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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 17)

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CHAPTER 17 Attachments

are like glue, they will stick to you only to immobilize you, but you

must break away and must not let them follow you. Remember, all that

you are attached to, is in the Lord Himself, but in your attachments

itself, God does not exist. The love for God will also make you cry,

but these are the tears that will bathe you to the freshness of purity.

When you cry for the world, the tears will be only that of pain,

bringing within an empty hollowness. You say, how do I let these

attachments go? You use the word "love" loosely for your attachments,

for true love only gives, forgets, and moves ahead to tomorrow with no

recollection and expectations from yesterday. It is only attachment

that never forgets the love it gives, it is only attachment that will

beg or demand the security of love or its use back in return. You miss

and cry for the loss of your loved ones, but the one you think you

lost, was already lost when alive, and may actually be found in the

loving arms of the Lord. Then tell Me, what are you crying for? They

are the tears of your own insecurities, how are you going to live

without him? Who will take care of you? Who will love you like he did?

Yes! The tears are for you and the so-called love is the nurturing of

your own ego, and what you are actually missing are his services to

you. Is this selfless love, or is it actually less love for the "self"? Love

is an energy that acts like a magnet to attract others to you, but

first you must be able to derive this energy yourselves. This current

of energy will flow within you, only when you are in contact with the

main source, constantly. Each one of you must be receptive to accept

this energy. What I am trying to say, My loved ones, is to be able to

love, you must, at first, recognize the love of God, accept His love,

and use this love to transform all your negative energies within you

into love; for when love generates, God will be the product of all your

efforts. You

desire to communicate with Me, but your actions, today, show that we

lack total communication. You call upon Me to come into your homes, but

you leave your doors bolted. You break several of your promises that

you have made to Me with the lazy excuse of being human, but you still

expect Me to transform you in one day. Remember, it is you that is the

raw material, I am only the final product. It is you that must go

through several changes, and I am only the cause of your change. In

your process of change, you sometimes forget and expect God to change

for you. God comes to bring change, but He is not affected by the

pressures of your ego. He will not work under your terms of change, and

only you and not He, is affected by your defiance and your stubborn

attitudes. This change is for you and not for Me, for I have already

accepted you, I will always love you, and I know the true you. The

change must come for you to know "you", for you to feel God, for you to

feel like God, and for you to become God. Smile,

My little saints to be, for I have walked a long way to come to you

with My medicine.... the cure of love I call it; the love that will

inspire you to reach the truth, the truth in which the Atma (soul) can

overcome any pain and temptations of pleasures; only in the silence of

this love. Faith must become your walking stick, and truth must become

your eyeglasses. Silence must be your mother tongue, peace your

attitude, and love the very nature of your being. Righteousness must be

your path, service your companion, then name of the Lord your

conversation, and your prayers must shape to become the tasks you

perform; His strength should inspire your smile, His love your tears

and His calling must become your journey of life. Feeling pure love is

nothing less than experiencing the vision of the Lord, Himself. Shut

the eye of the "I", become blind to the "My", and open the eye that

will only see "Me". The eye that sees Me, always, has left the "I"

forever. The heart that speaks of My name, always, is a part of Me that

lives forever. My little saints to be, I have seen you march, but now

it's time for the "forward march" only! I have given the command, I

have blown the whistle, and I have given to you My salute - it's time

for you to respond.The

level of humanity has stooped considerably, and man is shy to do what

is right. In lying to impress others, he has become one with the herd.

If all are lost, you, too, want to be lost with them. You can see the

road that is right, but since no one else takes that path, you, too,

begin to fear the loneliness and unknown challenges that lie ahead. All

will be known to you, when you realize that the only thing that is

unknown to you is "God". You brag and praise of your own devotion for

God to others, but to Me, this is your devotion to your own egos. You

have hypnotized yourselves to believe that you are pure, and even if

God were to come and point out your faults, you would dismiss them as

unfair accusations. Your pride has made you to believe that you are the

"ideals" and that God, Himself, remains to be only an "idol". It takes

a lot of courage, My dears, just to recognize and realize your own

falls and failings. But without the realization of this first step, you

will not find the strength to find God. Do not despair, for however

much you have slipped in your virtues and character, the strength of My

love can wash off the dirt, and will, one day, make your walk again

with confidence in the purity of your own self. Yes! This is all

possible now, today and in the present life. All your mistakes of all

your previous lives, can and will be forgotten and forgiven by Him with

your repentance, efforts and practice. So do not be discouraged, for I

have taken the body to show you the way out of this web of unreal

attachments. I have come to live this life with you, and I will not let

you live this life without Me. I am the life in you, and you, My sweet,

are My life, for the God in you will only live as long as you will live

to become God. No

war can end this world; war can only destroy it, but the end will come

when each one of you will give up every hope to find Me, the end will

come when love will totally lose its meaning, and only the ego will

triumph with the power of self destruction. When the self is lost, the

war has begun, and each time that the self will allow you to win, more

cruelty will arise, more will climb the ladder of violence and

destruction and even more will spread the disease of evil. The world

finds itself in chaos, because each one's mind has lost its comfort of

rest. The leaders of the world are reflecting the morals, character and

virtues only of you. Yes! It is you that has chosen them to be in

power, just as you have chosen your mind, intellect and egos over Me.

Your fingers may point to blame the rest of the world for all your

unhappiness, but remember the conscience, My dears, will always point

its finger only at you. You are the cause of every suffering and you

are its effect. Start the change with you, spread the change to all,

and the world will also start its slow process of change. The

responsibility of life lies in each one of you, and each one must be

your own leaders at heart to understand the commands of the real

leader. A real leader will lead only to serve. Service to humanity and

all that lives, must become the voice of the leader in each one's

heart. Start to serve with serving yourselves. Serve yourselves to My

love, serve yourselves to My strength, serve yourselves to My truth,

and only then will your service for all truly begin.- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine Inspirations' is now on

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