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Auric Vision

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From the Library of NewAge On-Line Australia:




Training to See Auras


Version 4

by Robert Bruce


1. Opening:


This article takes a fresh look at auras - what they are, where they

come from, and shows how anyone

can learn to see them. Seeing auras is not as hard as you may think -

if you go about it the right way. This

is an easy step by step guide to doing just that. It starts right at

the beginning, with the easiest to see of

all auras - the aura of colour - and working up, in easy stages, to

the more illusive and difficult human



An aura is the most visible part of the subtle energy processes going

on within all physical objects. All

matter has an aura of some kind - even a humble rock - but it is

pretty dull when compared with the

complex interplay of rainbow colours that make up a living human aura.

Auras emanate from all

physical objects, life forces and colours, as well as from many other

energy sources.


The first step in this tutorial makes use of a little known fact -

that colours have auras.


Every colour has it's own unique aura. This is of a completely

different colour from the original. Auras,

given off by bright, primary colours, are much denser and far easier

to see than any other type of aura.

Using the auras of colours, as a training aid, has most people seeing

an aura the very first time they try.


I have been able to see auras for many years. I was not born with this

ability, but taught myself - the hard

way. It took me several years before I could see enough of an aura to

make it a worthwhile practice! I

know the problems inherent in developing auric sight, and this new

training method is designed to help

overcome them.



2. How Auric Sight Works:


Auric sight - as with all forms of clairvoyant sight - depends upon

the eyes and the normal optical sight

process to work. Physical and non-physical sight are very closely

related. They are both forms of

perception that allow our brains to perceive energy, of one type or

another, as a sight picture.


Here is why:


A. Normal sight:

Eyes receive light - light being a type of energy. Eyes focus light

energy onto light sensitive nerve tissue

at the back of the eye, connected to the optic nerve. Basically, this

light sensitive tissue changes focussed

light energy into a stream of complex electrical signals. These

signals are passed, via the optic nerve, to

the sight centre of the brain. The brain then interprets these signals

into a rich visual picture - what we

call normal sight.


B. Auric sight:


The brow centre receives a more subtle type of energy than light. This

type of energy can only be

received by the brow centre (often called the third eye or brow

chakra) when it is active and tuned in to

receive that type of energy. The brow centre is situated directly

between the eyes and is intimately

connected with normal optical sight.


Energy received by the brow centre is passed along to the sight centre

of the brain - the same as with

normal sight. The brain interprets anything it receives in it's sight

centre as a visual picture. It interprets

auric energy as a sight picture - as coloured bands of light

surrounding the subject.


* The eyes are the organs for normal optical sight (a physical



* The brow centre is the organ for non-physical sight (a non-physical



Both these organs, above, are situated in the same general area, i.e.,

the brow centre is situated in the

brow, directly between the eyes. The common location and similar

function of both organs (sight)

suggests there is a close relationship

between them, i.e., the eyes, the brow centre and the sight centre of

the brain are linked. My research

confirms this: that all forms of non-physical sight are closely linked

with the process of normal optical



Although there is a relationship between optical sight and the brow

centre - an aura is definitely not any

type of light. Some people believe auras are still light, but light at

a much higher frequency than normal

light - that is only visible to a clairvoyant. If this were true,

though, it would be possible to detect and

measure this light with the sophisticated electronic instruments

available today. There are scientific

instruments, electronic cameras etc, that can be tuned to detect any

part of the light spectrum - no matter

how refined. For example: infra red, ultra violet, x rays, gamma rays,

etc, all these can be detected - but

auras cannot. Therefore, it is logical to suppose that auras are not

composed of any type of light.



3. Aura Cameras:


But there are aura cameras - you might say - that can take pictures of

the human aura? You might even

have a picture of your own aura, taken at a psychic fair. How can this



An aura camera does NOT take an actual picture of an aura. It cannot

actually see an aura. It merely

creates the illusion of an aura on film.


How an aura camera works:


A. Sensors are placed on the skin - or fitted into a chair so they

contact the subject's skin. These sensors

measure the electrical resistance in the skin (galvanic skin

response). Electrical resistance in the skin

varies, according to salt and moisture level. These levels are

affected by many things: diet, fluids, health,

temperature, sweating, emotion, mood, activity, etc.


B. These readings are fed directly into a small electronic processor,

attached to the camera (usually a

small black box) and interpreted by it. This processor then generates

a pattern of electrical signals, from

these readings, according to how it is programmed.


C. This pattern of signals is then fed into a specially modified

camera. Inside the camera, an optical

colouring device creates a variable pattern of coloured lights, and

beams this directly onto the film, as

the picture is taken. This gives the illusion of a colourful aura

surrounding the subject - according to the

pattern generated by the initial readings.



Because of the way these cameras are set up, you will rarely get two

pictures exactly the same. This is

because of the large number of coloured patterns possible, that can be

generated by slightly different

sensor readings . It would

be rare to get two identical sets of sensor readings from one person

and, therefore, have two identical

aura photographs taken in the same day.


An aura photograph is the camera designer's idea of what your aura

should look like - according to their

research. This research is based upon linking clairvoyant observations

with the galvanic skin response on

test subjects. The designers

have attempted to give a specific colour value to different patterns

of galvanic skin responses.


An aura photograph, therefore, is an electronically created illusion -

not an actual photograph of an aura.




4. Auric Theory:


My theory is: that light is necessary for the brow centre to tune into

and focus on auric energy. An aura

being a visual representation of this energy, created by the sight

centre of the brain.


This appears to be the only logical explanation for auric sight.


5. The Complexity Of Normal Vision:


The process of auric sight may sound very complicated, but is really

very simple, when you compare it

with the process of normal, optical sight - that simple, visual thing

we all take for granted. Look around

the room you are in now, look out of a window - what do you see? Think

about all the millions of

objects and colours and tones you are seeing - all at once - in

incredible three dimensional detail. Think

about how, no matter how fast you turn around, your brain keeps up

with the

fantastically complex image you are seeing. Your eyes pass on an

incredible amount of information to

your brain - but your brain interprets it all instantly. Normal

optical sight is an incredibly complex and

powerful ability. Compare this,

with the few colours and swirls of light you see in a human aura - no

matter how beautiful and complex

it might seem - it is still a very simple picture. There is really no

comparison between these two abilities

- normal optical sight is vastly more complex, and requires much more

of the brain's power, than auric

sight does.


To recap the above: Auric sight is linked to and depends upon normal

optical sight, in order to function.

What you see, when you see an aura, is your brain's interpretation of

reflected energy, emanating from

your subject. Your eyes are used to tune and focus your brow centre

into this energy. An electrical

representation of this energy is passed to your brain's sight centre,

where it is interpreted as a sight

picture by your brain. In the case of an aura, your brain shows you

coloured bands of light surrounding

your subject.



6. Light And The Aura:


Light is necessary in order to see the main aura of anything. Living

auras react in the presence of light -

expanding and brightening. This reaction is most noticeable when a

living aura is exposed to sunlight.

You could say that auras are photo-sensitive.


I have made extensive observations of this light reaction. I have

observed the auras of people inside a

house, then immediately taking them outside, into the sunlight. The

living auras of people expand in

sunlight, and are much brighter. They fairly sparkle with life in

strong, direct sunlight. I have seen auras

expand to several times their normal size in sunlight.


