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Thapovanam - Day 5 : Monday (Chapter 11 - 13)

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DAY 5 : MONDAY (Chapter 11 - 13)






Chapter 11



Love is My form, Truth is My breathBliss is My food, My life is My messageExpansion is My life, No reason to loveNo season for love, No birth, no death


~ Baba ~




Sri Sathya Sai Baba devotees three-fourths of His precious time to His

students. He feels that the future of society rests solely on these

innocent, clear-hearted children. He is all love for them. He tells

them, "Look at Me within your own selves. I look at Myself in you.

You are My life, My breath and My soul. You are all, every one of you,

My form. When I love you, I love My own Self. When you love

yourselves, you are loving only Me!"




Bhagavan was in Brindavan with His students. He said, "When I am here,

you are distracted and are not studying properly. If I go away to

Puttaparthi, you will devote yourselves to studies. I am leaving for

Puttaparthi at 8.30am tomorrow." The students touched His feet and

prayed, "Swami, please Swami, stay here. We will study well." But

Swami insisted on leaving, "Your parents entrusted you to My care. How

can I see you running around Me without studying? I must leave


The next day was Monday. It was 8.30am. In front of the Thrayee,

Baba's white car was ready. The distressed students were also there

with agony in their faces. Swami came down from His residence in the

upper floor. The students humbly prayed and begged, but did not

succeed. Swami took His seat in the car and left.


hearts heavy, the children went back to their rooms in the hostel.

Their minds were full of Swami; what they read could not enter their

minds. The absence of Swami rendered the entire environment

colourless, lifeless, listless, dark and silent. Every student quietly

kept to his own room. No word, no greeting, no conversation, no

pleasure, nothing but gloom. Barely fifteen minutes passed when

suddenly a student shouted, "Swami is back, Swami is back!" The rest

of the students thought that he was perhaps in delusion; more than the

others, he must have imagined a car arriving. But a few curious

fellows peeped out of their windows. There, Swami's car was really

entering the Ashram precincts! A couple of students were indeed

running behind it. That was enough. All the students ran like deer on

wings. By the time Swami alighted from His vehicle, they stood around

it. Surprise on one side and delight on the other were choking them.

As Swami entered and went up the staircase, students were mutely

standing below, staring at each other. What has happened? Why has

Swami returned? Nobody knew. Then Swami spoke to them, "A mere

mention that I am leaving, creates so much commotion and disturbance!

Everything gets upset! In the midst of all the chaos, I forgot to take

the keys! So I came back to take them." What is this? Can Swami

forget keys? The hearts of the children were full with emotion and

immeasurable happiness. Not a single eye remained dry. Silence ruled



then, they feared that Swami might get hold of His keys after all, and

go away. One student hesitatingly asked, "Swami, shall we put things

back in the car?" Pretending to show anger, which everybody could see

was not there, Swami said, "No. I will leave in the evening." But the

students, clever as they were, did not fail to see the bubbling smile

behind Swami's show of anger. They all cried with one voice, "Swami,

Swami, please stay here, Swami." Swami turned to them and said, "Look,

you sincere, transparent distress has dragged Me back. If you want Me

to stay here, you should work hard on your studies, then I assure you,

I will stay here. Get busy now with your studies!"


connotes agonizing for God, intense yearning for God and undergoing

suffering and distress in quest of God - these are the essential

features of spirituality.




Once Swami paid a visit to Dharma Kshetra

in Mumbai. Teachers and students of Bala Vikas there made excellent

arrangement to welcome Him. Students sat in orderly rows, each of them

holding a rose to be offered to Swami. Their faces were glowing in

happy anticipation. There was a small child among them; he was too

young to be admitted to the Bala Vikas organisation. He was

nevertheless attending classes along with other members. He had also

learned several slokas by heart. As he was too young to be seated in

the front row, the teacher made him sit in a rear row. He was also not

given a rose to hold. The little one's pain at being discriminated

showed in his morose face. As he was keen to present a flower to Swami

just like the others, he requested some of them for a rose but received



arrived on the dot. He walked along the rows of boys who were holding

up flowers to Him. He gently touched each flower offered to Him and

blessed every student. The little child was watching each step and

each gesture of Swami as He slowly made His way along. Quietly, he

slipped himself into the front row. Swami was now nearing him. Just

at that moment, the child chanced to see in front of him a tiny flower

of grass. He snatched it up and held it in his hand. When Swami

arrived right in front of him, he raised his little hands and made his

loving but uncommon offering to Bhagavan. Swami smiled sweetly,

accepted the simple offering from the child and softly pressed his

tender fingers. In appreciation of the little one's gesture, Swami

patted him affectionately and also spoke a few words to him. While

Swami merely touched the fine roses offered by the others, He carried

in His hand the humble grass flower the little child so lovingly



meetings that followed lasted three hours. After they ended, Swami

came out and blessed those gathered there. But the little grass flower

of love was still in Bhagavan's hand, as fresh as it was three hours

back! Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai notices the yearning and distress lying

deep in the heart of a devotee and responds to it.




happened in 1976. Swami was in Brindavan. Several engineers were

moving all over the place holding some construction plans in their

hands. Sri Sathya Sai came out to give darshan to the assembled

gathering. To the students crowded around Him, He said, "My dear boys,

I am having a new hostel constructed for you. It will be very roomy

and comfortable. It will come up at a little distance away at the back

of our college building."


for all of them, one of the boys said, "Swami, we are quite comfortable

here, quite satisfied and happy. We do not want a new hostel, Swami.

