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The Love of Mother and Child

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Source: Sanathana Sarathi - From the discourse given by Sathya Sai

Baba on Easwaramma(His mother) Day.



Sweet Relationship of Mother and Child


When the Rangoon war was going on, one mother and son escaped from

there. They came and arrived in Madras. They didn't know anyone in

Madras. They needed food to eat. They needed a place to stay. 'Where

to go? Where to stay?' They thought a lot. 'I am able to live. But

will my son be able to remain?' No one can describe the greatness of

the love of the mother as 'like this or that'. Hence, they started

living near a bus stand. Always the mother went from house-to-house

and got alms (begged for food). When a little food was procured, she

used to eat some and give the rest to the child. In this way

she fostered him. Sometimes when food couldn't be procured anywhere,

she gave what there was to the son and the mother used to fast.

Due to fasting in this way, due to missing many meals, the mother

became very weak. The son recognized this situation. He

said, " Mother! Up until now, you have protected me. From now on,

looking after you is my duty! I will go for alms. You stay here at

home. " This boy went from house-to-house and he used to

shout, " Hunger, hunger, hunger! " Bringing and giving the food he was

able to get to the mother, now he used to fast. He soon became weak.

One day he went to the house of an officer. As it was in the early

morning, the officer was sitting in an easy chair, reading the

newspaper. The boy was saying, " Hunger, hunger, hunger! Mother!

Hunger. " Then this officer went inside telling, " Son, sit here. If

you are hungry, I will give food. You eat and go. " The boy said, " No,

I will go and take it home. " The officer got angry. He said, " Truly,

if you have hunger, why should you take it home? You could eat here,

isn't it? " He brought the rice on a leaf. The boy held out his cloth

to take it away in the cloth. But the officer said, " Sit! Eat! " He

insisted. However, that boy did not sit. This officer was hurrying

him a lot. (Swami says this next sentence with His voice breaking.)

Saying, " For mother, for mother, for mother! " the boy fell down.

Understanding that he was saying something, the officer put his ear

next to him to listen, and he heard what that boy said: " First for

mother, first for mother, first for mother! " and he breathed his

last. Then that officer understood this. " How lucky was this child!

He struggled so much because of love for his mother. What a

meritorious one that mother must be! She gave birth to such a son. "

Saying this, he felt sad. Then he called the city authorities and had

them take away the body. In this way, it is not possible for anyone

to describe the love of the mother and the child. Among the

relationships of the Bharathiyas, only the relationship of the mother

and the child is the true relationship.


Concern of Easwaramma(Sathya SaiBaba's Worldly Mother) Regarding


(From Sathya SaiBaba discourse on that same day)


" You may know it or not, but now also the love of that mother can be

actually seen. Although it is 30 years since her(Easwaramma) body was

left, even now she is going about ever-alive in the (subtle) body.

Now and then she comes to Me, tells Me some things, and then goes.

" Swami! You are taking all the kerchiefs (handkerchiefs) the people

offer and are wiping Your mouth. When just anyone gives, don't touch

those kerchiefs. " I said, " When they give with devotion, how will it

be possible to accept without touching? " " Needless to say, there are

many devotees. There are so many crores of great ones like that.

However, there are also a few who will offer kerchiefs having bad

intentions, bad feelings, and bad qualities. Therefore, you don't

take everyone's kerchief. " I said, " Why not? " She said, " They may be

giving You that kerchief after smearing poison on it. If that even

brushes against the lips, it's enough. The life-breath will be taken

away. Hence, things like this go on in the world. Therefore, you

don't take those kerchiefs. " I said, " OK, I will act according to

your wish. "


Concern of Easwaramma Regarding a Belt


" Like that, she appears now and then. Even now she is coming to My

room. The boys who sleep in My room also know. If she comes and is

talking with Me, they will get up and sit.

One day I was asking the boys, " Sons, I have a silk Dhoti (the inner

silken cloth part of Swami's gown). It is very difficult to wrap it

tightly. Therefore I want a belt. " All the boys, went to a lot of

efforts thinking, 'Swami wants the proper type of belt.' However,

there are buckles there on most belts. These buckles are a little bit

shiny. If I wear this, if it is seen through the robe, people will

think, 'Sai Baba has put on a golden belt!' (Laughter) Therefore I

said to the boys, " I don't need that kind of belt. "

At last one day, in the early morning, Easwaramma came to My room.

She came and was talking. Then Satyajit, Srinivas, and Sainath

(personal attendants in Swami's quarters) all got up and sat. " Swami!

It is not possible for anyone to come into the room at all! " They

thought, 'If one looks down there, one can see that we locked the

lift (elevator)! Who has come? Who is He talking with?' they thought.

Then I said, " Gruha Ammayi ('girl of the house' - this is how Swami

addressed His mother) came. See, she gave this to Me and left, " and I

showed the belt. There was nothing else except the belt (no buckle).

Opening it, one clasp fits into the other. Those kinds of mothers in

the world are numerous. However, the children who select their

mothers and then afterwards are born to them are different. The

mothers who choose their children are different. She is the one whom

I selected. I wanted her as My mother. (Applause) Therefore, there is

a close intimate relationship between she and I. "


From ancient times, in the country of Bharath the relationship of

mother and child is one of intense dearness. It is sweet. It is



It is because of being born as the son of Kausalya, isn't it, that

Rama became Divine, a king.

It is because of the greatly chaste Sita bringing them up, isn't it,

that the twins Lava and Kusa became so greatly renown.

It is because of Zizia brought him up, isn't it, that Shivaji got the

name of a great warrior.

Due to Putalibai bringing him up with love, Gandhi became a great




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