelmed with love. The colorful balloons held by the girls were a reflection of

their high spirits.

While the Veda boys were stationed at the gate of Sathyadeep to escort the

Lord, the tiny tots of Balvikas had the unique privilege of taking position between

Anand Kutir and Sathyadeep. Bhagawan entered the main gate of

Dharmakshetra at around 1.55 pm to the sound of bugle and welcome band

amidst the chant of Vedas and Bhajan singing at Jalan mandap.. As the

motorcade was showered with flower petals, Bhagawan’s car entered the

precincts of Sathyadeep and He glided out of the car sporting a charming smile

assuring us that He was here with us once again and happy days were here

again ……


Bhagawan's visit to Mumbai, 31st Oct. 2009 (Evening) - Day 4

OCTOBER 31, 2009 – NSE Grounds, Mumbai


Mumbai is a city that is always on the move. But today, she had a spring in her

step and a song in her heart. After all, her beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai

Baba was paying her a Divine Visit—after NINE agonizingly long years!

The air was rife in excitement! The anticipation of the Divine Visit added to the

city a spiritual sparkle that she will undoubtedly reminisce about for a long, long

time to come. Every nook, every street, every State Department in the city

bustled happily to welcome her Divine Guest.

As promised, the Lord of the Universe descended from the blue-green hills of

Hadshi—and sanctified the parched soils of Mumbai.

He first went to His Abode, Dharmakshetra, where His bhaktas were pouring all

their devotion into their soul-stirring bhajans, calling out to Him, beseeching Him

for grace and guidance.

In the evening, over fifty thousand devotees gathered at the NSE Grounds in

Goregaon. The packed, humungous hall reverberated with their unified voice

melodiously singing His praise and glory.

As Baba arrived at 6.15 pm, Vedic chants resounded in the hall, electrifying the

gathering by their powerful, spiritual vibrations. Baba sat atop a stage that

declared the theme of the day most impeccably—A Union of The Creator and His

Creation. Bhagawan looked so blissful and pleased, like a Mother doting over her

children! He kept showering His eternal Love on one and all. Ever so often, He

would look at His devotees, blessing them with his delicate, gracious Abhyastas.

Before the programme for the evening commenced, Shri Sonu Nigam and his

family sought the blessings of Bhagawan. Shri Nigam and his orchestra then

began their musical performance with the bhajan ‘Sai Baba Bolo’. The crowds

clapped in tune, with Baba joining in, all the while keeping beat with the music.

With the fantastic flow of notes, Baba seemed to have drifted into the memories

of His previous Avataar.

Between songs, an overwhelmed Shri Nigam humbly admitted it was his first

performance before Baba and asked for forgiveness if he made a mistake. Three

songs later, he sought Baba’s permission to continue his performance. Baba

graciously agreed, after which Shri Nigam uplifted the spirits of all present with

his heartwarming rendition of ‘Aisi Lagi Lagan, Meera Ho Gayi Magan’.

So happy was Bhagawan with Shri Sonu Nigam’s performance that He called the

singer towards Himself and materialised a ring for him! But the ring seemed to

not fit onto Shri Nigam’s right ring finger. So Baba took his left hand and after

much ‘effort’, put the ring onto his left-hand finger! Clearly, Bhagawan was

teasing Shri Nigam, for He held onto his hand and spoke to him for a long time,

blessing him and his family with Padnamaskar!

Bhagawan accepted Aarathi at 7:13pm and proceeded for Dharmakshetra,

leaving His devotees soaked in the Bliss of the blessed evening.


Bhagawan's visit to Mumbai, 1st Nov. 2009 (Morning) - Day 5

NOVEMBER 1, 2009 – Jamboree Maidan, Mumbai


The ever bustling city of Mumbai had finally found peace. How could she not,

when into her blessed precincts stepped the very Source of all Shanti, Bhagawan

Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

The earth in Jamboree Maidan, Worli, Mumbai must have offered a million

salutations to the Divine Feet. The setting at the venue was perfect – the stage

looked exotic. The fresh, smiling bouquets of carnations, orchids and anthuriums

made the atmosphere, gorgeously, pristinely festive. One saw butterflies

fluttering frantically over the flowers, probably trying to pick the choicest spot for


The background was a gigantic, floral, Sarva Dharma Logo highlighting Baba’s

favourite human values- Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa, in

colourful, glittering fonts – the perfect welcome for Bhagawan.

Bhajans commenced at 9:30 am sending beautiful, devotional vibrations through

the gathering which soulfully followed the lead singers’ heartfelt renditions.

Bhagawan arrived at Jamboree at amid the sacred chants of the Vedas. He was

offered floral tributes by the office bearers of the relevant Samithis. He sat ever

so gracefully, entrancing everyone with His Divine Presence. Throughout the

Bhajans He seemed lost in worlds beyond undoubtedly manifesting in His


At the end of the Bhajans, Bhagawan accepted Aarathi and the Divine Mother

delighted her devotees by blessing them with three Abhyasthas before

proceeding to the next leg of a packed schedule.