This Brindavan is our home." Swami explained, "My dear boys, if you

consider Brindavan as your home, that's well and good. And I am happy

that you are adjusting yourself to it and feeling satisfied. All the

same, I am unable to bear the sight of you little boys cramped for

space. It is My duty to ensure your comfort. Foundation stone for the

new hostel building will be laid on the coming Thursday." Having said

this, He moved ahead towards the open space beyond the portico to bless

those waiting for His darshan.


foundation stone laying ceremony was to take place hardly 48 hours

later. Engineers were very busy. But the students remained

dissatisfied. They did not know what to do. When Baba visited the

hostel on the next day, a boy, the youngest of them all, placed a

letter in Baba's hand. He read it through and lovingly smiled at the

little fellow. Then He sat on His throne and sent for the warden.

When he presented himself, Swami gave the letter to him and asked it to

be read aloud. It read as follows :

"Dearest Sai Mother,


humblest salutation to Your Lotus Feet. Are You displeased with us?

Are we disturbing the silence that is most dear to You? Are we

violating the code of discipline and behaving without due restraint?

It must be. Otherwise, why would You try to send us away from the

beautiful precincts of Brindavan? Why do You insist that a new hostel

for us should be built at a far off location? Brindavan is a gracious

place; it has brought Your sweet and protective love and care very

close to us. Even Gods would desire to enjoy such love.

With heart-felt love and affection,

Your Child.


If You are determined, at any rate, to build the new hostel far away

from Brindavan, kindly build also a new residence for You and stay

close to us."


the warden finished reading, there was not a single boy without tears.

In one voice, they cried, "Swami, please accept our request."

Bhagavan's heart melted at the sight. He immediately sent for the

Chief Engineer and conveyed the students' wish. He demurred, "These

plans have all been drawn with extreme care. And not much time is left

for laying the foundation stone too." But the boys told Him with one

voice that only Brindavan should be their home. Seeing the mood of the

boys, Swami indicated to the Chief Engineer to have the plans redrawn.


plans were made locating the new hostel within the Brindavan Complex.

On hearing the exciting news, the children were in ecstasy. On the

appointed day, when Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai was about to light the lamp

of 'arathi', a boy said, "Swami, You are doing so much for our sake.

But we have nothing to offer to You." Swami replied, "Happy tears are

trickling down your tender cheeks. That is all I want. Shed a tear

for Me. What I desire most is only your happiness!" That noble

structure which stands now in the Brindavan Complex is a sweet

monument, enduring for all time to Baba's immense love for children!



In 1976, a number of deer from the adjoining forests of Mudumalai strayed into Brindavan. A nice place opposite to the Thrayee

was provided for them. Swami fed them with apples and looked after

them with love. One day, as Swami emerged out of the Thrayee to give

darshan, students ran to him. At the same moment, in the garden

opposite, deer too wanted to be close to Swami and moved up to Him near

the wire mesh that stood around the garden.


drew the attention of a devotee standing by to the enchanting scene

comprised of the loving children and the equally loving deer. He said,

"These are two-legged dear (deer); and those are four-legged deer

(dear). Both are dear to me."




once spread like wild fire in the Higher Secondary School in Prashanti

Nilayam. Nearly 200 students were affected. After the evening bhajan

concluded, Swami asked Dr Alreja to pay a visit to the School. The

doctor found about 200 students suffering from high temperature, cough

and vomiting. The infection seemed to be beyond control. It was then

8 pm. As the doctor made his way back to his room, he thought that as

Swami's room would be closed at that hour, he would report to Him next

morning. At 8.30 pm, a volunteer came to tell him that Swami was

waiting for him. The doctor hurried into Swami's presence. Baba asked

him, "I was waiting for you. Why have you not come to Me

immediately?" The doctor replied, "Swami, by the time I returned, it

was 8 pm. I thought that your door would be closed by that hour.

About 200 students are suffering there from flu. I find it impossible

to arrest its spread. I am afraid, at this stage, no medicine can

help. Only You can save them!"


morning, Baba visited the school and the hospital. He walked through

every single veranda and classroom. He went up to the roof also

despite the Principal's protestations that it was not properly cleaned

up. Swami then called for a stainless steel bucket filled with water.

