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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 18)

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fulfill a duty, the duty must have a function. Each one must learn and

follow his own function and only then will the task be a success. The

mother cannot behave childish, and the child cannot dictate terms to

his mother. Each one's role specifies his own functions and that must

be followed with utmost sincerity. Roles cannot be switched, for the

task will lack effectiveness. If you choose Me to be your teacher of

life today, then I must remain teacher, and you must accept the duties

of a disciple. I am here to teach, and you are here to learn and that

must always remain clear. The teachings cannot be changed to suit your

purposes. You must listen to Me with utmost faith and act with

promptness. My guidance must be your torch to light your road. My word

must be the image of truth of your worship. My criticism of you is only

to make you alert of your faults and not to make you feel inferior. My

encouragement of your strengths is only My approval to strengthen them

even more. Do not interpret this encouragement or praise only to reign

your superiority over others. I can lead the way for you, but it is you

that must follow. Doubts

will arise only in minds that are weak. You seem to think that in faith

you must question. Question who, and question what, when you are

unaware of them both. What questions can you ask another when your

knowledge of Me is so ignorant? Who else but Me can answer these

questions with truth, patience, and love, with no feeling of

frustration, superiority or being humiliated? You have grown so

accustomed to life without Me, that the possibility of the change of

life with Me, fills you with fear. Yes, it is only your fear that takes

form of doubts. If you must fear, then fear your present moment that

passes you by Me, fear your futures, My children, for when divinity

gets lost in the past, the man of the future will become the cause of

his own destruction. God in man will

be evident, when man will live his life as God. You fear to love, you

fear time, you fear attachments, you fear life, and you fear God. Today

it is only doubts, tomorrow the doubts will turn to fears, and fears

play a game with your mind, the game in which the mind will mimic your

fears - the result being "insanity", "anxiety", and "panic" of your own

selves. Face the truth, that your fears are not from any outside

forces, they are your own inner forces that fear to know the identity

of the self. You find comfort in recognizing yourselves with your name

and with the body. Beyond that, you cannot see, and you do not want to

see. No! You cannot pretend to be blind, when your eyes can see. To

find God and walk ahead, you must leave your fears behind. Let your

fear be the past, let your change be the present, and let God be your

tomorrow. Constant

repetition of the Lord's name, knowing of His omnipresence and constant

visualization of Him does not come automatically. It requires a lot of

dedication, sincerity, purity of heart, simplicity, and intense

practice. God must become not only a 'part' of your daily routines, but

He must become the routine itself. Yes! At first, He may be your

imaginary companion, but when true devotion will stir the heart within,

when faith will speak only the words of His greatness, when your

actions will depict only His selflessness, He will manifest, My dear.

He will manifest in you, through you and to you. Then your imaginary

companion will become the reality and the reality, as you believe it to

be, will fade to become the imagination. The earth quakes in your minds

to believe that all that you see today is not really there. The eyes

that you see with, can only see the world that lies ahead of you. They

cannot see what lies behind you, above you, below you and much beyond

you, all at the same time. The eye that is unknown to you and that has

remained closed until now, can see all the visual fields, all at once,

without making the attempt to see. This is the eye of the Lord, which,

when once opened, will never blink. These are the eyes that will see

the light of truth, the eyes that will cry only tears of love, and the

eyes that can never be blindfolded by the illusion of the living world.

For the eyes to open, each cell of you must saturate themselves with

the love for God. You are born to create this love and build this

heaven within you, O sweet. You see today, but you do not look for Me.

Without God in the eyes, the eyes will become blind and be susceptible

to all the temptations and corruption. A blind man does not need

sunglasses, for the light of the sun does not illumine the darkness in

his eyes. As long as you will remain blinded with the illusionary

world, My light will never reach your dark world.- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine Inspirations' is now on

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