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Significance Of Meditation - (Part 6 Of 7)

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SIGNIFICANCE OF MEDITATION - PART 06Meditation is a mind free from thoughts. Meditation is the heart of yoga, the roof of Sadhana, the master key to knowledge the stream of love, the sacrificial rite that earns the richness of the Guru's Grace. Meditation is also one form of the Guru. Many will ask now to meditate and for how long. These are primary and essential questions. It is said in the Gita. The vision of the Self is obtained through meditation. In the Srimad Bhagavata it says : "In the meditation the Sadhaka becomes the form of God."Just we have occupied in mundane activities, our mind also is immersed in love for God in meditation. When the mind becomes empty of thoughts and becomes one with the Self, we reach a very high state. So we must keep our mind empty. When we wakeup after sleep, we experience a few moments when our mind is free of thoughts. We should make our mind

peaceful and thought free, so that it becomes no different from the Self. This progress is to come in meditationMORE INFORMATION ABOUT MEDITATION GIVEN BY Mr.JOCEK POLLER.SPIRITUAL NAME COLOUR CENTER STATE BODIESPART IReader this side should well know ,about what is in wonderful article according meditation. Therefore my commentary is not excellent from my point of view,it seems that it can be in some useful for reader this article.Answer can be find at Kashmir Tantric Shivaism. There is recognized this order as below:SPIRITUAL BODIESNAME COLOUR CENTER STATEGROSS VISHVA RED EYES (Spiritual)WAKINGSUBTLE TAIJASA WHITE THROAT DREAMCAUSAL PRAJNA BLACK HEART SLEEPSUPRA-CAUSAL VISHVA BLUE AHASRARA SAMADHILetters in line:GROSS.....ASUBTLE....UCAUSAL....MSUPRA-CAUSAL. ..CRESCENT with PUNCT in symbol AUM in SANSCRIT.Now respectively are

considered size and Goddess.Gross....... ..full body(spiritual) ......RAKTESWARISubtle...... ..thumb.. ......... ......... .SIVATISWARICausal...... ..finger typ......... .......KRISHNESW ARISupra Causal..sesame seed........ ........?According this should be understand that human being contains BODIES:1-GROSS PHISICAL2-ASTRAL BODY3-MENTAL BODY4-SPIRITUAL BODY(which is composed as mentioned above from 4 bodies)So total is 7 BODIES.Therefore,here is question about technics of meditation described by the tantric yogi on this base.How he realize these bodies in practice of meditation?. If he/she is to imagine them in region of some chakra?,or concentrates on them ,as a kind of radiation with vizualization shape colour,and with some kind of pranayama?. This last questions are unclear, at lest in some general way.But it would be well for readers to know that it

is not so simple as it is prezented by author in the article. Question is VERY COMPLICATED and as I think it is secret knowladge,and sacred.Had been it taught by Sai Baba Shirdi??...I do not think so...but maybe ?,just for author that consideration?PART IIMy information is taken from the book of Muktananda "Play of Consciousness" . Therefore Muktananda presented these bodies broadly,his explanation -in spite of appearances- is BLURED,and can be probabely understand only by initiated INTO YOGA SHAKTI. So this knowladge is unuseful from practical point of view. Mumford in his book about tantra yoga ,also mentions these colours and even provided there models for meditations from cartoons with respectively shapes and colours. So for GROSS BODY (on spiritual level!!!)..red square, for SUBTLE BODY...black square with elipsoid like game in center and with white space..and so

on.Problem is ,that "normal" reader don't recognize at all SPIRITUAL BODY!!...not saing even about BODIES OF THIS BODY!!!!.Problem is also why they are prezented just in this line( according similarities with chakras)-there are now: base (eyes??),subtle(throat??)causal( heart),.. ..and supracausal( sahasrara) . IT SEEMS that should be in line: HEART-THROAT- EYE-SAHASRARA, orSAHASRARA,EYE, THROAT,HEART.Reader this article should know that according Shivaism-Shaktism man contains TWO HEARTS-one heart is phisical on the left side of chest (also chakra), and chakra called HRIDAYAM -a center of SELF located in a center of chest. Liberation,or salvation has its final act IN HRIDAYAM,NOT IN SAHASRARA as many think. That's why the great yogi Sri RAMANA MAHARSHI recommended meditation ONLY IN CENTER OF SELF-HRIDAYAM- it was his yoga. According tantra yoga- Kundalini attains