He materialized vibhuthi in immense quantities and poured it into the

water. He asked one of the teachers to carry the bucket around and

serve the vibhuthi water to every teacher and every student. The

disease spread no further from then on. Within a space of four days,

every single patient recovered fully. Swami's medical treatment is

amazing and inscrutable.




should we pray to God for? Not for worldly wealth and enjoyment, not

for material things and property, but for God Himself! Every blessing

comes by itself in the wake of God. The learning that makes man yearn

for God is known as spiritual learning.


once described how Yashodha went after her prankster child, Krishna.

Yashodha, He said, held a lump of butter in one hand. While she showed

it to Krishna with a view to enticing him, she kept the other hand

behind her back holding a stick. When the little child drew near for

butter, she would grasp him and deal a couple of strokes with the

stick. That was her way of putting her errant child straight.


Sri Sathya Sai, reaches for us exactly in the same way with worldly

learning in His open hand but holds spiritual learning in the other

hidden hand. Boys and girls come eagerly seeking admission into His

educational institutions, colleges and university. Swami receives them

and imparts spiritual learning along with worldly learning. Even an

ordinary individual is gradually processed and refined in this manner.

Man becomes truly wise in course of time. Swami's indescribable love

makes it possible.


Baba's seats of learning, children are educated from kindergarten level

to post-graduate level absolutely free of charge. M.B.A, M.F.M, M.

Tech. (Computers) courses have also been introduced in the Sri Sathya

Sai Institute of Higher Learning, a deemed University. These

are in addition to normal courses at Bachelor's level (in Arts, Science

and Commerce) and Master's level courses in Arts and Sciences.

Facilities are available for doctoral studies as well. A number of

big, neat, roomy and airy buildings have been built. A

state-of-the-art Planetarium costing crores of rupees has been

installed. In November 2001, a new music college was also opened on

the university campus. These are all tokens of Baba's boundless love

for children. Side by side with these symbols of 'worldly learning',

Baba ensures that the students receive 'spriritual learning' too.




22nd November 1981, the day the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher

Learning was inaugurated, Swami addressed the students. He said,

"Students should be the roots from which would grow trees of peace and

security for the world. My purpose is to water those roots. I am

dedicating Myself in every way to students. I have immense faith in

them. You ask anyone what properties Sai Baba holds in His name. You

will be told, 'Oh, He has so many buildings, so much land and so on.'

All those possessions amount to nothing. My sole property is nothing

but My children!"


are many who are unable to understand this simple truth. Such

unfortunate persons who cannot imagine even a single mother's love can

never gauge the love of a thousand mothers. The most sublime quality

of Sri Sathya Sai is limitless patience. He says, "Countless persons

criticize Me. There are many who call Me by all sorts of names. All

kinds of vile things are written about Me in newspapers. Thousands of

pamphlets are published against Me. I have only one answer to all of

them -- My smile!


are all but vicious reactions to what is indisputably good. Stones are

hurled only at fruit-bearing trees. Some people are envious and

intolerant by nature. As more and more Sathya Sai Organizations

blossom, their jealousy too grows by leaps and bounds. They fabricate

more false stories, accusations and gossip. Even children are dragged

into these malicious activities.

"Param-athma Swaroopulara! (Oh,

Embodiments of Supreme Divinity!), what to say of these small-minded

persons, even if the whole world unites against Me, no harm comes to

Me. My heart is always pure. I have no selfish ends. I have nothing

of My own. This is My truth. Only criminals are beset with fear. Why

should a lion doing no wrong, be afraid?

"Whatever I do is for the welfare of the world (Jagat Kalyan), not for Myself. I am aware of this irresistible truth, hence I am ever in Bliss, the unbroken Bliss!"




1983, students of the Sathya Sai College arranged a science exhibition

in the kalyana mandapam (wedding hall) in Brindavan. Sri Govind

Narayan, then Governor of Karnataka, was visiting Brindavan for Swami's

darshan. Baba brought him along to see the exhibition. On show were

several models, scientific devices and artifacts made by students. One

of the items was a piece of alarm equipment. A ray of light proceeds

from one end to the other; and if a hand is placed in between, an alarm

rings. As Swami went round and reached that equipment, the student who

had devised it, told him, "Swami, please put Your hand here and the

alarm rings." Swami did so but there was no sound. The student got

perplexed. He said, "Just a moment, Swami. Something seems to have

gone wrong. I will set it right." He tinkered with it a little, put

his hand between the two ends, and sure enough, the alarm rang.

