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Reincarnation..Have we lived before....

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As souls created in the image of God, we also had and

continue to have, the power of creating. The Divinity

within us grants us that power, but unfortunately, the

body consciousness gives rise to creation of negative

qualities. We get angry, we hurt others, we laugh at

others who may be less fortunate than we are, we

misuse our positions of trust and authority, we betray

those who love us… all this and more is caused by

enmeshing ourselves solely in material consciousness.

And this causes us to isolate ourselves further and

further away from our Source.


So, what does all this have to do with reincarnation?

Reincarnation is the gift given to us by our Creator

to help us resolve our conflicts and return to our

Source. Reincarnation is the door through which we

need to pass if we are ever to free ourselves from the

prison called mortal suffering. Life on earth is the

best gift to all of us who are here on earth, because

it was through matter that we caused ourselves to be

isolated from our Source, and it is only through

matter that we can resolve our karmic conflicts and

free ourselves from the cycle of Cause and Effect of



What is the Law of Cause and Effect? To put this in

simpler words: suppose I have lived a life where I

have abused my position of authority and been unkind

or too regimental with those serving me. In a

subsequent lifetime I will be in a position of

subservience where someone else in authority will make

me feel so restricted, that my body mind will shudder

and realize what it is to have unkindness meted out.

This feeling, if strong enough, will teach my body

consciousness, my personality as it were, never to

abuse authority.


Skeptics, however, have a question. “If we have lived

before,” they ask, “Why do we not remember it?” To

that, I would like to say that we DO, at some level of

our consciousness, remember it. Look at our

unexplained loves, our fears, our hates and even our

choice of careers/hobbies. And as far as remembering

past lives goes, how many of us really remember what

we did on any one given day, say two years ago?

However, this is really not a treatise for converting

skeptics. Reincarnation exists with or without our



source merlyn








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