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6th Feb 2010 -Swami Blesses a Unique Case Study - 7th Feb 2010-Programme by Devotees from Ooty and Nilgris - 10th -Talk by Mr. Ajit Popat in the Divine Presence

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February 6, 2010 – Swami Blesses a Unique Case Study on the Sri Sathya Sai Drinking Water Projects


Darshan is such a fantastic phenomenon. It is poorly defined in English as the "holy sighting". Darshan is a conglomeration of vibrations, feelings, power, beauty, healing and above all - Love.







So many things happen even as Swami simply glides past devotees during darshan. An on-site interview panel, if set up, would generate a book easily after each darshan session, collecting the experiences and joy of the devotees present. It is His grace that we come to know of some of the things that happen and are able to partake the feast of that joy and Divine Love.

t about 4:40 p.m., Swami arrived for darshan. He gently moved passed the ladies' side and there He evinced keen interest in the people from the Nilgiris mountains. It appeared as though He blessed them with an opportunity to put up a programme the next day. Moving over to the gents' side, He blessed the same people who were seated there too.








Completing the round, He moved to the portico. Seated there were two research scholars and a senior professor from the University. They had painstakingly worked on and compiled a case study on the Sri Sathya Sai Drinking Water Supply Projects.

The water projects contain great lessons in leadership, inspiration and private-public sector co-operation in executing projects of such massive scale. They are also case studies for hassle-free, redtape-free, trust based man management.








The NUS (National University of Singapore) has an Institute for Water Policy. Since keen interest had been evinced in these projects, the Sathya Sai University took upon preparing a case study. Swami saw the case. He leafed through the booklet. But even there, His attention was drawn to the ladies who were struggling to fetch water. He did not seem so much interested in the fact that the first ever international case study from the university had been made. His heart was with the poor and forlorn. He blessed the research scholars and the professor and then arrived to the stage.

Bhajans had begun and Swami sat right from the first one. It was wonderful. After about 25 minutes, Swami went briefly to the interview room and then came back for the bhajans. At 5:45 p.m., Swami beckoned for the aarthi. Raising both His hands in loving blessings for all who had gathered, He moved towards the residence at 5:50 p.m.






February 7, 2010 – Programme by Devotees from Ooty and Nilgris













The devotees from Ooty and the Nilgiris hills were in Puttaparthi in the first week of February and on February 7 Swami asked them to present their programme before Him. Bhagavan it seems has a soft corner for these village folk from the hills. Every year, they make their pilgrimage and Swami blesses them abundantly. Their programmes might not exactly stand the critical test for theatrics and dialogues, but in the realm of devotion and feelings, they are past compare as one can gaze from Swami's response to them year after year. In 2010, they had come prepared with a full fledged drama entitled, “Satyavan-Savitriâ€.










The Veda chanting that had begun at 4:00 p.m. which concluded at 5:00 p.m. and a few minutes after that, Swami arrived. The entire cast for the drama came forward and stood in front and the backdrop lived up to its name! The programme was to be mostly based on the tribal dances of these hill folk and so, as custom demanded, the person wearing the costumes of Lord Ganesha, stood with both hands upraised with his fingers in the modern "V-for-victory" pose. It needed quite some convincing from the organisers to tell him that it was okay and he could stand with folded hands! So much was his involvement in his character and respect for his traditions.










Soon, Swami passed by this array of characters and He blessed them. There were two lady characters at the end of the line and He spoke to them, presumably trying to find out who was Savitri! Then He moved around the gents' side and passing by the students, arrived on the stage.

Immediately, He called for the coordinators and told them to begin the programme. The initial offerings were made and Swami so lovingly accepted them. And then with the introductory announcement about the story of Savitri, the drama began.It was done in the folk-dance style and for those unaccustomed to it, it provoked mild laughter. But the cast were so serious about their roles and the sincerity and effort was seen in their performance. It started with a song in praise of Lord Ganesha. Though the whole programme had been recorded, it had not lost the flavour of tradition as the high pitch voices of the hillfolk singers rented the air. The story then unfolded.










The childless king of Madra, Ashwapati, lives ascetically for many years and offers oblations to Sun God Savitr. He wishes to have a son for his lineage. Finally, pleased by the prayers, God Savitr appears and grants him a boon: he will soon have a daughter. The king is joyful at the prospect of a child. She is born and named Savitri in honor of the god. Savitri is beautiful and pure. She sets out on a pilgrimage and finds Satyavan, the son of a blind king named Dyumatsena, who after he had lost everything including his sight, lives in exile as a forest-dweller. At this point, Swami called one of the students sitting in front and asked him what language the drama was being performed.










The student seemed dazed and Swami Himself answered saying that it was in the 'Badaga' language. (The Badaga language is a southern Dravidian language, a branch of Tamil-Kannada spoken by approximately 400,000 people, the Badagas, in the Nilgiri Hills in Southern India.)Savitri returns to find her father speaking with Sage Narada who announces that Savitri has made a bad choice: although perfect in every way, Satyavan is destined to die one year from that day. Savitri insists that she will choose her husband but once. Savitri and Satyavan are married, and she goes to live in the forest.









The "forest-dweller" Savitri, with her mere appearance seemed to move Swami. Bhagavan looked at her and told a student nearby, "That is Savitri!" Swami became quite emotional and from then on, it was complete involvement. The drama moved on. Three days before the foreseen death of Satyavan, Savitri takes a vow of fasting and vigil. On the D-Day while Satyavan is splitting wood, he suddenly becomes weak and lays his head in Savitri’s lap. Yama himself, the Death, comes to claim the soul of Satyavan. Savitri follows Yama as he carries the soul away.