Confident now, the student invited Swami to insert His hand. He did

so, but again the alarm did not ring. The student got thoroughly

confused by now and mumbled something about the equipment needing

another repair. The Swami told him, "It needs no repair. I am not

that kind of a thief for whom you have designed this; so quite rightly,

the alarm did not ring!" He moved on. Science is not capable of

reaching Swami; He transcends science.




years back, students in the Primary School in Puttaparthi used to take

their daily morning bath in cold water. Swami felt sad and thought,

"Parents of these tender young children left them in My care because of

their immense trust in Me. Poor fellows, they have only cold water to

bathe in every day." That thought soon led to the provision of solar

heaters, which heat water using Sunrays. In no time, they were

installed in the hostels. Students, teachers and the Principal of the

school were very pleased. They prayed to Swami to inaugurate the solar

heating system and He agreed.


for inauguration were soon completed. The equipment was connected to a

tap by a rubber tube. When Swami arrives and turns that tap, hot water

would flow into a bucket placed below. They did not have to wait long;

Swami arrived and He turned the tap. Unfortunately, the rubber tube

got detached just at that moment and there was a burst of hot water on

Swami's face and His garments. The sudden and unforeseen mishap

shocked everybody. There was embarrassed silence all around. Not a

hand moved to correct the situation as the onlookers stood petrified.

Swami understood their misery. He laughed aloud to break the spell and

said, "Look, the inaugural bath has been taken by Me!" Swami's

laughter and pleasant remarks brought relief to everyone. Their hearts

became light and they could breathe easily. Everyone joined in Swami's



is ever-merciful. He knows no anger. "My life is My message," He

says. It is a message of love, compassion and mercy. There is no

place for anger.





Swami was in Kodaikanal. Sitting in his room, He was looking out at

the crowds waiting outside for his darshan. Several students were

sitting at His feet around Him. Swami told them, "Do you realize how

fortunate you are? Thousands are waiting outside for Me. Here you

are, enjoying the privilege of serving at My feet. But you do not know

how fortunate and lucky you are. I am giving you this opportunity so

that you will be close to Me. If I feel like it, I can walk across the

sky from one side to the other. If only I did that, the whole world

would be at My Feet. Several lakhs of devotees would swarm to Me. But

at that time, not one of you would have the opportunity of being so

close to Me. Armed guards would always surround Me for my protection.

I assure you, those days are not far off. Believe Me, a day will come,

when you will barely be able to spot a tiny red flash of My robes, from

a long distance, that too with a great effort. You will realize

Swami's glory when I walk across the sky from one end to the other.

So, as of now, try to derive benefit from every single moment of your

closeness to Swami."


one occassion, a programme of sports was organized in the Hill View

Stadium. Inaugurating the games, Swami released two white pigeons. As

the games were under way, Swami and some distinguished guests watched

from a dais. After some time, they noticed the same pigeons, earlier

released, flying in the sky across the dais. Swami observed, "Look at

those birds. They have been with us for a long time. Therefore, they

have become incapable of adjusting themselves to the outside world

although they have been set free." No doubt Swami was then referring

only to those two pigeons but what He said then applies to all His dear

students and devotees.


Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane NamahSanthih, Santhih, Santhih


End of Chapter 11 ********DAY 5 : (Contd.)






Chapter 12




will understand Me only through My work, that is why sometimes in order

to reveal who I am, I Myself show you My 'visiting card', something

that you call a miracle... They are neither magical tricks nor siddhic

(occult) powers, which can come to everybody with the appropriate

discipline and yoga exercises, but My powers to protect, heal and save

people and materialize objects originate in God and can be used only by

an Avatar. They are in no way designed, disciplined or developed, but

flow from cosmic power.

~ Baba ~






the benefit of the poor, Bhagavan established in Puttaparthi the Sathya

Sai General Hospital in 1956. Everyone knows that the hospital as well

as the doctors there are mere instruments; the real doctor is Bhagavan

Sri Sathya Sai Baba Himself. There are many number of instances where

Bhagavan Himself took over and miraculously cured patients who had been

given up or could not even be diagnosed by doctors.


Bhagavan willed that a Super Speciality Hospital be established, where

treatment costing several lakhs of rupees elsewhere, would be given

free of charge; and the hospital would become another wonder of the

world. The divine Will fructified in no time. On 22nd November 1990,

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba laid the foundation stone and proclaimed

that exactly one year later, on 22nd November 1991, the hospital would

be inaugurated.


