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Quite Impressive Experience....


Excerpt from the book 'Loving God' written by Kasturi - Devotee of

Sathya Sai Baba.


" I was one of the aged devotees blessed with the assignment of

anoiting Bhagavan(sathyasaibaba) on the very first Birthday at

Prasanthi Nilayam. I rose from the men's half and my wife from

amongst the group where she was seated. As I rose Beelzebub

whispered into my ear a poisonous prescription. " This is the chance,

find out whether it is a wig of afro hair, this unique crown of

his " . The voice was from my neighbour, an acquintance since years,

the Manager of a Bank at Bangalore where I had kept my little pile.

I had peregrinated through scored of green rooms in my time, where

wigs were put on and off. I myself had got metamorphosed with their

help into Supranakha ....So, while walking up the dias, the pendulam

swung from faith to doubt. I decided to obey the prompting and try

to pull the wig off if that was possible. We dipped the rose in the

fragrant oil and when my wife dipped the oil, I pressed that head and

dared give the scalp a quick sideward thrust. SathyaSaiBaba was

holding his head bent for us to annoint Him. When he received the

impact of my impertinence, He whispered to me


" Yes! Try pushing towards the right side also " .


I shivered in fear. I cursed myself for sliding into the slush of

suspicion. The wife wondered what happened to me. Crestfallen, I

resumed my seat by the side of the serpant. Even now, Baba relates,

off and on, the said story of my audacious experiment to groups of

devotees and raises bursts of symathetic laughter at my discomfiture "

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