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Om Sai Ram - Bala Vikas Lessons

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1. What is the meaning of Sai Baba?


Sai Baba means Divine Mother and Father.


Sah + Ayee + Baba; S = Divine; Ayee = Mother; Baba: Father.




2. How does Baba describe himself?



is my Prachaar - Truth is what I speak. Dharmam is my Aachaar - Dharma

is what I do. Shanthi is My svabhaav - Shanti (peace) is My nature.

Prema is my Swaruup - Prema or Love is my Form.




3. Baba declared that his Avathaaric mission will be executed in three phases. What are they?



first sixteen years of His life will be a period of Baala Leela. The

next sixteen will be spent in Mahimas (divine miracles) to give

Santhosh to people. After that life will be full of activity delivering

discourses to teach erring humanity to take to the path of

righteousness, guiding humanity back to Sanaathana Dharma.

(Eternal-Universal Religion)




4. What is the historic letter in which Baba declared his mission in a detailed manner?



elder brother could not grasp the mystery of Sai phenomenon. He could

not tolerate certain caustic comments about the "simple village miracle

boy", made by some people. So he wrote letters to Baba warning him and

also imparting a lesson that he had learnt in life about human follies

and about fame and its trappings.





wrote to his brother on 25th May 1947. First He advises his brother not

to attach any value to such comments and take them to heart. Every

Avathaar had to face such criticisms. It is very difficult for common

people to understand Divinity in human form. They cannot even

understand sages. Then He reveals His mission:




"I have a task to foster all mankind and ensure for all of them life full of Aananda.




I have a vow to lead all those who stray away from straight path, back again to goodness and save them.


I am attached to a work that I love; to remove the sufferings of the poor and grant them what they lack.





have my definition of devotion - those devoted to me have to treat joy

and grief, gain and loss, with equal fortitude. This means, I will

never give up those attached to me. When I am thus engaged in my

beneficial task, how can my name ever be tarnished as you apprehend?

Truth shall prevail. Integrity will win."




5. When did Baba declare that he is Shivashakthi in human form?


On Guru Puurnami day 1963.




6. Give the sequence of the Sai Trio.


Shirdi Sai; Sathya Sai; Prema Sai.






7. What is the name of the biography of Bhagavaan Sri Sathya Sai Baba?


Sathyam Shivam Sundaram (Truth, Goodness, Beauty).




8. What is the name of the magazine published in Parthi? When did the publication commence?


Sanaathana Saarathi: 1958.




9. What is the special title given to Baba's writing in the monthly magazine that comes from Prashaanthi Nilayam?


The special title given to Baba's writings in Sanaathana Saarathi in Serials is "VAAHINI";


1. Prema vaahini. 2. Dharma vaahini. 3. Prashaanthi vaahini. 4. Jnaana vaahini.


5. Dhyana vaahini. 6. Bhagavatha vaahini. 7. Geetha vaahini. 8. Prashnotthara vaahini.


9. Raama katha Rasa vaahini. 10. Leela kaivalya vaahini. 11. Sathya Sai vaahini.


12. Vidhya vaahini. 13. Upanishad vaahini. 14. Sutra vaahini. (also "Sandeha nivarini")




10. Why did Baba undertake visits to all important shrines in pilgrim centers?



visit to these ancient shrines (Ayodhya, Varaanasi, Badhrinaath,

Pandaripura, Kanyaakumaari, Shrisailam) is to "charge the batteries

that have gone weak" - i.e., to rejuvenate and infuse spiritual power

in those dynamos of Grace. The resuscitation of holy places is one of

the means of Dharma Sthaapana for which He had come.





Baba organized and established the following: (a) Prashaanthi Vidwan

Mahaasabha (b)Summer courses in Indian Culture and Spirituality © Sri

Sathya Sai Seva Organisation. What is the purpose for which these were






Prashaanthi Vidhwan Mahaa Sabha: The watch word of Vidwan Maha Sabha is

"Thamasoma Jyothirgamaya" - lead (us) from darkness to light; to

eradicate ignorance and light the lamp of true knowledge and instil

faith in man's true nature - that "He is Aathma divine".





Summer courses: The students and the youth of the present era do not

have proper knowledge of Indian culture and spirituality. They are born

and bred up in alien culture. In order to acquaint them with the

knowledge of Bhaarath and her glory, Swami organised these summer






Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation: It is meant to be a training ground

for the members to make themselves deserve Divine Grace through love

and service to one and all and to spread Baba's message of Sathya,

Dharma, Shanthi and Prema by precept and example.




12. How does Baba fulfil His mission of making man realise that he is Aathman. What are the stages through which he makes man involve himself?



dose CHAMATHKAR (miracles of love) to attract people and instill faith

in Divinity and through SAMSKAAR transform and transmute them, then

make them involve in PAROPAKAAR selfless service to others so that they

might imbibe and inculcate Thyaga (sacrifice) in order to become fit

for SAKSHATKAR (actual visualisation of God).




13. What is the meaning of Bhagavaan?


Bhagavaan means one endowed with Bhaga, i.e., unique attributes:


Aishvarya - Authority derived from devine power


Veerya - Incomparable heroism, bravery


Yasas - Unexelled Fame


Shreyas - Comprehensive Prosperity


Jnana - Supreme Wisdom


Vairagya - Inner Detachment


It is also laid down in the Shaasthras that those who have these six primary endowments are referred to as Bhagavaan.


