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A Divine Vaikunta Ekadasi Incident

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On This Sacred day of "Vaikunta Ekadasi" ,Let us remember the Wonderful and Divine events of A Wonderful Vaikunta Ekadasi with Swami on January'6th'1962 :


In the very first week of 1963, on the 6th January to be exact, the Vaikunta Ekadasi had to be celebrated, according to the Calendar. Baba's Calendar marks out that Day as Amrithodbhavam Day, when Divine Nectar emanates from His Hand. The Day is observed as the day when the Gates of Heaven are opened for all in the great Vaishnavite

temple Srirangam, where the Lord as Ranganatha, the Director of the World-stage, presides over the Drama of Birth and Death with a few scenes of Living, in between.


For those who are near this Sri Ranganatha in Human Form, the gates of heaven open when He gives them the Nectar He creates, that day. On 6th January, Baba took many

devotees to Mahabalipuram on the Eastern Sea, a place where the waves whisper to man the wonderful tales of long ago. It is a place hallowed by centuries of history. Here, chisels held by left hands inspired by Karmayoga, directed by eyes sparkling with the light of

Bhakthiyoga, trained by brains illumined by Jnanayoga have shaped rebellious rock into rapture-filled paths. When the party settled around Baba on the seashore and began singing Bhajan songs, the waves must have recalled bygone days when the temple deities of Tamil Nadu were installed for worship on the seashore and the shore was filled, not with picnic-minded crowds, but with masses of devout hearts and humble seekers of God. They surged, one behind the other, in serried ranks to catch a glimpse of Baba and to hear the lilt of the song divine. Even the elephants, deer and monkeys carved in stone strained

to escape from the rock and sit around.


Baba created that evening three charming idols of Vishnu, Narayana and Krishna, and when the group of devotees around Him were exulting over their luck, the mute image of Arjuna doing penance must have turned and folded hands in a sudden inspiration to pay homage. The three idols, Baba explained, symbolized the Sathwic aspect of God, the aspect that confers Amritha or Immortality to man. Vaikunta is the place or stage of no 'kuntitha' or dullness or stupidity, mutilation or misery.


On the Ekadasi Day, dedicated to the winning of that stage, the gates of Vaikunta are open for those who have achieved success in the struggle for overcoming the handicap of ignorance. "When the mind obeys the whims of the senses, you get bound; when the mind listens to the warnings of its master, the Budhi or Reason, you are saved. So, train the mind to heed the intelligence and not the vagaries of the senses," Baba advised. After granting the devotees this Bodhamritham, Baba created the Amritham, which was generated by the Devas and Asuras on that auspicious Day by churning the Ocean of Milk, (as described in the Bhagavatham). He gave it to all present, with the warning that the tongue that has tasted Amritham must not be contaminated by Anrtham (Falsehood) thereafter.


- Taken from the "Sathyam Sivam Sundaram" Series by the Late Shri.Kasturi.


Om Sai Ram





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