At this point, the organisers made an interesting change. The traditional folk singing stopped and what played on the PA system was the audio from the Telugu movie, "Satyavan Savitri." The conversation between Savitri and the Lord of death came alive before everyone. She praises obedience to Dharma, then friendship with the strict, then Yama himself for his just rule, then Yama as King of Dharma, and finally noble conduct with no expectation of return.Impressed at each speech, Yama praises both the content and style of her words and offers any boon, except the life of Satyavan. She first asks for eyesight and restoration of the kingdom for her father-in-law, then a hundred sons for her father, and then a hundred sons for herself and Satyavan. The last wish creates a dilemma for Yama, as it would indirectly grant the life of Satyavan.







However, impressed by Savitri's dedication and purity, he offers one more time for her to choose any boon, but this time omitting "except for the life of Satyavan". Savitri instantly asks for Satyavan to return to life. Yama grants life to Satyavan and blesses Savitri's life with eternal happiness.Swami was very pleased. He almost shed tears at Savitri's purity and chastity. Seeing Swami was truly an awe-inspiring sight. And there was a message. Swami is so moved with purity and chastity. In a world where infidelity and divorces are on a rise and marriages are unstable, Savitri's life stands as an example for all. Little wonder it was that the Avatar seemed to shed tears in an intense effort to draw everyone's attention to this inspirational life. It made one feel ashamed at the lengths God was being made to go in order to draw mankind back on the righteous path. It was a charging experience overall.

As the drama concluded, Swami said, "Savitri did very well."

He then called out to Savitri and materialized a gold chain for 'her'. Putting it around 'her' neck, He picked up a safari piece and confirmed that it was indeed a male! With a sweet smile, Swami gifted the safari piece. He then gifted each member of the acting troupe with His divine hands.










Each of them fell at His feet and took namaskar. Swami still did not seem satisfied. He moved down and posed with them for group pictures. He told the cameraman to move to the right and left and cover from both angles so that none would be missed out! Then, going back on the stage, Swami asked for sweets to be distributed to the group as prasadam. After this, He asked them to sing a few bhajans. Their leader who was seated on the stage joined them as they all led a bhajan on Rama and Krishna. All the students joined in following. After that, Swami asked the students to sing. They too sang a bhajan on Rama and Krishna so that the Ooty devotees rejoice singing about their favourite deities.











After that bhajan, Swami asked for aarthi. Blessing everyone after the aarthi, He said, "I am very happy. Everyone acted very well. I will surely come to Ooty." Then He moved back towards the residence. It was almost 6:30 p.m.







February 10, 2010 – Talk by Mr. Ajit Popat in the Divine Presence




The Sri Sathya Sai Organisation in Hyderabad is ever so active in serving the deserving. And Swami from His side has always kept the Divine inspiration going in His own way. On February 10, another feather was added in their service cap as they sought Divine blessings to inaugurate the mobile hospital van “Sri Sathya Sai Prana Mitraâ€. The van, decked in its flourescent blue stood majestically outside the Yajur Mandir building.










Shortly before 4:20 p.m., Swami arrived and the Grama Seva president along with the concerned conveners prayed to Swami to bless the endeavour. Swami was more than happy to do so. He moved towards the van and asked as to how it would function. "Swami, starting from this Shivarathri, it'll be available on a 24X7 basis for all emergencies. People can be safely taken to the hospital."






The next question was, "How much did it cost?Swami, 12 lakhs." Swami nodded and said that He was very happy and that service should be done. He blessed everyone associated with the project and accepted roses and letters from them. The rear doors of the ambulance were opened and Swami seemed to scrutinize every inch of the van as He charged it with Divine healing and calming potency.










As He moved towards the Sai Kulwant Hall, He asked one of the security guards as to where he came from. He told Swami and then prayed for admission of his child in primary school. Swami nodded a "We shall see", and then moved ahead into Sai Kulwant Hall. He accepted letters and moved through the students into the gents’ side. He accepted letters as He passed by the students and then arrived on stage by 4:40 p.m. The Veda chanting was on and the students were holding a card to seek permission for a programme on Shivarathri. Swami smiled and He threw a packet of vibhuti for one of the students. The student took that as a blessing as well as the permission to go to Swami, so he moved up and informed Swami about the planned programme. Swami again smiled, nodded and sent him back.










Turning to His left, He called Mr. Ajit Popat to address the gathering. The next half an hour or so was an energy-filled talk as Mr. Popat, the Puppet as he calls himself, dilated on the simple rule to being close to God - Swasth raho, Vyasth raho aur Mast raho!" (Be healthy, busy and joyous). Health referred to both physical and mental aspects. Being busy in contemplating upon, "Who am I? Where do I come from?" is the way to wisdom.








Finally being happy by living in the present and neither anticipating the future nor worrying about the past was the way to lead life. The speaker presented many anecdotes from the fictional life of Mullah Nasaruddin which is metaphorical of man's life today.He concluded his speech with three forceful “Jai Bolos†to Bhagavan. Swami seemed moved with his speech and blessed him profusely.

Swami then looked at the bhajan group and said, "It’s time! Start bhajans." Bhajans followed for the next half an hour almost. At the end of it, Swami asked for aarthi and then started returning to His residence.






Aum Sri Sai Ram



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