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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 47)

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each sunrise, know that another day has begun, and another battle

awaits for you in life. Your enemies are prepared for attack, the smell

of evil gun smoke fills the air - I watch the fear in you climbing,

rising, and enveloping you, and once again, you have betrayed! Once

again, you have accepted defeat without even a fight. Yes! You have,

once again, shaken hands with the enemy. The day continues in your

compromises to stay pure, and with the voice of the mind that plays and

that of the heart that weeps and blames, you pass another day as a

volunteering prisoner. The sun, with its glow of bright orange has

started to set, the enemies laugh and celebrate their victory over you,

the mind curls in its fears of guilt, the heart beats with lesser love,

and you, My dears, will face another night that is completely dark in

isolation, in the anxiety of tomorrow. Tomorrow, the sun will rise

again, with more fears, lesser strength, and growing weaknesses; and

from a soldier, you will become the slave that will serve the enemy,

and one day, will face death by their slow poisoning. Death will come,

and you will take birth as the enemy - Now you will attack, you will

destroy - another life, another God! A

soul that has come to stay divine, a soul that is in constant battle

with his own inner enemies, a soul that has promised never to leave Me,

will, each day, wake up with Me, and with My strengths that live in

him, will fight to destroy and overcome each hurdle and obstacle with

faith in the one weapon he holds - the truth of love - the love of God!

His day will begin with a sun that rises to clear his mind, to fill his

heart, and to fill the fears in his enemies with one name, one prayer,

and one friend that is his army - the army of God! The sun will set

with another victory of the self, with several deaths in the opposing

army, and even though the night will come, the darkness will stay

alight with the fires that have consumed all the enemies, and the self

will wait for the sun to rise, once again, to spread its power of

healing to other lives. No more death, no more battle! The enemies have

fled, and you are now the king that reigns in the kingdom of love.- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine Inspirations' is now on Facebook!Facebook link : http://www.facebook.com/saidivineinspirationsBlog link : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/

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