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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt I - 60)

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spends his life in the shadow of his pride, and it is this pride, one

day, that will make him the deluded man, without God. He forms an image

of himself that is larger than the largest mountain, and yet he

crumbles with the slightest sway of a breeze that may go against him.

It's all what you think yourselves to be - but nothing what you really

are! Your aspirations are to find and become God - yet your practices,

study, and behavior to attain this are quite the contrary. The

true nature of God that lies within you cannot be proven by another,

but it remains only to be discovered by you. You can question the truth

several times, but the answer lies only in experiencing it, yourselves.

You can theoretically learn the skills of driving and know the fact and

function of every part that lies in the car, but without the actual

practice of learning the control behind the steering wheel, you will

never actually learn the true skills of being a good driver. Yes! The

fact must be your faith, the faith must become the practice, and

practice will lead to pure perfection. You

find it difficult to believe in that which cannot be proven - yet

think, My dears, of how many questions remain unanswered; like, why

birth? Why death? Why life? What is the force that lies behind

creation? Several facts remain unproven and unclear to you, because the

one answer that lies behind several of these unspoken questions is, O

sweet, "the existence of God"! You must stop to doubt this one fact

that remains to be the only truth that lies in you and around you. All

else is the waking dream - a dream that has become your agitation of

desires. You have begun to cling to your imaginations and have

developed fearful attachments to each character, each role and every

scene. All

can be owned, yet none of these material possessions will give you the

sense of being complete and content. The self within you is the owner

of all, yet the need of the self is none other but to "give". The

treasury of the king is full, yet all including him, belongs to his

subjects. That is what makes him the "king", for he is able to sit on a

golden throne with all the riches that surround him, and still, he only

thinks and lives to protect the children of the kingdom. The sound of

his victory in the kingdom is none other but the smile of contentment

of his subjects. His ministers are his mind, and his armies are his

hands. You, too, must be the king that sits on the golden throne of

"faith" - faith in the God that is your life. Fill your treasures, My

dears, with the virtues and character that speak your faith, and use

this treasure to serve the contentment that lies in the purity and

goodness to all - for you must be their angel that spreads her wings of

love to protect them from the false glitter of gold. Be the gold, and

let each act become a jewel that will only enhance the beauty of God -

God is your only beauty, all the rest is only pride - the pride in

hollow vanity.- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright reserved by the Author) 'Sai Divine Inspirations' is now on Facebook!Facebook link : http://www.facebook.com/saidivineinspirationsBlog link : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/

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