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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 36)

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He has allotted His work to you, those tasks must be completed. The

burden of duty must be accepted, humbly, as a blessing, for you to burn

the pyre of previous karmas. Fulfilling each of your given duties with

pure love, along with the stream that flows in the direction of

righteousness, pushed by the strength of heroic courage, with each task

that is taken upon and completed at His feet, with His prompting, with

His wisdom, with His selflessness, with His compassion, and most

importantly, in His presence. In each area of life, lies

responsibility, and the freedom from this responsibility lies in the

proper completion of the given task. In each task, lies a proper

balance or proportion. For example, a mother must give the child the

comfort of her love, always, but on the other hand, this love must be

balanced by discipline, or else, love itself will become the hindrance

in the proper upbringing of the child. Husband and wife love and serve

each other. They live to compromise their likes and dislikes and to

please each other, but if one only gives and the other only accepts,

then this love pushes to resentment, and further, to hatred, breaking

the sweetness and sacredness of their relationship. Again, I say, here,

too, lies the balance of proportion. How do you then determine this

proper balance in any task or responsibility? My answer here is by

simple practice, experience, and having the humbleness to learn, to

forgive, to be able to ask for forgiveness, to be able to love and give

under all circumstances, and to work constantly towards perfection,

without expecting others to be perfect; to be able to rise above all

and remain happy; to understand another's weakness; to be able to hear

of your own faults; to strive to improve yourselves in each downfall,

and most important of all, to know that you can balance any situation

by using your heart fully in the task, for when the heart leads the

work, the balance of the task lies on the shoulders of the Lord,

Himself. Remember, when the heart will work, only then will He prompt,

and when He is the guide, duty will become your pleasure, duty will

become your principle, and duty will become the prayer of worship. Duty

is your responsibility to love and to serve, to be only in the right,

to save, to teach, to guide, to learn, to be thankful, to give, forgive

and forget, to lead, to follow, to be kind, to be patient, and to know

and understand the God that lies within it.- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine Inspirations' is now on

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