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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 26)

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CHAPTER 26 Bhajans

(devotional songs) must be sung for the love of God and not for loving

to sing. While singing, you must not be conscious of the voice, but the

voice must sing being conscious of Him. You have not come here to

compete in your talents to sing. You are here to raise yourselves with

devotion, and with this love, you must invoke devotion in others. The

song, My dears, belongs to Him, the voice that sings must be offered to

Him, the tune that plays must dance to Him, and the rhythm, beat, and

the clapping of your hands must be your applause to welcome Him. The

practice of group devotional singing will make you realize the bond of

love that unites all of you, to come together from heart to heart until

self to self. The love of God of one, can become the prayer to God of

another. Leading the bhajan is not singing to hear the praises of

another, but is the service that must lead others to entertain no

thoughts but that of God. Use the reserves of your bank of love in your

singing, and numb those minds, fill those hearts, cry those tears, and

shake each nerve of your body to tremble with love for Him and only

Him! A cannot be praised, cannot be criticized, and must not be rated

or ranked. No one's devotion here is first or last. A song that comes

from the heart with purity, humbleness, and a feeling of gratitude for

being given the chance by God to sing in His presence, only for Him,

and only to Him, with a mind that has only His thought, and with the

eyes that will open only to His vision. Such a song is devotional and

is devoted to Me in all. He is that devotee that sings to break all

bonds, that sings to become unconscious of the world and that sings

until His calling and praise brings Me to Him. With these chains of His

love, he binds Me and brings Me to become the slave of His love. God

will respond only if the calling has truth, God will answer only when

the question is sincere, and God will come only when your devotion

sings to become His song, only when your devotion serves to become His

work, and only when the devotion is pure to manifest His form.- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine Inspirations' is now

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