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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 15)

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pleasant always, and learn that when worldly pleasures are given away,

God will make His presence known to you. Please all, yet do not deviate

from the truth, for truth is God. Let the force of another not weaken

you to displease Him. Love all, but the love must obey the rules of the

Master. Do not be intimidated to please a loved one only to encourage

his own faults. Love them all, but walk only My way, for they, too, are

lost and they, too, one day, will be found, but until then, hold the

hand of only the Lord. Your

concept of Love, today, is being weak. Yes! Love bends with humility,

Love bends with humbleness, and Love bends to break the pillar of your

egos. But no, Love is definitely not weak. Love will never bend for an

untruth, and Love will never bend for that which is not right. Love

will fight against all injustices, and Love will even find the strength

to part with his own mother, if she encourages you into wrongdoing.

Love is not weak, My child, it is you that is too weak to love. You

have to learn to live amongst the herd, yet with single pointedness,

focus your goal on God and on God, alone. You have to be able to spread

this joy of love to all, yet let this joy not be affected by the

dislike and disbelief of another. Starting today, let time not be

yours, your time must be only for giving joy to another; then time will

never pass you by, for time spent to love, is time spent with Me. Yes!

No one can pass you then, for you are only ahead, always with Me. Your

relation with Me is special, and no one else can experience this bond

but you. Each bond of Mine with another is special, each journey of

Mine with another is unique. Keep Me in your hearts, for I do not need

to be displayed. Do not worry and try to convince another if he is not

devoted to Me. Do not let yourselves deviate, for that is not your

mission. Your mission is to stay unruffled in the midst of all

confusions and desires, to accept all as Him, and to discipline

yourselves to be able to love, no matter what or who challenges you.

Each one of you must study hard and pass this test, for if you waste

your time worrying for another, you, too, will fail. You

have started your study with words such as "surrender" and "self

realization", etc., but when you are still in the 1st grade level, will

you be able to comprehend the ultimate at this stage? I recommend that

you begin your study just at the level of a child. Even the child

understands from birth the concept of love. He will love his father and

mother and will stay only in the security of their arms. You, too, must

begin your journey today with the simplicity of "love". Love will

automatically teach you the sweetness of selflessness, humbleness,

humility, truth, patience, trust, faith, and the lesson of surrender

will become your practice, more than your analysis. Self realization is

an experience and cannot be a study. You must first have all the

characteristics necessary to be human, in order to inherit your

divinity. Do not waste time, but do not rush, for that, too, is a waste

of time. You

have become weak today, for you lack the love and devotion to carry out

your daily tasks. Weak minds will think only weak thoughts, and weak

thoughts will prompt only weak actions. You think that God, alone, has

all the strengths and that the devotee is helpless. Let Me tell you,

there lies no difference in the strength between God, Himself, and a

staunch true devotee. The tears of love and devotion in a devotee can

even imprison the Lord and make Him the servant, for when the devotee

calls with his love so pure, the Lord will come, instantly. There is no

difference that lies in the pureness of the love of a devotee for God

and in the love of God for a devotee. They are truly the same, each

playing his own role, and teaching the world the different forms love

can take. Rise with your strength, My child, rise to awaken the Lord

that sleeps. You have slept enough! You have suffered enough! It is

time, My dear, to end this pain, it is time to wake up today with all

your strengths. My faith in you must light the lamp of faith in your

love for Me. I have come to inspire you and to take you away from the

comforts of your wheelchair. No! You are not crippled, you believe you

are one and you are behaving like one. Rise, My sweet, and withstand

the weight of your own karmas. You must walk ahead and leave all

behind. The strength, I promise, lies in you, for I am that strength

that is waiting to be discovered.- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine Inspirations' is now on

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