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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 22)

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enjoy to see the green leaves that grow in the spring. The beauty of

the rain, the birds chirping, and the lushness of the green, all add to

the beauty of spring. Spring becomes summer, flowers bloom, skies are

blue, and the sun streams its light and warmth to all around. Fall

comes, and the leaves turn to the beautiful color of the sunset , and

slowly, they shed to the ground. Winter has comes again, but you know

that winter will pass, and you live through it, with the hope and

assurance that spring will come soon - once again.Life

itself is the four seasons. When good times are to come, your heart

sprouts with leaves of hope and anticipation. That is your spring. Good

times will arrive and the mind dances, the heart sings, and your love

for life blooms. The mind becomes clear like the blue skies, singing

the glories of the Creator and life itself. Yes. Life then is summer.Good

times that come begin to show their back to you, for that which has

started must also end. This is fall! Then comes the gloom of emptiness.

Know not "winter" as the end of life. In moments of such darkness, know

that spring is around the corner; winter may seem longer, but you must

enjoy the memories of the previous seasons, live on them and surely

enough, winter, too, will be gone, and spring will arrive bringing the

green back into your lives. A

true admirer of life will find the beauty in all the seasons.

Attachment to one period will only make you resent the past and dread

the future. Remember, that good times and bad times, will both have a

beginning and an end. You cannot only be attached to the beginning of

good times and the end of bad times! Live your lives like you live

through the four seasons, by adapting to them and being unaffected by

them. The seasons change, but you remain the same. In the same way,

life may change with its ups and downs, but the self adapts to life,

yet remains the same. Each season, My dears, will teach you of a beauty

that is unknown to the season of the past and the future season to come.- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine

Inspirations' is now on Facebook!Facebook link : http://www.facebook.com/saidivineinspirationsBlog link : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/

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