Another interesting observation, that adds weight to this argument,

that auras are not light - but that light

is necessary, in order for auric sight to work: the main aura

cannot be seen in complete darkness. If auras were indeed light, why

is it necessary for there to be light,

in order to see them? This shows that light and normal optical sight

are an important part of auric sight.


Note: In total darkness, it is possible to see some slight activity

around the energy body, close to the

skin. This is almost invisible, but looks like tiny, very faint

strands and sparks of bluish light. This is

very faint and most noticeable around your own fingertips, when they

are brought together in front of



It is also possible to see small but intense points of light, coming

from fully active primary energy

centres (chakras). These must be extremely active for this to be seen,

and you must also be very

focussed on your subject. This takes a lot of skill to do, and the

subject must be very developed - energy

wise - in order for this to be observed. This is far easier to see if

there is a little available light, even if

you can only make out vague shadows - it gives you something to focus



To observe any part of the energy body, in darkness, memory based

visualisation is used to focus the

brow centre into a subject. You have to know exactly where the subject

is (in total darkness) and be able

to accurately gauge their distance, shape and position, and see them

clearly in your mind's eye.


I think, for the above, that both astral sight and clairvoyance play a

part, for those that can see energy

activity in total darkness. This appears to be the only logical

explanation for this phenomena.


Note: Light is not necessary for clairvoyant or astral sight to work,

but the eyes and their normal

focussing ability are still used, but with memory based focussing and

visualisation, instead of normal light based focussing. You can see

with astral and clairvoyant sight, just

as well in total darkness, as you can in full light.



7. Viewing Method:


The same basic technique, used to see the aura of colour, is used to

see all other types of aura, including

the human aura. This same technique is also a part of full

clairvoyance. This is why looking at the auras

of colours is such good training for seeing the human aura. The aura

of colour is far denser and easier to

see than the human aura. This allows the auric viewing technique to be

learned much easier and faster,

than does practising on the more difficult human aura.



8. The Auras Of Colours:



The auras of colours



| Object | Auric Colour |


| Red | Green |

| Orange | Pale Green |

| Yellow | Pale Blue |

| Green | Orange |

| Blue | Yellow |

| Indigo | Gold |

| Violet | Pale Gold |

| Pink | Iridescent Green |


Table 1: Auric colours given off by

some normal, physical colours.



The exact shade and tone of a colour's aura varies a great deal,

according to the shade and tone of the

colour you are observing. Auras are also affected by the background

colour against which they are

highlighted, when observed.



9. Afterimages:


Auric colours are similar in appearance to after images. Afterimages

are generated by staring - for

twenty seconds or so - at a brightly illuminated colour, and then

quickly closing your eyes, or looking



It is commonly thought: that afterimages are generated by colour

depletion, of the rods and cones in the

eyes, caused by staring at one colour for too long. This generates the

reverse, or negative colour, of that

colour. An afterimage stays in sight until this colour depletion is

corrected, and the eyes return to



I disagree with this theory - and for very good reasons. Afterimages

are generated by staring for a long

time at a coloured object - for twenty of thirty seconds, or more.

This is why I disagree with this theory:

When auric sight is more advanced, the aura of a colour can be seen

clearly, almost the instant a

coloured object is glanced at with auric sight. No prolonged staring

is required to produce an aura.


I have just done a test, while sitting here typing this. Across the

room from me, about seven feet away, is

a chair. Hanging over it's back is a bright-blue shirt. I have done no

exercises to stimulate my auric sight,

at all. It is early in the morning now, about 6am, and I have not long

woken up. A clear, dense, yellow

aura begins to appear in just under four seconds (I timed it). This

is, surely, far too short a time to

generate an afterimage? I did this several times and it became faster

and easier to do, and the aura

brighter, each time.


Now, you could say that my eyes are becoming depleted of the colour

blue, by continuing to do this,

thus more easily generating the yellow aura. So, I turn around and

look at a red shirt hanging on a hook

behind me, on the other side of the room. This time, a clear, dense,

bright-green aura appears in just

under five seconds. This is far too short a time to generate an

afterimage? Now, when I am on what I

call, a clairvoyant high, the auras of colours appear to me, almost

the instant I glance at them - within

one second. There is no appreciable delay at all, they are just there,

ballooning out from colours, as I

look at them.


The auras I see, around colours as well as people, do drag slightly at

my eyes, creating a kind of

afterimage effect if I stare for too long at it. This effect is

similar to how a normal afterimage behaves -

dragging and following my field of view.


Now, when I observe the aura of a person, I normally ask them to

remove some of their clothing. This

gives me a much clearer view of their aura, without the interference

caused by the colours of their

clothing. I see clear, bright colours in these auras, building up from

bare skin. My point here is this: bare

skin has no colour that can generate any kind of coloured afterimage.


To be truthful, though, the auric colours I see around colours, as

well as people, are often still visible,

hanging briefly before my eyes, when I look away or close my eyes.

This is a coloured afterimage - but created by staring at an aura's

colour not at a physical colour.


Another interesting point: the colours of any afterimages I get, when

observing living human auras, are

exactly the same colours, as the colours of the aura I am looking at -

there is no reverse colour effect at

all, with a bare skin, living aura.


So, if colour depletion, of the rods and cones in the eyes, is solely

responsible for afterimages, how can

this happen?


A better way of explaining the reverse colour afterimage effect is:

(slow auric colours).


By staring hard at a colour, the auric colour of that subject is

slowly impressed upon the sight centre of

the brain. It is not the eyes that are depleted of colour, but that

the auric colour has been impressed upon

the brain's sight centre.


The afterimages that appear, when you stare at primary colours, are

the same as the auric colours

generated by those colours. The similarity in these colours - rather

than contradicting the validity of the

auric colour of colour - supports them. Why would they be any



You will, in the early stages of training to see auras, cause quite a

strong after image effect. This will

drag and follow your eyes, and still be seen when you close your eyes

or look away. This is the slow

auric image effect - caused by staring so intently, and for so long,

while trying to master the basic

technique for seeing auras.


This after image effect lessens in stages. Once the basic technique is

mastered, most of the afterimage

effect disappears. Then, as the brow centre develops further, being

stimulated through use, the

afterimage effect decreases steadily, until they are hardly



There will, however, always be a slight afterimage, of sorts, when you

really study an aura. This is

unavoidable when you gaze intently upon an aura, trying to discover

it's secrets. The nature of auric

sight, and the involvement of the normal optical sight process, will

always cause a slight afterimage drag

- or slow auric image, as I call it. This happens, even when auric

sight develops into the advanced stages.


Final note on afterimages:


The way the aura builds up is also, totally unlike the way an after

image appears. It builds up,

mushrooming bright colours from bare skin - it does not just fade

slowly into sight - it grows before

your eyes. The colours of a living aura do not begin as a pale shadow,

fading into view and then slowly

deepening and growing brighter. They are one consistent colour, from

their first appearance as a thin

outline, highlighting the etheric aura, close to the skin, to their

full size - often more than two or three

feet wide. Auras are also, not just a slight outline of colour around

the skin, but large, vivid bands of

colour, with thickness and depth to them. And, finally, while an aura

is building up, if you shift focus

slightly, or blink, it disappears instantly - only to reappear a few

seconds later - an after image does not.



