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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 40)

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must be used wisely to love God, remember Him, and serve Him. Your day

must include the time that is devoted to God by remembrance of His

name, the time that is devoted to duty and worldly tasks, without any

attachments, and the time devoted to selfless service with humility and

the belief that the Lord works through your hands to serve the needs of

others. The morning must start early to calm and prepare the mind for

the day by leaving all thoughts behind and by filling yourselves with

God in order to use this miraculous divine strength throughout the day.

The next six hours must be used to complete your given responsibilities

in this world with love and dedication and utmost sincerity, making God

the prompter and guide in your given tasks. The following six hours

must dedicate service to all creations of God with no exceptions of

recognition and no conditions in return, making God the actor, doer,

and receiver. The other six hours must be the time to rest for the body

to assist you in God's work for tomorrow. One

must begin his morning at 3 A.M. with meditation and prayers in order

to condition the mind for the day. Worship and God's name must be from

3 A.M. - 9 A.M. Your worldly duties must begin from 9 A.M. - 3 P.M.

Service must start from 3 P.M. - 9 P.M. and the body must rest from 9

P.M. - 3 A.M. "Three will become nine and nine will destroy the three".

From the three, starting with devotion and remembrance, the second

being duty and responsibilities, and the third being service and

selflessness, will arise the nine relations you develop with God: 1) Mother - Love you until the soul lives 2) Father - Developing discipline to perform tasks with love 3) Brother - Protecting and supportive love4) Sister - A love that encourages with sweet, sincere belief in all your abilities5) Friend - A love that remains loyal forever 6) Soul mate - A partner that will never let go of your hand 7) Guru - The teacher and guide that leads you in His path 8) Master - The one that makes you serve through His prompting and love 9) God - The love that is eternal and merges with you, forever From these nine relations you develop with God - you will find the strength to destroy your 3 enemies. 1) The mind will be turned away

from negative thoughts and will be channeled by constant remembrance of God.2) The senses will be controlled by performing ones worldly duties with no attachments and no desires.3)

The ego will be trampled by the selfless work one renders. Make your

days full with God, and let time fill your hearts with love.- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine Inspirations' is now on Facebook!Facebook link : http://www.facebook.com/saidivineinspirationsBlog link : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/

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