Bhagawan's visit to Mumbai 1st Nov. 2009 (Evening) - Day 5

NOVEMBER 1, 2009 – Brabourne Stadium, Mumbai


An evening in heaven is what ushered in this blessed night of November 1, 2009.

Devotees thronged wholeheartedly on the fortunate grounds of the Brabourne

Stadium. The gigantic 30ft x 50ft. backdrop on stage stood out with grand visual

declarations of the three pillars of Bhagawan’s Mission – Educare, Medicare and


The eager anticipation for Darshan seamlessly tuned into the notes of soulful

Bhajans, heralding His arrival. Swami entered the grounds at 5:50 p.m. escorted

by reverberating chants of the Vedas. As soon as He came on stage the Bal

Vikas children of Mumbai released hundreds of balloons saying AUM SAI RAM.

With the balloons soared the spirits of everyone and the entire stadium echoed

one delighted, unified applause.

Swami permitted His students from The Sri Sathya Sai Mirapuri College of Music

to perform. What began then was an elating journey into the Heavens. The

renditions went far beyond the boundaries of excellence, far beyond the realms

of music! The setting was perfect. Early evening, a mystic twilight which eased

itself into the calmness of night, large open grounds, soft, cool breeze, the

devotees’ love, surreal music and Bhagawan presiding over the gathering… One

instantly got transported into Vaikuntha and glimpsed Gandharvas offering grand,

ethereal concerts at the Feet of Lord Narayana - blissfully reclined on the Ocean

of love – only this time we earthlings too were allowed to be a part of this Divine

congregation! The awe inspiring music took one into psalms of the deepest

ecstasy as the entire stadium drowned into a halo of Divine thrill.

It was not just humans who were touched with the performance. Bhagawan’s

earthly devotees were joined by celestial companions. The moon perched itself

at the perfect vantage spot in the skies to take Darshan of His Lord. He hung in

space like a reverential servant paying quiet tribute to his Master. Baba looked at

the moon for a long time as if in silent conversation with him.

As soon as a stupendous Aalaap on the word Aanandam reached a thunderous

crescendo, there was an ecstatic gush of breeze as if the Wind God Himself was

applauding the performance!

Lord Narayana effortlessly transformed Himself into Lord Nataraja when the

Thallani was performed. One felt His feet tapping in the core of one’s being and

every devotee kept beat with His Cosmic Dance.

Bhagawan was so thrilled at the recital that He wanted the boys to sing one more

song, which needless to say, they most readily did. Reminiscing the essential

unity of every religion, the song was the perfect culmination of a beyond perfect

evening. Swami felicitated each of the students, He spoke to them at length and

Showered His blessings on one and all. After Aarthi, He proceeded to His next

destination, leaving the gathering soaked in a flood of His Eternal Love.


Bhagawan's visit to Mumbai, 2nd Nov. 2009 (Morning) - Day 6

NOVEMBER 2, 2009 – Dharmakshetra, Mumbai


At close to about 2 pm, Dharmakshetra witnessed a frenzy of activity and

movement, after a brief pause for lunch Prasadam which was partaken by one

and all who had gathered for the morning darshan in Satyadeep, Shantideep and

the Jalan Mandap. Bhagawan had disappointed no one. This despite the fact that

His past two days’ schedule had been a physically hectic and demanding one, it

seemed as if He was willing to fulfill the requests of each and every devotee and

make up for the drought of His Divine Darshan that Mumbai had experienced

over the past nine years.

As the luggage of His guests and students was seen being loaded in the tempos

that were there at Dharmakshetra, the message seemed to sink in, that after a

glorious 48 hours of bliss and incessant activity, Dharmakshetra would be shortly

bidding her Master farewell.

As the guests and the students’ cars started slowly leaving the gates of

Dharmakshetra, onwards to the Mumbai airport, the Chief Minister of

Maharashtra arrived to personally escort Bhagawan to the airport.

The devotees’ hearts were already saddened by the awareness that Bhagawan

would shortly be leaving their city to head back to the abode of Eternal Peace.

They lined up on both sides of the pathway to get their one last Darshan in


Soon at about 2.45 pm, Bhagawan’s car left the gates of Satyadeep, down the

long, slope of Dharmakshetra, followed by His convoy of over 15 cars. His

smiling face as He gave His last darshan in Mumbai was the sole consolation to

many a weeping heart and eye gathered there. Mumbai’s devotees felt a vacuum

and Dharmakshetra bore a desolate look. A huge silence hung in the air and the

only prayer on all lips was for Swami to come back soon again!The pdf file which is enclosed herewith can also be downloaded from http://www.dharmakshetra.org.in


Aum Sri Sai Ram



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