SAHASRARA-pineal gland...where is spiritual "wedding"... BUT it is not finish...now BLISS OF SPIRITUAL UNION in a form DIVINE SEMEN FLOWS DOWN as DROPS OF DIVINE "DEW" INTO THE HRIDAYAM ,CENTER OF SELF, and this is the last act of union with DIVINE-the most highest BLISS IN PHISICAL BODY.Of course this is from theoretical point of view. How it looks in practical realization. .? just by "realizations" mentioned BODIES?, it is NOT CLEAR..and it probabely requests really TRUE EXPERIENCED YOGI, if at all it is possible to teach about this.That's why I think that this teachings had been not provided by SRI SAI BABA ,who directed his teaching rather to COMMON man. But maybe someone can explain from practical point of view these colours and methods REALIZATION, and steps of meditation ?.PART IIIDear reader got some suggestions about,meditation, yoga,shakti yoga ,on the background of

the excellent article done by Sri Bharam Umamaheswararao. Therefore we should explain this kind of sadhana on the background of Sri Sai Baba teaching. You alone should give correct answer in question: what is yoga,what is meditation,what is SELF REALIZATION, and...GOD REALIZATION. When you had been interested with colours in meditation in mentioned article..so you are probabely SHAKTA. It is wrong imagination that by action you can be liberated,as I understand-by some posture,diet, by some "program"... . Salvation is a state of vigilant stilness. BY BEING..NOT BY DOING is salvation..by taking off thinking,discipline s..and everything what is called "doing". In state of "being" you can find God.That's why teaching of Sri Sai had been "HOW TO BE"...not "HOW TO DO".He never gave to his disciples any "program", "discipline" ..any even mantra. BUT this kind of yoga demands ONE CONDITION-LOVE; LOVE

GURU.If you shall LOVE guru,if you shall be on the path called "GURU YOGA", than all your actions,weaknesses, animalistic tendencies.. .you shall OFFER TO YOUR GURU..who shall be ALWAYS PRESENT WITH YOU.This is sadhana proscribed by Shri Sai Baba. That's why I think it should be on our web side also GURU GITA translated from Kashmir Shivaism. You do not need undertake very risk excercises from tantra..you can be NATURAL,and your way shall be natural-always in companion of Guru..never along whith "tantric goals".This way is the most easy,simple, nad beautiful,natural, NON FORCED ,NOT VIOLENT for SHAKTI. The first step is "SELF REALIZATION" ..that means erradication "ANIMAL" FROM YOU NATURE..and after this with grace of Guru who shall be present in your life shall be next step-"GOD REALIZATION" . It is interesting that the most lofty Teachers-Gurus in history of mankind recommended THIS KIND

OF SADHANA, they had been Jesus,Sri Ramana Maharshi and Sai Baba Shirdi,Krishnamurti ..they never recommended path of Tantra, as violent discipline, pushing and forthing Shakti energy for some imagined goal of sadhaka..the most often not enough matured for this kind of action. Some disciples need male guru ...some feemale one,for expression of shakti -as LOVE.Everyone should well consider his/her own spiritual temperament. In this case Sri Sai Baba was very tolerant..and he knew well ,that question of chosing guru is v. subtle, and the most important question.He didn't feel offended if someone had been worhipper of Lakshmi,Saraswati, or Mataji, or others for example male deities...he always gave to worhippers advice and encouragement because in the background of all deities..in reality HE HAD BEEN ALWAYS.This last question is very interesting. Reader should well understand so called "DIVINE

REALITY". WHAT IS REAL ? GODS-GODESSES take live from us..and WE LIVE FROM LIVES OF GODS/GODESSES. People most often don't understand "reality".Does this or that God exists as real being..or is "created" by us..our phantazy,so this kind of creature is unreal...!!! This is wrong consideretion. YOU ARE CREATED..in the same way,and you are "real"..IDENTICAL GODS...they are..created by you..but THEY ARE THE SAME REAL ,AS YOU ARE REAL.When you pray to some God ,or Godess..you give them YOUR VITAL ENERGY..and by this fact they are LIVING ASTRAL BEINGS..you can meet them..in heaven created by milions people,and their bhaktas.When you pray, you give them FOOD for life...thay are grateful for you..and THEY GIVE YOU BLESSINGS and GRACE.Even if you mention them by name...they take existence. By name is..FORM -not avert.Note that the FIRST IS "IDEA" and after "WORD","NAME" -IDEA appears as its realization.

...FORM. MOTHER OF UNIVERSE is "WORD".ENERGY- RADIATION from POWER-FROM UNMANIFESTED- TRANSCENDENTAL GODwho takes FORM.WORD is composed from letters.Between letters is "EMPTINESS". ..TRANSCENDENTAL NONACTIVITY- BEING.But without tis background of empty space there wouldn'y be any written word. Without these "spaces" word couldn't exist!!But when you speak word you can't note this spase-"between"letters. ..as you can't not God in daily activities.The most beautiful word on this world is..MOM.. MATI, in feeling form MATAJI.M-spellinh this letter contains 2 leeps connected together..this is expression of universal God-DUALITY IN UNION.Two lips + and - are in union mmmmmmm..... .. Now is going letter A. Leeps are seperate..+ and - are seperate units..now is DUALITY IN FORM..aaaaaa. ..and M creates universe by AAAAAAA....and this Universe is going again to UNION so you say