10. Peripheral vision:


Auras are seen with peripheral vision (side vision) and cannot be seen

by directly focussing on them. To

see an aura, you have to look to the side and past your subject.

Peripheral vision is extremely sensitive to

movement, much more so than direct focussed vision. It can detect

minute movements that your central,

focussed vision will not see. Peripheral vision is also sensitive to

many other types of subtle energy that

surround us.


Most people have had the experience of catching sight of some movement

- out of the corner of their eye

- only to see nothing when they turn and focus on it.


What happens is:


1. They have seen an aura building up from a coloured object.


2. They have seen a spirit entity (ghost) manifesting near them, and

have detected it's energy with their

more sensitive, peripheral vision.



11. Dr Kilner:


An English doctor, Dr Walter J. Kilner, in 1911, used colour as an aid

to stimulating auric sight.


Dr Kilner, researched the use of auric sight, as an aid to diagnosing

the health of his patients. He used

dicyanin screens for this. Dicyanin is a dye product of coal tar.

These screens consisted of two pieces of

glass with dicyanin dye sandwiched and sealed between them. He found

that by using these - aura

goggles, as he called them - he could stimulate the ability to see the

human aura.


He would stare, for a few minutes, through these screens, at a bright

light. When he looked away, he

could see an aura surrounding his patient. He would then note any

changes and abnormalities in their

aura, and compare them with other observations, taken of healthy

people. This allowed him to detect

disease, in the very early stages, before the actual symptoms of that

disease appeared.


Dr. Kilner used several different coloured screens, and combinations

of them. Different coloured

screens showed him different aspects, or layers, of an aura.


He also used strips of brightly illuminated, coloured cloth. He would

stare at one of these strips, after

preparing his eyes, by looking through one of his screens. These

strips caused a phantom strip, of a

different colour, to appear in his gaze. These were like small

windows, that could be moved around by

shifting his gaze, highlighting different parts of his subject's aura.

This gave him a different view of their

aura, in that part.


How this works: By looking through these screens, at bright light,

Kilner flooded his eyes with the slow

auric colour of that screen (it's reverse colour). This made his eyes

hypersensitive to that particular auric

colour, enabling him to see that colour in his subject's aura.

Different coloured screens would allow

him to see different colours in an aura. The use of the strips of

colour, then enabled him to see the slow

auric colour (reverse colour) of the coloured strip, minus the

original colour of the screen he was using

- showing a small band of an entirely different colour, in the aura.

This small band of colour could be

moved around the patient's aura, by shifting his gaze, like a small

window, highlighting the area it



One interesting thing about Dr Kilner's work is this: After using

these screens for several months or

more, he found he needed to use them less and less. By continually

straining to see auras, with his aura

goggles, he stimulated his brow centre, and mastered the visual

technique needed to see the aura. He

eventually gained _full_ auric sight, i.e., he no longer needed the

aura goggles to see auras.


If you would like to get a copy of Dr Kilner's book, you will find it

contains many fine colour plates

(paintings) showing the aura, as seen by himself and his associates.

These show the different effects that

can be had using combinations of different coloured screens and

coloured strips.


Kilner's book is listed, in the book I read, as:

Kilner, Walter John. (1965). " The Human Aura. "

(New Ed.). New York: University Books. I was

quoted $300.00 US, for the purchase of this book.


Note: I cannot comment on the effectiveness of using genuine aura

goggles, as I have never actually seen

a pair. I did, however, experiment with a pair I made myself, many

years ago. I used two pieces of glass,

covered them with a deep blue dye, and sealed the edges with

windscreen sealant. I followed Kilner's

instructions, staring at a bright light through this screen, etc.


I found this made my eyes _extremely_ sore, and so, after awhile,

discontinued using them. They did

work, however, and showed me some interesting auric effects. I

considered it was not a healthy practise,

though, due to the painful burning it caused in my eyes, and the

possibility that it could damage them. In

his book, Kilner gives a warning about this nasty side effect -

burning, sore eyes.



12. The Human Aura:


The human aura is an energy field that surrounds the human body, and

reflects the subtle life energies at

work within and around it. This is something like the magnetic field

that surrounds a simple magnet.

Like a magnetic field, the aura is generated within physical matter -

but is also affected by it's

surroundings. The energies flowing through the aura make us what we

are, and are in turn affected by

our surrounding life conditions and life style. The aura reflects the

activity of our organs, health, mental

activity and emotional state. It also shows disease - often long

before the onset of physical symptoms.


The strength and properties of an aura are determined by the amount

of, and the quality of, the energies

flowing through it.



13. The Main Aura:


The main human aura is banded around the body - strata like. Imagine a

person with thick, coloured

hoops of light dropped over them, and you get the general idea. The

main colours of the aura emanate

from the primary energy centres (major chakras - or psychic centres).

The individual bands of colour are

difficult to see, unless you have very well- developed auric sight,

and are observing under optimum




14. The Etheric Aura:


Close to the skin is the etheric aura. This is often called " The

vitality sheath " . It is seen (with auric sight)

as a pale, narrow band, next to the skin, outlining the body. This is

usually no more than

half an inch wide - depending upon the vitality of the subject. It

looks like a dense layer of pale smoke,

clinging to the skin. This is the visible part of the energy body, in

it's contracted state.


During sleep, the etheric aura expands and opens (becoming larger and

finer) in order to absorb and store

vitality (cosmic energy?) within it. After sleep, the energy body

contracts and forms a dense sheath

surrounding the body, close to the skin. This holds within it the

stored energies we all need for living.


In a way, the energy body is like a living storage battery. During

sleep, it automatically sets itself on

recharge, replacing the energies that have been used up.



15. Energy Centres (chakras):


The primary energy centres (chakras) are the non-physical organs of

the energy body. There are at least

seven primary centres, and over three hundred secondary and minor

centres, scattered throughout the

human body. All together, they form a complex network of non-physical

energy components. These are

all joined together by interconnecting pathways, or meridians.


These centres, and their interconnecting pathways (meridians) were

charted by the Chinese, and other

Eastern races, thousands of years ago. Modern versions of these charts

are still widely used today, in

many types of alternative medicine and body work, i.e., acupuncture

and reflexology.


Primary energy centres are attached to major internal organs, glands,

nerve ganglia and the spinal cord.

Secondary and minor energy centres are attached to joints, glands and

nerve clusters, throughout the



There are active centres - transforming and manipulating energy -

feeding other energy centres and taking

care of life processes - both physical and non-physical. There are

storage centres, communication

centres, and centres designed to absorb energy from other energy

sources around us.


Some energy sources: Food, water, oxygen, sunlight, planetary energy,

cosmic energy, love, sex, music.

Some of these energy sources are very subtle, but all are necessary

for us to live a balanced life.


Energy centres are invisible to the naked eye but can be felt, quite

strongly, when they are active (as a

pulsing, thrumming sensation). When energy is consciously drawn from

one centre to another, through

the connecting meridians, this can be felt as: A rushing water

sensation, a spreading warmth, a tingling

feeling, or a combination of these. Energy centres (chakras) can also

be seen - with auric and clairvoyant

sight - as whirling vortexes of intensely coloured light).


