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Significance Of Meditation - (Part 1 Of 7)

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SIGNIFICANCE OF MEDITATIONWhat are the Benefits we get by doing Meditation? - Part 1Meditation is a mind free from thoughts. Meditation is the heart ofyoga, the roof of Sadhana, the master key to knowledge the stream oflove, the sacrificial rite that earns the richness of the Guru'sGrace. Meditation is also one form of the Guru. Many will ask now tomeditate and for how long. These are primary and essentialquestions. It is said in the Gita. The vision of the Self isobtained through meditation. In the Srimad Bhagavata it says : "Inthe meditation the Sadhaka becomes the form of God."Just we have occupied in mundane activities, our mind also isimmersed in love for God in meditation. When the mind becomes emptyof thoughts and becomes one with the Self, we reach a very highstate. So we must keep our mind empty. When we wakeup after sleep,we experience a few moments when our mind is

free of thoughts. Weshould make our mind peaceful and thought free, so that it becomesno different from the Self. This progress is to come in meditation.What are the Benefits we get by doing Meditation?Meditation is not only for spiritual life, but it also purifies themind. As the mind becomes steady, the breath is retained for shortperiods in 'Kumbaka', which strengthens the nerves, improves bloodcirculation and digestion and increases one's alertness. Those whomeditate everyday find that all the ailments are overcome. ThroughMeditation, the mind spontaneously becomes quite and stable and themovement of the breath becomes more relaxed. When we find peacewithin, a new excitement breaks forth in our life.By doing meditation we will find the peace in ourselves. Search forthe objects of the five senses ceases in meditation. When Sakthiopens her hidden store house, we will get higher

meditation. Whenthat happens, our true beauty will be revealed. Then we will come toknow the Divine Lights. Our worldly desires will be fulfilled. Ourtreasured beauty will be attained. We will see the world as full ofbrilliance. Then Sound emanates. Divine music will be heard.. Wewill get deep steep. The sound will make us taste a Divine Elixer.Then we will have no more suffering, no more feelings of '1'and 'Mine'. Where there is beauty, sound and taste, there is alwaysthe 'Fragrance'. When Divine scent inside us reveals itself, theentire world becomes perfumed, and the same fragrance spreadsthrough out our house. Heaviness and numbness leaves our body andevery limb is super charged with vitality. We will feel Divine Lovepulsating inside for our children and relations. When ourinner 'Kundalini Shakti' unfolds, Her love will flow all through ourbody, through all 72,000 nadies. Her rapture will

spread throughevery particle of blood as a result we will experience bliss inevery pore.As the result, the light that was lost will return to our eyes, ourlips will become red, our dried up face will become aglow with love,we will experience happiness in every thing. Wives will becomeGodesses to their husbands, husbands becomes Gods to their wives.Houses become temples. We will ourselves become God.We will behold beauty, we will taste Nectar, smell fragrance,hearDivineVoice and find joy. Meditate for this purpose and ourdaily needs are fulfilled without asking God. By constantmeditation, we will get supernatural experiences such as 'Clairaudience Clair Voyance and Yogic Postures'. In meditation, the powerof our memory increases.Through meditation, Divinity inspired mutual respect grows betweenhusband and wife. Brother and sisters see the Divine in each otherand the relationship

between children, parents and in-laws arefilled with a Divine Emotion. This is known as 'Svargamaya Samsar'Life will be filled with heaven. This is the fruit of Meditation.We should strive for this equanimity. This means, renouncedisharmony and differentiation. As we dwell on oneness and livewithin it, distinctions fade away from our hearts. Awareness ofoneness is the true essence of all. It is 'PARAM BRAHMA.By doing meditation some develop extraordinary knowledge of past,present and future events. Some receive warnings of forthcomingmishaps. They talk and receive instructions from Gods and Godesses.They obtain insight into spiritual matters and readily findsolutions to problems. They also acquire ability to see colours intheir meditation. Some will see Red, White, Black, Blue and SaffroncoloursJai Sai RamSwamy MahadevanBow to Shri Sai-Peace be to allBaba Bless you

ever!!!To Be Continued... ...

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