Super Speciality Hospital was designed by an eminent architect, Dr

Keith Critchlow, Director of the Prince of Wales Institute of

Architecture in London. On the suggestion of Isaac Tigrett, he came to

Prashanti Nilayam and had Swami's darshan. Swami granted an interview

to him, during which He explained to the architect the intricacies of

designing the proposed hospital. Elaborating what He had visualized,

Bhagavan pointed out Vasthu (the Hindu science of architecture),

planetary and astrological aspects that needed to be considered. The

engineer was astounded at the depth and extent of Swami's technical



returned to London and set about drawing up a design according to

Swami's instructions. He was not successful. On the advice of a

friend, he imagined himself to be a mere tool in Baba's hands; he

surrendered himself totally to Baba's mercy; he prayed earnestly to

Baba; and then he started the work afresh. He took a long piece of

drawing paper. From one end to the other, in one single effort, he

drew a sketch of the hospital. He added one ward at each end,

extending on either side and bending towards the middle, as though two

loving hands were extended and then closed around the object of that

love, just as directed by Swami.


group of architects took over at this point. They worked for three

months, seventeen hours a day, filling up every detail and completed

all the designs and plans. They sent the entire set to the

construction company in India, designated by Swami. But Dr Critchlow

had his own doubts. "Even in a very technically advanced country like

the USA, a super speciality hospital of this kind cannot be constructed

in less than seven years. How then can Swami build this hospital in

six months?" he wondered.


arrived from London. They laid the foundations and erected concrete

pillars of 3-4 feet height. When Swami went to Bangalore in May, these

architects also left the site and returned home. On 22nd May 1991, on

his way to Kodaikanal from Bangalore, Swami took Col. Joga Rao along

and went to the site to see how far the work had progressed. From that

day to the already announced day of inauguration (viz., 22nd November

1991), time available was precisely six months. The structure was to

be a majestic one; up to date medical equipment was to be procured and

installed; and a thousand other requirements had to be met before the

facility could be made functional. Col. Joga Rao said, "Swami, even if

we put thousands of workers on this job and make them work day and

night, can we complete the project by 22nd November? What about

funds...?" Swami interrupted, "Do not create waves of doubt and

indecision. Swami's Will is bound to be fulfilled." He then summoned

the Indian engineer, Brig. Bose, and instructed him, "Get two thousand

workers through Messrs Larsen & amp; Toubro, put them on the job and

complete it on time." He left for Kodaikanal.


Bose did as he was instructed by Swami. He left the entire burden

whole-heartedly on Swami's divine shoulders. He engaged more than two

thousand workers daily and ensured that work went on day and night

without intermission. His efforts bore rich fruit. Even by 15 October

1991, more than a month ahead of the proclaimed day of inauguration,

the mighty building was completed and handed over to the medical

experts for equipping.


Tigrett donated several items of medical equipment. The Government of

India waived duties and taxes and transported them to Puttaparthi by

air. To enable jet aircraft to fly to Puttaparthi directly and unload

cargo without delay, the Sathya Sai Aerodrome had been upgraded and

designated as an International Airport a year earlier. With a donation

of one crore of rupees from John Sinclair of the American Sai

Foundation, up to date equipment for carrying out blood tests was

procured from the USA. It can perform 20 different kinds of blood

tests in respect of 600 patients per hour and hand down the results for

study and analysis by doctors. Its computer can store the results

pertaining to ten million patients and can download any information on



the great day, 22nd November 1991, arrived. In accordance with the

divine Will of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, on the very first day of

inaugurating the hospital, as many as four open heart surgeries were

performed! How wonderful! What a miracle! The day of inauguration

had been announced in advance, exactly one year ago. Six months back,

there were only uncultivated agricultural fields at that spot. Within

a span of five months and a half, magnificient buildings came up; the

rarest and the most modern medical equipment arrived directly at the

Puttaparthi airport; the hospital was declared open precisely on the

date announced a year previously; open-heart surgeries were performed

on the opening day itself. Is all this believable? Experts all over

the world were astonished.


similar Super Speciality Hospital has been constructed in Bangalore.

That is also with the Divine Sankalpa of Bhagavan Baba. In November

1999, an announcement was made about the hospital and by November 2000,

it was ready in full swing. Inaugurating it on 19th November 2000,

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai stated : "Sai institutions are eternal. They

will serve the poor forever."



One cannot but stare amazingly at Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai' sankalpa and how He executes it. He once declared, "My Will is bound to be fulfilled. Even if the fourteen worlds (Charhurdasa Bhuvanams)

join together to oppose Me, they cannot prevent whatever I Will to do.

Nobody has the capacity to comprehend My divine power. None of the

Gods, from Lord Brahma downwards, can comprehend it. Even a

ten-millionth part thereof is much beyond comprehension of the

brainiest man!" These sublime words of Bhagavan should be cherished by





couple brought their little daughter, sick with heart trouble to

Puttaparthi. Doctors at the Super Speciality Hospital found two or

three holes in her heart. As the case was considered an emergency,

they decided to perform open-heart surgery the very next morning. She

was immediately admitted. The distraught father decided to inform Baba

about the crisis early next morning and to obtain His blessings. So he

went and sat in the audience hall. The ever-merciful Baba was moving

among the devotees. A boy, whose birthday happened to be on that day,

brought toffees and offered them to Swami. Baba accepted them and

threw handfuls of the toffees among the seated devotees. One piece

landed in the lap of the heart-broken father of the heart patient. He

was overjoyed and accepted it as Swami's holy prasadam. He took it to

his daughter and made her eat it. A little while later, the patient

was moved in for operation. The doctors took last minute X-rays and,

to their consternation, found no trace of anything wrong with her

heart. They decided that she needed no operation and discharged her.

