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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 14)

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CHAPTER 14 Practice

is your key to open the doors to spirituality. Without practice, your

efforts are wasted, and your confidence will dwindle. A singer must

practice her singing, or else she loses the strength and melody of her

vocal chords. A dancer must practice the steps in her dance, or else

she will lose the grace and beauty in her performance. You,

too, must practice, practice every day to be God, only then will your

imperfections fade and the beauty of the Lord will begin to become your

nature itself. Education of any field takes several years of study and

a lot of dedication and hard work. You go through several years of

preparation to become doctors, engineers, and accountants. You know

that with a good education, you will be accepted as a member of society

and you will improve your life style. Then

why are you so impatient in dedicating your time towards Me? Why is it

this study of yours remains incomplete in one life after another? With

the search and study of God, you will be studying your own "self" and

the reward of this study is being accepted by Me, forever. The time

factor of this study does not depend on Me, it depends on you. If you

want, you may know God today, or you may get to know Him tomorrow or

maybe one day, or maybe one life - it all depends upon your efforts, in

your determination to move God with your sincerity, and in your faith

and patience to succeed in this search. Believe

Me, even though God is not seen, God can still be followed. Even though

God is not heard, He can be listened to. Even though God cannot be

touched, He can be felt. Even though God does not breathe, He lives, My

dears, - in you and in all. To perceive Him, you will have to go beyond

your senses, because your senses are limited to distance. You can see

up to a certain length, but beyond that, all appears blurry. I say,

that God, My child, is standing in that blur. You can hear up to a

certain limitation, but beyond that, it appears as a muffled sound. I

say, O child of God, that God speaks, but your distance from Him is too

far to be able to hear Him clearly. You can reach out to feel, but

beyond the reach of the hand, you will not be able to feel. I say, O

love of the Gods, that God stands a little beyond your reach. You can

hear and feel your own breath, but can you hear the breathing of all

around you? I say to the one that is lost, that God is the breath in

all, for He is the life and He is the Creator that lives in all. The

mystery of being "Sai" lies in solving the riddle of "Who am I?" At

each point in this mystery, God will leave a hint for you so that the

mystery can unfold with each piece of the puzzle. The fewer the pieces,

the more the guesses, and even more will be your doubts. Your

excitement will grow as the picture will begin to form slowly, and the

search to complete this picture with the rest of the pieces of the

puzzle will become your obsession. The picture will be "His", yet the

reflection will be "yours". We are of the same nature, we just have

different forms. The difference being, "God is divine", and "You are in

denial". "He knows that you are God" and "You think that He maybe God".

"He thinks only for you" and "You think all, but Him". "He has come

down on earth for you" and "You have just let Him down on earth". The

energies are the same, yet the efficiencies are totally different. If

God is you, and can still remain God, then why can't you be Him? Think,

today, using this same divine energy. All that remains latent for too

long dies within. Do not let your divinity die! When God begins to die,

My dears, you are living your lives with death. Live only with God and

let only God remain to live. All else is born to die.- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine Inspirations' is now on

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