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Significance Of Meditation - (Part 2 Of 7)

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SIGNIFICANCE OF MEDITATION - (Part 02 Of 7)Meditation is a mind free from thoughts. Meditation is the heart of yoga, the roof of Sadhana, the master key to knowledge the stream of love, the sacrificial rite that earns the richness of the Guru's Grace. Meditation is also one form of the Guru. Many will ask now to meditate and for how long. These are primary and essential questions. It is said in the Gita. The vision of the Self is obtained through meditation. In the Srimad Bhagavata it says : "In the meditation the Sadhaka becomes the form of God."Just we have occupied in mundane activities, our mind also is immersed in love for God in meditation. When the mind becomes empty of thoughts and becomes one with the Self, we reach a very high state. So we must keep our mind empty. When we wakeup after sleep, we experience a few moments when our mind is free of thoughts. We should make

our mind peaceful and thought free, so that it becomes no different from the Self. This progress is to come in meditation.Significance of Colours seen in Meditation - Part 2 Red, White, Black, Blue and finally Saffron colours will be seen in the meditation. These colours represent the nature of the body. Importance of Red Colour The stage of a red aura in the meditation, in the gross body. As the red stage progresses, body gradually became thinner and lighter. Fat will be reduced. Sometimes Prana would flow very quickly along with the nerves of the lower part of our back. Sometimes neck moves so vigorously making loud sound. This is Hatha Yoga process, effected by the Godess Kundalini, in order to go up through the spinal coloumn into the Sahasara. Sometimes when our neck rotates, our chin would get in the juglar notch below the throat. This is called 'Jalandara Bandha'. When this

takes place, the anus would be automatically drawn in and then released. 'Rakteswari' is the Godess of Red-Aura. Significance of White Colour It is extremely beautiful. When we see this light, we get an unusual kind of a sleep in meditation. 'Shivatiswari' is the Goddess of the white flame. It is thumb size. The subtle body which shaped like a thumb is the means by which the individual soul experiences the dream state and enjoys some rest. It is the subtle body. It supports the gross or physical body. It represented by 'U', the second letter of 'Aum'. The individual soul in this body is called 'Tai Jasa'. Its seat is in the throat and white flame may be seen there in the vision. Significance of Black Light White light is followed by Black light in the meditation. The Godess in this colour is 'Krishnaeswari' . First we will see red, then white flame within red aura and the

black light within the white flame. Our meditation will become stable only when we concentrate on the black light. During this period, we will see in deep meditation, a deep and terrifying darkness. After some time the red, white and black lights would come. In this stage, we will feel pain between the eye brows., In this stage both eyes would roll upwards and the pupils would spin like wheels. When eyes spin, we would feel the Prana moving gently between our throat and space between our eye brows. We will smell different sweet odours in this stage. Sometimes the people around us will also get sweet odour floating around us. Significance of Blue Colour We will see first red aura, then white flame, then the black light and finally the Blue Colour. When we see the Blue Colour, the condition of our body and mind and our ways of understanding will be changed. We feel more delight in ourselves,

and will be filled with pure and noble feelings. When this colour seen, meditation will be subtle. When we see this colour, it is the highest stage we have to enter within Blue Pearl to innerself for full realization. The Blue Colour is a great and holy pilgrimage centre. Jnaneswar Maharaj says : 'This radiant and scintillating and sublime Blue Colour can be seen directly in, meditation. If we want to see such a great and wonderful thing, our way of life and our habits must be the purest and the most holy. Then only we become worthy of it. Our association, our words, and our thoughts should be full of God. He who has seen the Blue Colour is the most blessed of all human beings.' Jai Sai RamSwamy MahadevanBow to Shri Sai-Peace be to allBaba Bless you ever!!!Continued...........

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