Is it possible for anybody to describe Swami's immeasurable love and

mercy in words?




man suffering from a number of ailments got his heart examined in the

Super Speciality Hospital. His condition was extremely distressing.

Doctors felt that he was in no position to undergo the strain of

surgical intervention and refused to do anything. The patient began to

pray fervently to Swami. He prayed to Bhagavan that He should somehow

get the operation done and restore him to normal health. Bhagavan

heard his prayer. He talked to the doctors and enquired how this

particular patient was doing. They explained that he was suffering

from several complaints and in their opinion, was not a fit case for

operation. Swami said, "Go ahead and perform the operation. Nothing

untoward will happen. I will oversee it." The operation was performed

and, to the utter disbelief of doctors, it was successful. The doctors

informed Him that the operation was very successful and that the

patient was in an excellent condition.


is a usual practice at the Super Speciality Hospital to take video

films of operations performed in complicated cases. Swami asked the

doctors to view one of those video films. They were surprised when

they did so; they found Swami in several forms resembling each one of

them around the operation table. Relieved of their pride and ego, they

realized that it was Swami, and Swami alone, who was performing

operations and that they were only incidental, mere tools in His divine

hands. With utter humility, they bowed to the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan.


Super Speciality Hospital rapidly grew from strength to strength. It

has Departments of Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Uro-nephrology

and Ophthalmology. There is also a Lithotripsy Centre specialized in

breaking the stones in the urinary tract with the use of high-energy

waves. In this hospital, all kinds of treatment and surgical

operations, which elsewhere would cost lakhs of rupees, are done

totally free of cost. It is acclaimed as one of the wonders of the



about this hospital, Swami said, "Here patients are ever cheerful.

Their relatives are also happy and cheerful. Doctors smile as they

serve the patients. Nurses cheerfully attend to their duties. The

whole place is full of happiness. Seva Dal workers are busy cleaning

and polishing the wards and rooms spick and span. No fees or any

charges of any kind are levied in this hospital. Doctors elsewhere

wonder how it is possible to provide medical facilities of this high

order totally free of charge. There should be no occasion for such

wonder or doubt. A job done with a pure heart suffers no dearth of






are always inveterate doubters who question what is the need for a

hospital if God incarnate is right here to attend to every problem of

the devotees. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai referred to such doubts and

said, "Some people might be questioning : 'Swami is capable of healing

the sick by His mere Will; why then is a hospital of this size and

attendant paraphernalia needed?' Let them think a little further.

This one is not the only hospital of Mine. Suppose there is a person

in Chennai who runs a clinic or hospital. He treats handicapped

children and heals them. His healing centre too is Mine. As a matter

of fact, every single hospital irrespective of where it stands belongs

to Me. I am overseeing every one of them. Why go so far? Those who

pray to Me from the bottom of their hearts seeking My help,

irrespective of who they are, from whatever place they pray, be it

hospital or home or any other spot, irrespective of the language in

which they pray, all of them are Mine. They belong to Me. Do not

confine Me to the few acres of land around Prashanti Nilayam. Whenever

a person prays earnestly for Prashanti, the spot from where the person

prays will become a Prashanti Nilayam.

"Remember another salient fact.

This hospital helps to inculcate faith in you, to enable you to

recognize divinity and to cast away doubts from your mind. Besides

healing the sick, a hospital serves another purpose also. Some people

have blind faith in medicines and injections. It is my duty to provide

medical help to such persons also. Their faith in God and His mercy is

not yet firm. A hospital is definitely needed to help them too."




A few years ago, Dr Sitaramayya,

one of the doctors in the hospital in Prashanti Nilayam, was not

keeping good health and was bed-ridden. Bhagavan Baba went to his room

to enquire about his health. He sat by his side, cut an apply and fed

him with His own hands and left. Sri Kasturi was with Swami all the

while. He thought, "How blessed is this doctor? Even illness has

brought him so much good fortune! Swami Himself walked into his room,

enquired about him, cut a fruit with His own hands and fed him piece by

piece. How much I wish I had fallen ill!"

Sometime later, Sri Kasturi too

fell ill with pain in his backbone. He could hardly move. He hoped

that Swami might visit him too. But Swami sent a word asking him to

come to His room immediately. Pain or no pain, there was no question

of disregarding Swami's summons. So, Sri Kasturi made his way

laboriously to Swami's presence. Swami gave him a bundle of New Year

calendars and ordered him, "Take these calendars and distribute them

yourself, one for each room. Go." Without a murmur, Sri Kasturi

picked up the bundle, went to every room on every floor of every

building in Prashanti Nilayam and completed the distribution according

to Swami's instructions. Seeing his agony, some persons offered to do

the work for him but he did not agree. They requested to be allowed at

least to carry the heavy bundle for him but he declined. Sri Kasturi

later said, "How do they know why I turned down their kindly offer?"