Every energy centre has important individual functions, in the energy

body. It also works in conjunction

with all the other major and minor centres. Each centre is an

individual, but integral part of the energy

body. They all work together, for the good of the whole energy body;

just as all the physical organs,

brain, heart, liver, kidneys, glands, etc, work together for the good

of the whole physical body.


The energy body is extremely complex. It is, in a way, similar to an

electronic device. Energy flows into

the electronic device, and on through connecting pathways (meridians)

that are etched into the circuit

board. These connecting pathways (meridians) carry energy on to all

it's electronic components,

(chakras), diodes, resistors, capacitors, etc. Energy is continually

being changed,

enhanced and transformed, by these components; to serve a multitude of

different purposes, required by

the device, as a whole unit, to function properly.


A single energy centre, is very much like a single electronic

component. It takes in energy from the

components around it, and changes the value of it. It enhances this

energy, in various ways, transforming

it into something different, that is needed by the whole unit.


Each energy centre (chakra) takes in the different types of energy it

requires, from other energy centres in

the energy body, and generates a completely different type of energy -

with a different value and colour -

according to what is required.


The strength of each primary energy centre, in any particular person,

depends upon that person's

individual makeup; their nature, health and life style, as well as

their spiritual, moral and psychic

development. The energy generated by all the chakras at once, is

reflected into the aura, mixing together

and causing the dominant hue of the aura. This, dominant hue, is the

part of the aura most commonly

seen with auric sight.



The Primary Energy Centres And Their Colours



| Chakra Name | Colour |


| Base | Red |

| Spleen | Orange |

| Solar Plexus | Yellow |

| Heart | Green |

| Throat | Blue |

| Brow | Violet |

| Crown | Gold |


Table 2: Names and Colours of the

primary energy centres (chakras)



Locations of the seven primary energy centres (major chakras)


1. Base: base of spine (between anus and genitals)

2. Spleen: navel area

3. Solar Plexus: base of sternum

4. Heart: centre of chest (over heart)

5. Throat: base of throat, just above where it joins the chest

6. Brow: exact centre of forehead (between the eyes)

7. Crown: whole top of head, above the hairline




Each primary is best thought of as - roughly the size of your hand.


Each primary has more than one functioning part (or petal).


The _exact_ location of sensations felt, when a primary centres is

active will vary slightly - depending on what part of that centre

(or petal) is active. E.G. The spleen centre is usually felt

between the tummy button and pubic line. The brow centre is often

felt between the eyebrows, instead of on the actual brow.



16. Basic Hue Classification:


The basic hue of an aura is it's dominant colour. This is the most

visible colour of the multiple energies

generated by all the chakras (mixed together) creating a general,

overall colour. There are, of course,

many different colours in any person's aura, but the basic hue is

usually seen first.


Many people suggest that people can be classified, as being a

particular type of person, by the basic hue

of their aura.


For example:


Red - sensuality, vitality, raw energy.


Orange - emotion.


Yellow - personality power, mental power, intellect.


Green - spirituality, love, affinity with nature,

natural healer.


Blue - highly spiritual, religious, natural teacher,



Violet - very highly spiritual, psychic, clairvoyance,

religious, teacher and healer.


Gold - highly advanced spirituality and psychic

abilities - an adept.


I have found this method of classification to be both unfair to the

person being classified, and extremely

misleading. The basic meanings of the individual colours are well

known - as above. I find the human

aura to be such a complex and changeable engine, it just cannot be

classified in such a simple way.


For example: if a person, with a predominantly blue aura, is

experiencing an emotional crisis, their aura

will be flooded with large patches of orange. This is a temporary

state only, and once the crisis is

resolved, their aura will revert to it's natural blue.


There are so many things that can temporarily change the appearance of

an aura - sometimes just for an

hour or more. Devotional worship, for example, generates high minded

feelings and deep spiritual love.

An unstable, emotional, dominant and violent person, who's aura is,

say, naturally red and orange, with

streaks of black in it - can generate higher spiritual colours, during

worship. These will temporarily

flood their aura, giving them the appearance (to auric sight) of being

a very spiritual person - but hiding

their " true colours " and hence, their true nature.




Blue: Jock was a young man I knew, several years ago. He was an

extremely vital, sensitive man, but

was very unstable, having a lot of problems. Jock was a deep thinker,

and we would often expound upon

the meaning of life and the nature of the universe, together. At times

like this I would often see a lovely

spiritual blue, surrounding him.


Red: Now, once Jock had a few drinks in him (alcohol), he could become

extremely aggressive, violent

and dangerous - at the drop of a hat. At times like this, I would see

his aura change dramatically, in

moments, to a bright, angry red, with big orange patches and black

streaks in it. Not a trace of his

original blue aura would remain. This, red, orange and black colour,

would stay with him, until he

calmed down completely and sobered up.




Dan was an old friend of mine, with a naturally green aura. When Dan

has a problem, his mind goes into

overdrive, trying to find a solution to his problem. His aura then

changes to bright yellow, flooding

strongly through his aura. This reverts to it's original green, very

quickly, once he has found a solution. I

have often observed this, while playing chess with him. Every time he

gets into a sticky situation, his

aura floods yellow.




When I have been gardening - having a lot of physical contact with

plants - the aura around my hands and

forearms changes to a lovely green. This green fades away a few hours

later. Close contact with plants

seems to have an effect on the energy body. Maybe this is where the

old saying comes from " Having a

green thumb " - for gardening.


These examples demonstrate the changeable nature of the human aura, in

a very general way. An aura is

a variable reflection of the energy activity going on within a person.

This reflection is detected by the

brow centre of the observer, and interpreted, as coloured bands of

light, by the sight centre of their brain.

Health, mood, emotion, strong thoughts, drugs, and other influences,

stimulate many different energy

patterns in the primary and secondary energy centres. These different

patterns change the overall quality

of the energy being reflected into the aura. This generates many

different colours - which changes the

auras dominant colours.



17. The Human Aura And Colour:


The human aura is very sensitive to colour. It reacts to the colours

of clothing worn and to the colours

of it's surrounding area. Colour affects the subtle flow of energies

within the energy body. This accounts

for our strong natural likes and dislikes, when it comes to choosing

the colours we wear, and those that

surround us.


This sensitivity varies, from person to person, depending upon how

sensitive they are and how sensitive

their aura is. Women, generally, have more delicate and sensitive

auras than men. They are, therefore, far

more sensitive to the effects of colour, than men are. Colour can have

a strong effect on a very sensitive

person. If they wear a colour that clashes too badly with their aura,

it can make them physically ill.


The effect of colour on the emotions is well known. Wall colours are

carefully chosen, in hospitals and

other institutions, to calm agitated people and put them at ease. Soft

pastel shades of pink and blue are

the most frequently used colours for this, because of their well-known

calming effect.



18. Clothing:


It is impossible to get a clear view of an aura through clothing. The

auric colours given off by any

coloured clothing react with the wearer's aura. This causes

interference that blocks and changes the

natural flow of energies within an aura. For example: a blue shirt

will flood the wearer's natural aura

with yellow - changing it's appearance.


Even neutral coloured clothing will block and dim an aura - making it

dull and difficult to see. If, for

example, you observe the aura of a person wearing a red shirt: their

aura will contain a great deal of

green. This shows why bare skin is best, in order to get a clear view

of an aura.