Uthpattimcha vinasamcha boothaanaam aagathim gathim.


Vetthi vidhyaam avidyamcha sarvascha bhagavan ithi.



who knows the mystery of creation, dissolution of created beings, the

mystery of their redemption and of their ignorance, wisdom.










14. What are the attributes of an Avathaar?



word 'Avathaar' means one who descends from the level of God-head to

the level of a man only to enable man to ascend to the level of God.



Avathaar shares the possession of five senses with the world of animals

and human beings. He shares with mankind the four attributes of mind,

reason, emotion, ahamkar or egoism. Avathaar possesses seven main

unique characteristics Srishti, (creative power;) Sthithi, (the power

to foster; guard and protect;) Laya, (the power to destroy;)

Thirodhaana, (the power to make things disappear;) then there is

Anugraha (the power to shower grace) for the deserving and

non-deserving as well. An Avathaar is ever present when His name is

uttered, form is recognised.




15. Why does Baba perform miracles?



himself has said thus about miracles: "Miracles are very natural and

normal to me". He performs miracles to inculcate faith in Divinity.

These miracles are to prove to the mortals the Super human powers with

which He has come down to redeem humanity from the shackles of





16. How did Baba declare that He is the very embodiment of all Gods that mankind


has been adoring?


He declared it in the form of a poem:


The same Lord who descended to protect Prahlaadha -


The same Lord who rushed to rescue the elephant king from the jaws of the crocodile -


The same Lord who came down to grant boons to the young Dhruva -


The same Lord who showered grace on Kuchela and relieved his poverty -


The same Lord with the same attributes -


The redeemer of humanity Srinivasa


Is here on earth now as the


Lord of Puttaparthi shining forth with all His Glory.




17. How did Baba prove that He is the re-incarnation of Shirdi Sai.



His father questioned Baba about Sai Baba, he showed to His father and

Karanam Subbamma, the Samaadhi (burial places) of Shirdi Sai Baba, and

the nearby places against a wall in a series of pictures.





lived until recently an old lady called "Peddha Bottu"! Her original

name was Shaaradamma, She was the daughter of a collector in the

Nizam's dominions. She visited and had the Darshan of Shirdi Sai

several times, with her father. She experienced untold miseries after

marriage and her husband died, her four children died. Then in utter

agony she sought the feet of Shirdi Sai and asked for spiritual

initiation in Lendi Baagh in 1917. Baba said, "Not now, I will come

again in Andhra. You will meet me and be with me." After many years

during her visits to several places where she gave Harikatha (divine

story telling performance), she came to Uravakonda. She heard that a

certain Baba calls himself re-incarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba. She went

to attend a Thursday Bhajan session at Seshamaraju's house. Then Sri

Sathya Sai Baba spotted her and said

"So you have come, my child, you owe me sixteen rupees" - only to prove

to Shaaradamma that He is Shirdi Sai come again as promised.

Shaaradamma sent to Shirdi Dasara celebration, Rs.40/- through a man

called Balarama. He returned to her 24 rupees. Baba addressed her as

'Gori' (the pet name given to her by Shirdi Sai Baba to Peddha Bottu

alias Shaaradamma).





In what form did Baba give Dharsan to (a) Purushotthamaanandha (b)

Karnam Subbamma © Abhedhaananda (d) to people gathered on the sea

shore of Machilipatnam.



Jyotheeruupa Anantha Padhmanaabha Swami (b) Karanam Subbamma could see

in the wide open mouth of Sathya, the entire Universe and creation, ©

Ramana Maharshi (d) Shesha Saayi.




19. Why does Baba give gifts to His devotees?



Himself has said thus about gifts. The gifts are expressions of his

Grace and Love. 'They are like my visiting cards and send me instant

flashes when the person to whom the gift is given is in danger or in

need of my help. Sometimes these gifts are for the sake of health or to

indicate right path'.




20. To whom did Baba give these unique gifts? (a) Jesus on cross, (b) Bhagawad-Geetha from sands © idol of Annapurna.



John Hislop (b) Dr. Bhagawantham © To the Principal of a Saainik

school when Baba visited, Jaamnagar and nearby places. He instructed

that the idol of Annapuurna may be kept in the dining hall of the

hostel. Annapuurna bestows food that endows one with 'puurnathvam' or





21. Who wrote Suprabhaatham?


Sri Thirumalaachaar.




22. What is the meaning of Baba?


BABA means : B = Being, A = Awareness, B = Bliss, A = Aathmaa.


Baba is Aathma: Being, Awareness and Bliss.




23. Baba says "You are not one person, but three". Explain.


You are not one person but three:


The one you think you are - refers to body;


The one others think you are - refers to the Mind.


The one you really are - refers to the Aathmaa.




24. How does Baba describe the sequence in Vishishtaadhvaitha and Adhvaitha?



says the progress of man, the pilgrim of eternity, passes through the

three stages of Vishistaadhvaita, Dvaitha and Adhvaitha as stated by

Jesus and Zoraster as well in the following manner.


Jesus said first: "I am the messenger of God".


Then: "I am the son of God".


Later: "I and my father in heaven are one".


Zoraster said: "I am in the Light",


"The light is in me" and


"I am the light".




Om Sai Ram



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