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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 41)

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are confused, today, to make several righteous decisions. Confusions

will come only when the heart is one, yet the faces are many. Your

principles and beliefs must not change depending upon the

circumstances. Have the courage to follow one principle, one belief -

for God is only one! Truth is only one - but fears are many. It is only

your own weakness of attachments that will allow you to waver from the

right path. The mind will play its games of guilt upon you, justifying

every ungodly act to be duty. Your

first duty lies in never leaving the divine hand that holds yours,

throughout your journey. Duty must be performed with love for God, for

He will emanate in everyone you love and in all the work that is

performed. God must be present in each task that you start and

complete, for when His presence is not certain, the task, itself,

becomes unclear. Duty must be the picture that will show love that is

only true, love that is only right, love that is always calm, and love

that can withstand any storms with the courage and faith in your belief

that you will stand up to evil minds and impure hearts and that the

divinity in you will crush and correct all imperfections, making every

moment in your life the birth of the Lord.The

best interests in the ones you love, lies in your ability to lift them

with your courage and unfold their temporary blindness with your

blessing to be able to see, recognize, and understand the untruths that

surround them. Duty must be pure with the love of sacrifice - the

sacrifice of attachments and never the sacrifice of divine principles.

Lead those who will follow you, and those that are left behind will,

one day, too, follow. Do not be influenced yourselves by the wrongdoing

of a loved one. Let the influence of the divine spirit only prevail,

and know that those who are drowning, today, will learn to flap their

arms and legs to be able to swim and survive their own destruction. Be

the survivor that believes in the miracles of God. Have faith that you

are the chosen ones that have been saved all along. Do not doubt your

own strengths of fighting with truth. The failure of untruth is

inevitable, evil to others will only lead to self destruction, and the

lack in your beliefs that you are God will only keep the self asleep

and the mind fearfully awake.- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine Inspirations' is now on

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