This was Swami's treatment to the pain in the backbone of Sri Kasturi.


Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane NamahSanthih, Santhih, Santhih


End of Chapter 12******DAY 5 : (Contd.)






Chapter 13




- "What I materialize is a manifestation of Divinity with a potent

significance as well as symbolisation. It is symbolic of the cosmic

immortal and infinite nature of all forms of God. Atma or the spirit

is what is left when everything worldly and transient has burnt away.

In first place, it is symbolic of the life-death cycle in which

everything ultimately reduces itself as ash. 'For dust through art,

and unto dust shall through returnest.' Ash or dust is the final

condition. It can undergo no further change. In the spiritual

context, it constitutes a warning to the recipient to give up desires,

burn all passions, attachments and temptation in the fires of worship,

which makes one pure in thought, word and deed. It is a symbol of



~ Baba ~





an advocate arrived at Prashanti Nilayam. He was a chronic smoker.

Cancer afflicted his throat. Doctors advised surgery, along with

radiation and chemotherapy. He desired to obtain Swami's permission

before the commencement of the treatment. On arrival, the

ever-merciful Bhagavan invited him into the interview room. Asking him

to hold his palms together to form a bowl, He materialized and poured a

large quantity of vibhuthi into them and asked him to eat it all. It

was dark in colour and tasted like bitter gourd. Swami affectionately

cajoled and persuaded and helped him to finish it. After the

interview, the man walked out and went into the canteen for a cup of

coffee. As he as at it, his eyes fell on nearby pakodas (a savoury

disk, crisply fried in oil). Unable to resist, he ate a plateful. Due

to pain in his throat, he had not been able to eat properly for a long

time, despite his keen desire and strong taste for food. But now, he

noticed that he could eat comfortably and relish it. He was

surprised. With his finger, he probed inside his mouth at the

cancer-affected spot. He felt no pain at all. He realized that the

cancer had gone. He was overwhelmed. Tears flooded his eyes as he

remembered Bhagavan's mercy.


on the next day Swami called him again into the interview room, he

expressed his gratitude to Swami and fell on His feet. He told Swami

that he was proficient in Sindhi and begged to be permitted to

translate and publish the Sindhi edition of Sanathana Sarathi. Swami

replied, "It is only for that purpose that I have made you come to

Puttaparthi." From then on, the blessed person has been translating

and publishing Sanathana Sarathi in Sindhi.




its reconstitution, the region now called Arunachal Pradesh was

formerly a part of Assam. Most of its people are tribals. They were

demanding a separate State for themselves, and were carrying on

guerrila warfare against the Government of Assam. The government made

every effort to please them and win them over. It spent crores of

rupees in their territory on development programmes, hospitals, roads,

schools and other facilities. Still the tribals were not satisfied and

continued with their separatist demand.


this situation, one of the tribal leaders fell ill with an undiagnosed

disease. The government gave him plenty of medical assistance. It got

medical tests carried out in reputable hospitals in Calcutta and New

Delhi. Nothing helped. He was not able to eat anything at all.

Whatever he used to eat, he would vomit it. His friends and relatives

lost all hope.


Raja, Home Secretary in the state, had an idea that if the patient

could be taken to the divine presence of Bhagavan Sai Baba, it might

help. Permission was sought from the Government of India. Ultimately,

a group of 29 persons including the ailing tribal leader set out, in

the name of all-India tour (Bharat Darshan), and reached Puttaparthi.


they seated themselves in the audience hall, Swami went to them

directly and asked in Hindi, "Where are you from?" The Secretary

replied that they were from Assam. Swami said in English, "Go

inside." So they all trooped into the interview room, walking no

doubt, but almost like running in their delight and eagerness. After

the public audience was over, Swami came into the interview room. He

materialized vibhuthi, gave it to the tribal leader and directed him to

eat it. He sat on His throne and enquired, "What brings you here?"

The Secretary explained, "We have come for your darshan. This tribal

leader is having some stomach trouble. No treatment has helped.

Medical tests conducted in Calcutta and Delhi failed to identify the

disease. He is unable to contain any solid food. As a result, tribal

people of that region have lost faith in our medical system and

procedures and hospitals. This man is a prominent tribal leader. And

only You can heal him."


asssured him, "Don't worry, he will be fully cured." Then Swami began

to talk to the tribal visitors in their own language. He talked of

their village and their environment. He mentioned how the villagers

had thought of building a temple for the Sun God and the Moon God. As

he talked, Swami materialized an intricately engraved circular copper

plate, nine inches in diameter. On one side, the Sun and on the other,

the Moon were carved. He drew their attention to the delicate

craftsmanship of the plate and declared that the temple proposed to be

built would become known as Dono Polo (meaning, the Sun and the Moon, in their tribal language). He directed the astonished tribals to install this copper plate (yanthra)

in the temple and to worship it regularly. He said that worship of God

is always beneficial. He blessed them with vibhuthi prasadam and the

privilege of touching His Lotus Feet. The tribals took leave of Him

with hearts overflowing with joy and happiness.


then made their way to the canteen for refreshments. Their leader saw

some white circular pieces of food and asked that they be served to

him. The pieces are known as idli, a rice and blackgram preparation.

