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Swami's Visit to Mr.Ashok Chavan's residence - A Wonderful Article

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SRI SATHYA Sai Baba was at Hadsi, a village about 40 kms away from Pune to inaugurate a newly constructed temple.


In Ashok Chavan’s family, Baba occupies the same reverential place as a

preceptor, teacher or Guru in Indian tradition. Before him his father,

late Shri SB Chavan too was a follower of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Shri

Chavan naturally liked to have the Guru’s blessing before swearing in

as the new CM of Maharashtra. He also touched his feet. He invited Sri

Baba who out of his love and benevolence condescended to visit Shri

Chavan’s official residence. Shri Chavan showed due reverence towards

Baba and naturally touched his feet and received his blessings. The

media took this up and converted it into a political issue. The have

left no stone unturned to make a mountain of a mole hill.

No society raises a hue and cry if anybody, even if the President of a

country, shows reverence to the Preceptor, whether he has any

miraculous powers or not. But a couple of news channels have made such

a fuss over this incident, totally a private affair of Shri Chavan and

who is being condemned as someone who has done something very

objectionable and politically incorrect and that the Baba is made to

appear a most undesirable individual. Dirty references about him have

been dug up and are being thrown about to malign the Baba and to

criticize Shri Chavan. Sri Sathya Sai Baba is a spiritual Guru. He is

not a politician. He does not advise CMs of states or Presidents of

countries. In Charles Dickens’s Story “A Deal in Ostriches,†one of the

passengers on a ship has five ostriches. One of the ostriches on board

the ship swallows a diamond belonging to one Padishaw, a merchant and

the passengers discuss whether the diamond belonged to the merchant or

to the owner of the ostriches. A passenger, claiming to be the father

of a lawyer, gives his funny opinion as if he himself were the lawyer

and had the authority to give legal opinion in the matter. Of course it

was just ridiculous.


The basic question is whether the channels know much about Sri Sathya

Sai Baba or just have the temerity to say anything they like about Baba

or any other religious head? Obviously they don’t and in order to

create sensation and spread misinformation about the Baba, their

correspondents have been talking irrelevant and offensive things over

and over again. They don’t realise that in doing this, they are hurting

the sensibility of millions of followers of Sri Sathya Sai Baba round

the globe in over 170 countries. Baba preaches unity of all faiths,

which no politician will ever be able to do. Would the media talk in

equal derogatory terms about other religious and spiritual heads? Why

then do they choose to do this in this case, only because Baba preaches

tolerance, love and selfless service of humanity? It was Baba’s love

for humanity that impelled him to arrange drinking water for the whole

city of Madras, which successive governments couldn’t do. His two super

specialty hospitals, one in Puttaparthy, Andhra and the other at White

field Bangalore provide free medical services to the poor, where free

heart and other organs transplants are done. He provided drinking water

to the whole of Rayal Seema in Andhra. Such services are numerous.


He has hurt none and has rendered service in such a great volume that

no ordinary being would ever do. Incidentally, I was a witness when

three former Presidents of India (in office) came to pay homage to

Baba. All of them were images of humility and piety. The channels would

do themselves a lot of good before opening an all out attack on Shri

Chavan and Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Late Shri Karanjia, editor of Blitz

weekly too was skeptical about Baba’s greatness like the channels in

question but he visited Puttaparthy, to get first hand information

about Baba before publishing anything.


He visited Baba’s ashram and interviewed him for days like any capable

journalist and had to admit the bonafide of the Baba’s mission of

service to humanity and later wrote a book “God lives in India,†which

is an eye opener for the skeptics and may be to the channels in

question. Even otherwise journalists should be well informed about an

issue they take up and must first verify the authenticity of persons

and things before starting criticising them. Baba’s followers and all

sensible citizens of a democracy like India’s would like the channel to

desist from harping on a non issue.


Source : http://www.merinews.com/article/sri-sathya-sai-babas-visit-to-ashok-chavans-residence/15787358.shtml


Om Sai Ram

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