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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 50)

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voice of doubt will always reel you in a web of temptations. Doubts are

viscously created by the mind, but they have become your guidelines of

belief. Then tell Me, what will happen when doubts begin to form your

realities? Know, when that has occurred, your realities have made God

your biggest unreality. Doubts will constantly seek confirmations, and

the mind that you follow, today, is quick in fabricating untrue

information, making each one of your doubts, your reason to act against

divine principles. Know

that the path that is wrong will inevitably open the gates to several

doubts - the right, being only the one path, so the question for doubts

arising with the absolute truth is only a notion of an insane mind.

Uncertainty in you will dawn, only when you are beginning to fail in

your steps of courage, only when you are tempted to break your promise

to your heart, and only when you make the choice that will escape the

temporary storms you might have to face. Yes! Doubts are merely your

fears and your biggest cause of anger, frustration, and lack of success

in your spiritual paths. Begin

to speak the language, today, that is devoid of the "maybes", and speak

and act only with the "musts". Walk your journey without the "ifs" and

"buts", and throw away, My dears, your concept of fears - throw away

your walking stick that only makes you walk with hesitation and lack of

courage. The children of God do not ever doubt - they only lead! The

blessed souls that have chosen to wake up, live and sleep with the

Lord, experience their journeys with no doubt, for it is only doubt

that will bring in you the pain of fear, it is only doubt that keeps

you awake and away from peace, and it is only doubt that will force you

to choose a life without Me - a life, in which, you will only be slowly

consumed by your own anxieties and a state of pure restlessness. Start

your lives with a new chapter - a chapter of utmost faith - faith in

those you love, faith in all the souls you meet everyday, every moment

- let each one be the friend that is with you, only to help. Believe in

their love for you - believe in your love to withstand them, believe Me

to be the "doer" that never falters, never hesitates, never hurts,

never fears, and never strays from the truth. Escape from this prison

of doubts, believe in your freedom, believe in your innocence, and you

will find and experience a new life, a new strength, a new truthful

identity that awaits! Make not the mistake of doubting the self, ever -

this mistake will only drown you in the pains of several births and

deaths. Doubt not My presence, - in fact, let that be your only

certainty, and your doubts will, forever, cease to exist!- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine Inspirations' is now on

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