When a coloured material is worn, the band of colour seen close to the

material is the reverse auric

colour of that colour. The aura's real colours will be seen building

up from the outer edge of that

colour. The reverse auric colour of the material, and the true colours

of the living aura, affect each other

- changing their natural colours.



19. Disease:


This shows up in the aura in many different ways, sometimes weeks or

months before any physical

symptoms appear. An ear infection, for example, will show up in an

aura as a gradually thickening

shadow over the ear and side of the head. This can be seen several

days before any physical symptoms

appear. The shadow will begin as a light-grey smudge, gradually

thickening and darkening. It will

eventually change to a murky-green patch, about the size of your hand.

As the infection worsens it will

become shot through with red and orange streaks, flecks and sparks.


A shadow in the aura is the first sign of any approaching health

problem. Murky-green, with red and

orange streaks, flecks and sparks, is common to infection.



20. Death:


When a person is dying, their aura undergoes dramatic changes. I have

observed the auras of people,

dying of terminal cancer and other diseases, in the weeks prior to

their death. The first noticeable sign is

when the aura fades and begins to grow weaker and paler. Next (with

long term illnesses) a week or so

before physical death, the aura begins to expand and change. It

changes into a beautiful (very pale)

milky-blue, shot through with faint, tiny, silver and white sparks.

These sparks flash and twinkle

throughout the aura. Each spark is only visible for a fraction of a

second at a time.


*Note: The aura of a dying person is a very pale milky-blue. It is

VERY pale and faint and VERY

difficult to see. It is quite common to see a pale-blue aura

surrounding a healthy person, and this does

NOT mean they are about to die. The aura of a dying person is quite

different from a normal, healthy,

pale-blue. It is all one colour, much larger than normal, very milky

and very faint.


Closer to the time of death, the aura begins to pulsate, swelling and

shrinking erratically. At times it will

fill the entire room, becoming more of an atmosphere than an aura. At

other times it will be so shrunken

as to be almost invisible to auric sight. It grows paler and finer by

the day, and the tiny silver and white

sparks become finer and increase in frequency.


There is a great deal of activity in all the energy centres, at this

time. The energy body is preparing itself

for the final separation - of the physical body from the non-physical

body (or spirit). There are, at times,

faint surges of colour and faint coloured sparks, like pastel

fountains, surging and

falling from the primary centres. They spasm and shudder and begin

generating a much higher and more

refined type of energy. This change heralds the imminent and final

separation, of the spirit from the

physical body - what we call death.


At some time (variable) before physical death, the aura will become

almost invisible to auric sight. Only

a faint, very pale glow will still be seen, close to the skin. This is

residual etheric matter, clinging to the

physical body. There is, however, still intense activity going on

within the energy body, but this is now

far beyond the reach of normal auric sight.


The aura is now reflecting itself into a much higher level of reality

- another dimension. Clairvoyant and

astral sight are necessary, in order to see any more energy activity,

during the final stages of the death



At the actual moment of death, if you are watching closely, you will

see a very faint, pale mist, surge up

out of the body, and quickly vanish. This is the spirit leaving the

physical body. That faint mist is

residual etheric matter, clinging to the spirit body, as it departs.


The actual timing for these changes in the aura to occur, depend

greatly upon the type of illness, the

duration of it, and the strength of the dying person. These govern the

speed of the actual death process.

With some conditions, this whole process can happen very quickly,

often a matter of hours. With other

conditions, this may happen over several days, weeks or even months.



21. Spirit Energy:


There is always a lot of spirit energy and activity, surrounding a

dying person, in the days and weeks

prior to their death. The amount of this spirit activity seems to

depend greatly upon their belief system,

as well as their moral, spiritual and psychic development.


The strongest I have ever felt this - high level spirit energy and

activity - is around dying children.

Children seem to be a lot more aware of their spirituality than adults

give them credit for. We, adults,

seem to lose so much of this awareness - of our spiritual and divine

nature - as we grow older.


I have been in the presence of many dying children. The only way I can

describe this is that, at these

special times, I have been in a holy presence - far beyond my poor

understanding of reality. Children gain

a special kind of wisdom and a high level of spiritual understanding -

and they have no fear of death.




I have never had the opportunity to observe the aura of someone dying,

shortly after an accident, so

cannot comment on this aspect of death.


Premature death:


I have, though, known healthy, vital people, that have died suddenly,

from strokes, heart attacks and

brain aneurisms. I have observed them, in the days and weeks prior to

their premature deaths. I have

noted similar changes, as I might expect to see in a dying person:

very milky-pale-blue expanded auras,

silver and white sparks, and lots of spirit energy and activity around

them. These people, though, were

not sick. They were all, healthy, vital people, but there was

something quite different about them - an

indefinable atmosphere. In all cases, they seemed to know,


(but not consciously) that their time in this world was nearly up.

They all did certain things, tidied up

their affairs, or made things right in some way, in the days and weeks

prior to their death.



22. Why Most People Fail To See Auras:


The most common reason why people fail to see an aura, is simply the

way they go about it. The human

aura is not a good training ground for the beginner.


This is what usually happens: Your volunteer sits and waits, for a

very long time, while you struggle and

strain for a glimpse of their aura. You are trying to relax and

concentrate - and master a tricky visual

technique - all at the same time. You subconsciously worry about what

they are thinking of you. Are

they getting bored? Are they getting impatient? Do they think you

foolish, a failure, or both? This kind

of pressure causes subtle tensions to

build up within you, that effectively negate the relaxed state needed

to see the aura. Trying to get results,

under this kind of pressure, as a beginner, is next to impossible.


Here is an email letter from a young man. It shows some common

misunderstandings, when auras are

first encountered:


David: " I was sitting in economics class, when I started to see a

faint white glow around the lecturer's

head (not really though, I can't really describe it), it was

surrounding the sides of his head.


And, I could also see a similar one, coming from one of the students

sitting in front of him, except the

student's had a sort of bluish tinge to it. I kept looking, and a

bright yellow glow appeared around his

head. Then I started to see a similar white glow coming from some of

the computer monitors, that sit on

the desks. At first, I was hoping that I could see auras, but then

when I saw it on the monitors, I had my

doubts. "


Me: Every living and non living thing has an aura, including monitors.

The reason you saw them when

you did is (let me guess) You were bored, tired, very relaxed, maybe

day dreaming a little. Your eyes

were tired, heavy, and you were having trouble keeping them open?

These are the PERFECT conditions

for seeing an aura!


David: " That's exactly how It was! The discussion sort of went off

topic and wasn't all that interesting to

me. "


" Anyway, I was wondering if you can tell me if I actually did see

their auras. I tried staring at myself in

the mirror to see my aura, when I got home, and tried to see a friends

aura, but it didn't work. I haven't

been able to see an aura, since that day, a week or two ago. As for

some of my questions. I was

wondering what colours non-living objects give off - is it white? How

come the aura was brighter

around their heads? "


Me: You did see the aura! The colours given off by non-living objects

vary with the colour of the

object, but inanimate objects, generally, have a simple pale, creamy

aura surrounding them. The aura you

saw, surrounding the heads of the people around you, was their etheric

aura - which is a pale, creamy

colour, usually with a pale blue tint to it.