M...mmmmmm That is a word MOM. In fase of your MOM is the fase of GURU, is the face of GOD.Note ,that OM is the same universal expression. The first is OMOMOMOM or MOMOMO....MAMAMAM. .... In this way is expressed LOVE OF GOD,GURU who have face of your... MOM-he/she givs you "birth"...transform ation into "new"reality. MMMM is the "geat of creation"..and the "geat of DEATH".Nothing is more lofty... The first word you can say is..MOM..and it should be the last.The first contact whith world is by..face of your MOM. GOD-FATHER is then ancomprehendable. .but MOM-MATAJI-YES She is always able to be comprehended by her children. By SHAKTI you can reach GOD.If even Brahma fall in love to his GLORY,RADIATING LIGHT fulfilling night of BEING, that means that she is the greatest power in whole universe,and by her grace,you can find the grace of GOD in excellent unity,because Brahma can accept only her

beauty.How can someone even approach Brahma without...SHAKTI? ? So if you are SHAKTA,you can realize in practical way-TANTRA YOGA by meditation on the most beautyful book on this world-700 verses of "CHANDI PATH". In MOTHER OF UIVERSE in SHAKTI..you shall be always fortunate..even in "rainy day",you shall have alwaysgood humor,you wouldn't need to undertake any severepenance, severe fastings,your face shall be radiating with love, without special reason,your sexuality whithout special afforts shall be moderate,or you can be able to experience in sexual acts lofty mystical states ;if you shall have a fit spiritual partner(be careful,don' t be deceived by appearance), or sexuality in natural way cease in you . Why it all happens..because INSIDE YOU SHALL BE THE MOST BEATIFUL FACE RADIATING WHITH SMILE..FACE OF YOUR UNIVERSAL MOM.In properly time you can get siddi,whithout any effort to get

them.This is natural TANTRA-the goal of teaching of Sai Baba Shirdi. In this way YOU make progress from lower level to higher..you "GIVE" DARSHAN TO GODS ,and GODDESSES..but they (gods) also make progress through...LOVE TO YOU. This is mutual evolution of whole universe ,where NOTHING IS SEPERATE,and ALONG.You,Gods are interwoven in ONE WHOLNESS.Never seperate you from your Guru,or Gods who don't need at once to be "transcendental" !!!....therefore they are expression of ONE TRANSCENDENTAL REALITY-BRAHMAN. By Her you shall be victorious, because she has aspect-MAYA. ..but also..VIDIA. She is KALI-DURGA,and she is LAKSHMI preserver and tender protector,nad SARASVATI.So Sri Sai Baba not condemned as superstition worshipping idols ,statues...and so on.By doing this..you make them LIVING ,vibrating.. you do not see it, but it is real fact.If you pray to guru Sai...he is plesed,he

shall be at once..IN YOUR LIFE.You can meditate about some saints,your parents,children who died...than by this you create theirs "copies",astral shadows in spiritual realm..living. .and real..therefore in the same time they can be INCARNATED, and living ON THE EARTH. Therefore they,living on the earth in new forms,and are not spiritual beings...you created them in spiritual realm...AND THEY ARE ALSO REAL beings, now ANGELS WHO TAKE CARE ABOUT THEIRS INCARNATED FORMS ON THE EARTH.Therefore ,always think with living feelings about these who passed away..yourbrothers,sisters, parents.. and so on. By meditation-" nondoing" is GOD REALIZATION in external world,and in internal world-your own. And by non action is SELF REALIZATION whith one exception- charitable actions in the name of guru.Without guru even charitable actions are done under delusion of egoistic nature.It is because

animalistic nature wants to involve you into activity..and deceive you,that's why whithout guru salvation is impossible. Because we are not customed with nonactivity, and intnernal mind preasures for some actions ,sadhana could contains: I)Guru Yoga-LOVE GURU2)JAPA,and MANTRA YOGA-at least 1 hr every day. Japa or Mantra can be written on a piece of paper through 1 hr,very meticulous,and whithout any misteake.This is very important because you add to your mantra SHAPE nad FORM in forms of sentences and letters.Your mantra TAKE SHAPE on ASTRAL LEVEL.More if you mention NAME GURU or DEITY YOU MAKE HIM LIVING and by letters YOU GIVE HIM/HER B O D Y. You can write "I love you guruji",you can draw hearts next to name deity,guru.You can kiss picture o f guru or deity after every written mantra.You can write only name of deity,or guru....and so on. These actions are not "indifferent" if you

do them whith feelings...YOU CREAT YOUR FUTURE GURU IN FORM. 3)Concentration on Guru by all day,in every activity, being not involves into this activity,being" out"of this activity. Sadhaka should understand that HE IS ALSO CREATOR ,and that the life is MAGIC,it is DIVINE PLAY in which sadhaka is not seperate entity,he/she is companion of GOD in creation.It is not theoretical. .it is practical yoga.You do not need to stay on your head to be liberated... and experience bliss of BEING..even in suffering.Jai Sai RamSwamy MahadevanBow to Shri sai-Peace be to allBaba Bless you ever!!!Continued

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