His companions were afraid that this solid food might cause vomiting or

terrible stomach-ache as usual. However, since Swami had granted him

divine assurance, they hesitatingly allowed him to consume idli. A

plate of idlis and the accompanying sauce was finished by him in

seconds. Relishing it, he consumed another plateful. While his

companions watched in unbelieving astonishment, this man who had not

tasted any solid food for several years, ate idli after idli, a good 32

of them! The group felt it was miraculous and enjoyed every bit of it.


leader told his friends, "This is no ordinary man. With a little

vibhuthi, he has completely cured me within minutes, of a disease I had

suffered for years and years. There is no doubt that he is

God-incarnate. He talked of the temple, Dono Polo, we are planning to

build for our favourite deities and created the two images. Let us

surrender to Him and strictly follow every word of what He said."


Sai's divine vibhuthi healed the tribal leader in moments. When we

hear about this magnificent episode and Bhagavan's love and benevolence

so readily and profusely showered, we are moved to bow our heads in

obeisance to Him.





the specialty of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, not only bestows good

health but in a wonderful manner fulfils other needs also. Patterson

was a very successful businessman of Canada. He travels all over the

world in connection with his business. On one of such travels, he came

to India and met Dr Bala Krishna, son of Professor Bhagavantham. Dr

Bala Krishna invited him to his home. The residence was decorated like

a temple. In the middle of the pooja dais, there was a throne on which

a beautiful photograph of Swami was placed. Patterson was quite

impressed and enquired whose picture it was. Dr Bala Krishna told him

about Baba and His divine powers, His love and compassion; and how He

incarnated in answer to the prayers of devout and saintly persons of

eminence, for bringing about the deliverance of humanity. As Patterson

heard about Baba, his interest grew. He also felt very pleased. He

asked Dr Bala Krishna for something like a memento or token so that it

would serve to remind him constantly about Sri Sathya Sai Baba. He

probably expected a photograph or picture of Swami. But Dr Bala

Krishna thought of something more precious. He felt that the best

memento of Swami would be Baba's vibhuthi. So, he gave Patterson a

small packet of it. Patterson felt somewhat dismayed and asked,

"Ashes? Do you give me ashes to remind me of this great Yogi?" Bala

Krishna gently explained, "These are no ordinary ashes. It is divine

vibhuthi. It is priceless, invaluable. If you get into some serious

trouble and you think that Swami's compassion alone can save you, put a

little of it in your mouth and pray to Him."


returned by air to New York via London. He was given a seat among

women and children. They were making terrible disturbance and noise,

and he felt unduly disturbed and very uncomfortable. As the aircraft

was nearing London, he suddenly remembered the packet of vibhuthi and

Dr Bala Krishna's description of its virtues. He immediately opened

the packet, placed a little of the holy powder on his tongue and

earnestly prayed to Sri Sathya Sai. He asked Baba to see that he is

provided a more comfortable seat at least on his onward journey from

London to New York. When he landed in London, he was surprised to hear

his name on the public announcement system. The announcement mentioned

him by name and directed him to go to the airline office immediately.

When he reached there, he was told that he was allotted a seat in the

First Class on the London to New York flight. He was immensely pleased

and offered to pay the extra charges. The officer on duty told him, to

utter surprise, that the additional fare had already been paid on his

behalf. Patterson's heart leaped. Just be consuming a little of

Baba's vibhuthi and remembering the name of Baba, he could get Baba's

helping had thousands of miles away and have his wish fulfilled. He

was moved by Baba's mercy and love.


wondrous is the potency of Baba's vibhuthi! It is not only the holiest

one, but also it cures any ailment, however chronic it is, and it has

the potency to fulfill any desire of the ardent devotee. What a

miraculous one. Let's daily use it with love and devotion.

Paramam Pavithram Baba VibhuthimParamam Vichithram Leela VibhuthimParamartha Ishtartha Moksha PradathamBaba Vibhuthim Idam Ashrayami

Our humblest homage to that embodiment of love and compassion.


Om Sri Sathya Sai Parabrahmane NamahSanthih, Santhih, Santhih


End of Chapter 13


(From : 'Thapovanam' Sri Sathya Sai Sathcharithra by "Santisri" Jandhyala Venkateswara Sastry)

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