The human aura is brighter around the head area, for two reasons:


1. Clothing blocks the aura.


2. The head area is usually bare (no clothing to block it) and is

where the yellow of the intellect is most

active, which is quite easy to see. This yellow varies in intensity,

according to the degree of mental

activity going on at the time the aura is seen. This, mental activity,

brightens the aura in the head area.

Maybe the student you observed was really on the ball that day?


The main point of showing you this letter is: David began to see the

aura, with no trouble at all, when he

was tired and not trying to see it. He was tired, bored and day

dreaming (a very relaxed state). David was

struggling to stay awake and forcing his eyes to stay open. This

forcing his eyes to stay open, creates a

strong mental opening action, at the site of the brow centre - between

the eyes. This stimulates the brow

centre and combined with a relaxed, un-focussed gaze, causes

spontaneous auric sight to occur.


When David tried to see an aura, later at home, he could not - because

he was wide awake and trying,

and was no longer in a relaxed enough state for auric sight to work.


Keep this, above, in mind - when you first attempt to use auric




23. How To See An Aura: (basic technique)


To see the aura, you have to be able to relax and concentrate, at the

same time, and there is a trick to

focusing your eyes in a special way.


* An aura must be gazed upon - not looked at *




First, you need plenty of good, soft light to train in, not dim, but

good soft light. It is very important not

to have any strong light shining or reflecting into your eyes. It is

best to have light coming from behind

and above you. If you have, say a window, flooding light into the

room, in your field of view, while

trying to see an aura, it will distract you and make an aura much more

difficult to see. A hundred watt

bulb, coming from above and behind you, is fine.


Step 1:


Get a book and cover it in bright, primary blue or red paper. Stand it

upright, on a table, six or seven feet

from you (about 2 metres). Experiment with the distance until you find

what is just right for you, but the

minimum distance should be no less than 4 feet (1.2 meters). Make sure

you have a plain, fairly neutral

background. Do not view it against a brightly coloured wall, or garish

wallpaper. If the wall colour is

wrong, hang a sheet of neutral coloured paper or cloth on the wall, as

a backdrop. A bed sheet, or some

sheets of butchers paper, taped to the wall, will do fine.




A. The book is only a prop for the coloured paper, i.e., it is the

aura of the coloured paper you are going

to look at - not the aura of the book. Using a brick, covered in

coloured paper, would give the same

result as would hanging a piece of coloured paper on the wall.


B.The auras of the colours blue and red are, by far, the brightest and

easiest to see.


C.The brightness and tone of a colour's aura varies with the shade and

tone of the colour used, so use

bright primary colours only.


D.You can use any brightly coloured item for this: clothing, kitchen

canisters, toys, or even tape squares

of coloured paper directly to a wall.


Step 2:


Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and relax. When you are calm,

look at the book. Focus your

eyes on nothing, a little to the side and just past it. This is as if

you were gazing at, but not focusing on,

the wall behind it.


The whole idea is to totally relax the focus of your eyes and view the

subject with your peripheral, or

side vision. By side vision, I mean just to the side of your normal

focused area of sight (a couple of

inches only) not out of the corner of your eye.


Gently hold that gaze and relax your eyes. Get used to that relaxed

focus and try not to strain or tense

your eyes or forehead while doing it. Concentrate! You need an

intense, but very relaxed and steady

gaze, similar to day-dreaming.




When you need to blink, do so, or it will cause your eyes to tense,

burn and water. Blink normally and

without changing focus, and DO NOT become preoccupied with it.

Blinking will cause the aura you are

viewing to disappear - for a second or two only - but it will reappear

quickly - if you stay calm and hold

a relaxed focus. Learning to hold your focus, while blinking normally,

is an important part of learning to

use auric sight.


Brow centre opening technique:


It is necessary to use some type of brow centre opening exercise, in

order to stimulate your brow centre

into a receptive mode. This allows you to receive the energy

surrounding your subject - as auric sight. It

is possible to see the aura of colour without doing this, but it is

very difficult to see a living aura,

without first stimulating and opening your brow centre.


*** Please pay VERY close attention to what follows!



Remember what it is like to be very, very tired - totally exhausted?

Remember what it feels like when

you haven't slept for days, and can hardly keep your eyes open?


Remember what it feels like when your eyes keep trying to close on

you? Remember what it is like to

have to wrestle with your eyes to keep them open?


This causes a sensation, if you observe yourself closely, much like

you are trying to lift a heavy,

shadowy veil, from behind your eyes. When this happens, the muscles of

your eyes are not responding

very well, so the action becomes almost entirely mental.


Stop for a moment and remember what this feels like.


Wrestling to open tired eyes causes a strong mental opening action, at

the site of the brow centre -

thereby stimulating it.


How this works:


This mental opening action, focuses your bodily awareness at the site

of your brow centre.


When your bodily awareness is focussed at one area of your body, and

you manipulate that area with

your mind, you

stimulate your energy body in that area - in a dynamic way.


If this mental opening action is continued for long enough, and put

enough mental effort into it, your

brow centre (your third eye) will begin to open.


If you carry out this mental opening action, when you are relaxed, and

have a subject in your field of

view - and you are not looking directly at your subject - spontaneous

auric sight will occur.


The mental opening action given here is similar, only much stronger

and more effective than the normal,

visualisation based, chakra opening techniques; taught by most other

teachers of psychic development

and energy work. Visualisation based energy work, on it's own, is weak

and obtuse and very difficult to

learn and use.


* Back to the coloured book:


While you are gazing steadily, with a relaxed focus, at your blue or

red covered book - recreate the same

mental action, as described above. Shift your bodily awareness to the

area between your eyes. Feel this

area with your mind - concentrate all of your sense of feel, your

bodily awareness,

on this area.


Tip: Lightly scratch the skin directly between your eyes, and just

above it, in the centre of your brow,

with a fingernail. This will help you to zero in on that spot with

your bodily awareness.


Shift your bodily awareness to the area between your eyes -

concentrate on being aware of that area!


Mentally lift this whole area - as if you were trying to force your

eyelids to open - but do not allow the

muscles in this area to tense up or respond in any way (this is all



Isolate the mental command that lifts your eyelids. Observe yourself

closely. Imagine your eyes are very

heavy, and let them close on you, and open them a few times. Observe

which muscles you use to do this.

Use this same muscle command - with your mind based bodily awareness,

in that area - but without

letting your eyelid muscles obey.


Do this over and over again - lifting, lifting, lifting - as if you

were lifting a heavy shadow from behind

your eyes .


Repeat this action, over and over, but do not allow yourself - or any

muscles - to tense up or respond.

This is a bit tricky to, start with, but easily mastered with a little



This mental opening action is _very_ important. It is the first step

in learning how to control your brow

centre and, later, the rest of your energy body - if you decide to

progress to developing full clairvoyance

and other psychic abilities.


In the early stages, it does not matter if you feel you are lifting

too large an area over your brow. Even if

you are lifting right across the whole front of your forehead - it

will still have an opening effect on your

brow centre. With practise, you will be able to narrow the focus of

this mental opening action - to the

brow centre area alone.


If you keep up this mental opening action, you will stimulate your

brow centre - forcing it to become

active. Your steady, relaxed focus, on your subject, will tune your

brow centre into the energy given off

by it. This energy will be passed along to the sight centre of your

brain. There, it will be interpreted as a

sight picture - a bright band of coloured light.


Tip: When you have isolated this opening action, and can do it

mentally, you will find one side of the

veil behind your eyes easier to lift than the other - usually the

right is easier. Basically, his feeling is

caused by the two different hemispheres of your brain - one is much

easier to use than the other. If this is

a problem, use a clockwise swirling mental action, over the site of

the brow centre, to stimulate it. By

clockwise, I mean clockwise from the inside. Use the same mental

muscle command we talked about

above, as with opening tired eyes, but swirl it, as if you were

mentally stirring that area with a pencil.


It is best to alternate between the main opening action, and this

swirling action, when trying to activate

your brow centre. The main opening action is still needed to tune your

brow centre into an aura.


Note: Remember: all these energy stimulation exercises depend upon

localised bodily awareness,

specifically - localised surface awareness on the skin. You have to

FEEL these mental actions

happening, in order to make them effective.


Your first aura:


While you are doing all the above, patiently keep up your relaxed

gaze, just to the side and past your

subject. After a while (anything from a few seconds to several minutes

- in the early stages) you will see

a faint shimmering in the air, around the book. Then, you will see a

pale, narrow band of light build up,

close to the edge of the book. This is the books etheric aura.


*Stay relaxed!


*Don't change your focus - in any way!


*Don't look directly at it!


*Blink if you have to - it will come back quickly!


Soon, a bright-yellow aura (blue book) or bright-green aura (red book)

will start building up, from the

pale, etheric band around the book. If you change your focus, tense

up, or look directly at it - the aura

will vanish instantly.


The aura has to be observed with your peripheral, or side vision.


If something happens, and the aura disappears, don't worry. Continue

observing it, calmly, and patiently

and it will reappear.


In the early stages, the aura will tend to disappear quite a bit. This

is quite normal. Keep at it and this

will happen less and less, as you master the viewing technique.


Step 3:


Once you have completed the first steps, gather several books and wrap

them, each in a different primary



The brighter the colour - the brighter the aura - and the easier it is

to see.


Study these coloured books, one at a time, and write down the colours

you see.


Observe the books, two at a time, and watch how their auric colours

affect each other.


Move them around, mix them, sit them on top of each other, observe

them all in a row.


Step 4:


Get a pot plant, or some fresh flowers, and study their aura. The aura

you will see around them is a

living aura. Keep in mind the effects of the auric colours from the

petals and leaves. The orange hue you

will see, around the green parts of the plants stems and leaves, comes

from the auric colour of green -

the same as with observing a green book. Some of the other colours,

with flowers, will come from the

colours of the petals.


You will see a more distinct etheric and a stronger shimmering,

optical effect around the plant.


Living auras are more subtle and, thus, a little harder to see, than a

simple colour's aura. With practise,

though, the auras of plants will become much easier to see.


Step 5:


Observe the aura of a tree. Pick a good sized tree that you can view,

highlighted against the sky. It is best

to observe it with the sun behind you, early in the morning or late in

the day. If the sun, or any strong

reflection, is in your eyes, it will make this very difficult to do.


The shimmering around the tree will be much more imposing and intense,

than with a small plant. The

colour of a tree's aura will also be influenced, not only by the

colours of the leaves and bark, but also by

the colour of the sky itself. On a sunny day, a tree's aura will

appear to be a shade of blue. On a cloudy

day, it will appear to be creamy-grey.


Viewing distance: Experiment with this, as it depends upon the size of

the tree. Make sure you can see

the entire top of the tree in your field of view. You need to be,

approximately, three times the height of

the tree away from it, or more.


A tree's aura can be huge, depending upon the size of the tree and how

strong it is. At the top of the tree's

aura you can sometimes see a fountaining effect, as if it's aura were

slowly spraying up out of it. I am

not sure what causes this, and I have not seen this with every tree I

have observed. Some people say it is

the tree's spirit, or a nature spirit living inside the tree, that

causes it. Some trees do seem to have a kind

of consciousness within them, so this may be true.


Step 6:


For the next step, use an animal, any animal: a dog, cat, kangaroo,

camel, lion, tiger, elephant, etc, if you

have access to one. Try and observe them when they are resting. Animal

auras are not as colourful as

human auras, but they are still very good practise. Keep in mind, that

the colour of the animals coat will

affect the colour of it's aura.


Disease can be detected in the aura of an animal, the same as with a

human subject. This makes

observing them very good practise, for diagnosing the early signs of

disease in an aura.



Step 7:


Observe your own aura: This can be done outside, with the Sun behind

you, or inside, against a neutral

background. Hold your arm out and study your hand and forearm. You can

also lay down and observe

the aura of your feet and legs.


Step 8:


A human subject:


In the beginning, it is best to observe the human aura in two stages:


Stage 1:


Have your subject wear a colourful shirt, dress or jumper - anything

will do. Use any colour but blue -

do not use blue - as this will flood and hide the yellow of the

intellect, the colour most commonly seen

around the head area.


Make sure their upper neck area is bare. Observe their shoulder area,

using the same setting and

technique, as with the original book. You will see the colour of the

shirt easily, building up around their



*Make sure you continue to do the mental opening action - with all

these exercises.


When the shirt's aura is clear around their shoulder area, shift your

gaze slightly higher - so you are

gazing past their bare neck area. Keep the shirt's aura in view -

don't change what you are doing - and see

what other colours you can pick up around their bare neck.


This exercise makes sure your eyes and brow centre are working

together, as with the book.


Do not focus directly on your subject's neck! All auras must be gazed

at and observed with peripheral



You should begin to see a slightly different colour, building up near

the top of their shirts auric colour -

around their bare neck and head.


Now, shift your gaze slightly higher, so your line of sight is level

with their head area. Keep your gaze

relaxed and don't change anything. You should see some yellow around

this area.


When you see a little, ask your subject to do some mental arithmetic,

or think hard about something. See

if their aura brightens when they do this.


Stage 2:


Get your volunteer to remove some of their upper clothing. Study a

bare skin area, against a neutral

background - the same as with the book. The upper arm and shoulder

area is the best place to start your



With bare skin, the first thing you will see is a slight shimmering

effect, a fuzziness in the air near the

skin. Next, you will see the etheric aura build up from their skin.

This looks like creamy, pale-blue smoke, clinging to their skin. This

is quite distinct and normally about

half an inch deep.


Hold your focus and the aura's main colours will begin to build up,

and out, from the etheric aura. It

will first appear as a narrow band of colour, highlighting the edge of

the etheric aura. This will appear

and disappear, grow and shrink, quite a bit. This part is very

frustrating, but keep at it and it will get

easier. The colour will slowly grow larger and become thicker and more

well defined. Hold your focus

and it will grow to several inches or more thick. The main aura may

vanish and reappear many times, as I

said, while it is building up. This is caused by blinking and minute

shifts in your focus, and cannot be




The brightness of a person's aura has a lot to do with their mood and

how they feel. If they feel happy

and full of life, their aura will be much stronger, larger and

brighter. Try playing their favourite music,

or crack a few jokes and have a good laugh. This will help to energise

their aura and make it easier for

you to see it.



24. Another letter:


Here is another email letter. It describes a very unusual first

sighting of an aura:


Rick: " I want to relate to you an event yesterday that was kind of



I was sitting in church, just staring at the choir, when I saw an

incredible white light, sort of like a

shadow, and three of the choir members had this white light shooting

up to the ceiling and turning blue

and green. It was like looking at a bright, multicoloured X ray.


It was an awesome experience. I had a chill run down my spine and I

thought " WOW! " and blinked - and

it was gone.


Question: What the heck was that -- I assume it was an aura? "


Me: You were, by the sound of it, in a very relaxed state, and carried

away, uplifted, by the spiritual

singing of the choir. This must have stimulated your energy body and

brow centre, causing spontaneous

auric sight, making it possible for you to see the choir's aura, while

it was flaring.


What you have seen is the human aura flaring, in an excited state.

This is a rare and truly beautiful sight.

I have only ever seen this once myself.


The flaring aura's of the choir would have been caused by a charged,

devotional atmosphere in the

church, and the hymn the choir were singing at the time. This must

have stirred deep spiritual feelings

and uplifted them. The white, changing to blue and green, rising auras

you saw, came from their throat

and heart chakras. These are higher spiritual colours and are affected

by emotions of spirituality and




25. Practise and time:


It takes practise to see the human aura, so don't be disappointed if

you fail, or see very little the first few

times you try. If you managed to see the aura of the original blue

book, you CAN learn to see the human



Using this training method stimulates the brow centre, which is

responsible for all types of non-physical

sight. With use, it will grow in strength and seeing auras will become

progressively easier to do. It may

take weeks, before you get your first, proper glimpse of the human

aura, if you have poor natural ability

for this - but with practise, as I did, you WILL eventually be able to

see it.


I suggest that you practise the mental opening and stimulation

exercises, and observe auras for at least a

few minutes every day. This will stimulate your brow centres




26. Spontaneous auric sight:


You will find there will be days when auras are very difficult to see.

You will also find there are days

when auras just appear around people and objects, without any

conscious effort on your part to see

them. You will find this happening at odd times, when your brow centre

is, for some reason, very active.

You may be sitting down talking to someone, and all of a sudden you

will see their aura, or the aura of

their clothing, with no effort at all.


Episodes of strong, spontaneous auric sight, will happen frequently,

once you begin stimulating and

developing your brow centre, through the practise of observing auras.


A letter showing this:


Eric: " I have been practising your method daily, for over a month now,

but have not succeeded in seeing

much of a human aura, until now. I can usually see the auras of

colours and plants, and can see my own

aura fine. Up until now, I have only been able to see the auras of

colour, the etheric and some patches of

distortion around people, when I try and see their auras.


Yesterday, I was working on my computer, and my girlfriend came into

my room. She had just showered

and was getting dressed. I just looked at her and " BOOM!!! " there was

this huge aura all around her. It

was really beautiful and solid looking. It was mostly green around her

body with a yellow glow around

her head. Oh - there were some red and orange patches around her hips

and stomach.


I was not trying to see her aura. I was trying to finish my work and

was very tired, what with exams

coming up the next week. It just appeared around her like magic.


What happened, how could I see it without trying to? I tried the next

day, but couldn't see it again. What

happened? "


Me: Bravo Eric! You are doing extremely well. What you saw was the

full living aura of your

girlfriend. I take it she was naked when you saw it? This would have

helped you to get a better view of

it. This is spontaneous auric sight, caused by all the practise you

have been doing - seeing auras. This

will happen more frequently, from now on. It will just happen, from

time to time, when your brow

centre is very active, for some reason or other. This is a sign your

brow centre is responding well to the

exercises I gave you, and developing nicely. Your dreams should also

increase in frequency and become

much more vivid, with more lucid dreams etc. This is another sign of

your brow centre developing.


This, above, is a good example of spontaneous auric sight. Eric was

tired and relaxed, when it first

happened - the perfect state for seeing auras. He had been practising

auric sight exercises for several

weeks. This had stimulated his brow centre, causing bouts of

spontaneous auric sight to happen.


Eric was lucky enough to have a naked subject for his first view of an

aura, showing him the full human

aura, with no interference from clothing etc. With Eric, this sort of

thing happened every few weeks, for

about a year. It then increased in frequency, happening about once a

week, on average. Sometimes this

only showed him a patch of colour on someone, for a few seconds - at

other times, he sees a full aura.


After Eric had this first bout of spontaneous auric sight, he found it

much easier to see the human aura,

when he tried. He still cannot see the whole aura - when he wants to -

unless it happens spontaneously.

He can now, though, see bands and patches of colours in peoples auras,

that he could not see before.



27. Close:


I have taught many people to see the aura using this, above, method.

The fast results, in the early stages,

help to build confidence and keep interest high. This ensures enough

work and effort is put in to get the

desired results - seeing the human aura.


Once you have seen your first aura, you have taken your first step

into a much larger, and more

colourful world. If you practise and graduate to seeing, even a

glimpse, of the illusive human aura, then

you are making very good progress indeed, and your brow centre is

showing it's development - through

your increased ability. The next step from this is to develop

clairvoyance. This is the ability to see the

more subtle energies in the world around you. These energies contain

within them: karmic influences,

life conditions, the results of past actions, and future events and

probabilities - plus lots of other

exciting and interesting stuff. This energy is seen, clairvoyantly, as

metaphoric imagery, full of richly

symbolic meaning. This is seen as anything from a simple still

picture, to a full coloured, motion picture

quality, mind's eye vision.



28. Totally shameless plug:


Clairvoyance is a much more complex subject than auric sight. It is

far too large and important a subject

to do justice to, in a humble little article like this. Thus - I am

currently writing a book on it, called:

" THE CLAIRVOYANCE BOOK " which will - hopefully - be available sometime

early in the coming

new year.


" The Clairvoyance Book " covers the development and use of auric sight,

in much more depth than this

article does. It also covers the progressive development and

understanding of clairvoyance. It contains

many new and useful - and above all - practical and easy to do energy

techniques. This begins with the

simple use of the secondary energy system, to stimulate and energise

the primary energy centres. It also

teaches and explains more advanced energy work techniques.


* It has lots of useful tips, devices and ideas, for safely speeding

up development - saving many years of

development work - for the average person.


* It contains a simple new protocol, for the interpretation of

metaphoric imagery and symbology - the

raw stuff visions are made of.


* It contains many of my personal experiences and case histories -

stories that highlight many different

aspects of developing and using clairvoyance.


* It teaches a simple new technique for (R.V.C.) remote viewing



* It also attempts to explain, simply and logically, just where

clairvoyant visions come from and how

this whole clairvoyance thing works - the mechanics of the whole



* " THE CLAIRVOYANCE BOOK " ...a truly inspirational work:)...(R.B.)


If you would like to inquire about this book - or put in an advance



Please contact, Paul Blakey, at....


TEEHI (Twin Eagles Educational and Healing Institute)

Box 2031,

Sechelt, BC,



Email: <TEEHI

Fax: 604-885-6064



Copyright © 22 November 1995: Robert Bruce - rsb My new

- World Wide Web Page

- " THE ASTRAL PULSE " - is found at: (http://www.tower.com.au/~rsb/)

This contains all the latest

revisions of my current work, plus new articles, short stories and

poetry of mine - posted as they are


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