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HAPPY GOKULASHTAMI SAMRATCHANITES;Here are some rare details on Lord.

The Supreme Lord Himself! Shree Krishna married Princess Rukmani, the daughter

of King Bhishmak of Vidarbh state. She was the mother of Pradumgn and an avatar

of goddess Laxmi.

Shree Krishna used to rule the state of Surseni from Mathura, a complicated

affair to handle ,having killed Andhak Yadav, King Kansa. It is because

Jarasandh, a powerful ruler of Puruvansh, happened to be father in law of Kansa.

Jarasandh attacked Mathura 17 times in revenge of Kansa death by Shree Krishna

and was defeated every time and was very insecure. A possible front of

Jarasandh, King Kalyavan and Jayadrath could have be risky for Shree Krishna.

King Yadu's Yaduvanshi dynasty was now present from Mathura to the far sides of

Gujarat, Saurashtra, Kathiavad and Sindh.

The various generations of Yadu were ruling many different parts of the

Bharatvarsh. Amongst them, the major ones were Sattavatt, Bhoj, Haihai, Chedi,

Vidharbh, and Vrishni. Shree Krishna was leading these Yadu Kings as a " Bhoj " .

For security reasons, this newly developed geo political scene prompted Shree

Krishna to move the capital from Mathura to Dwarika of Kathiavad. Dwarika was

also known as Dwarvati, Jagatkoot and Kushsthali. Since Dwarika was situated at

the far most frontier of the western frontiers.


The decision of changing capitals by Shree Krishna had many advantages to his

kingdom. The change reduced the possibility of any major wars with Jarasandh as

there was a great natural boundary to cross, the Thar desert. Secondly, the move

also proved helpful in controlling the Arabs and Kings of nearby regions of

Kathiavad, such as Sauveer and Sindh. Additionally, business trade with other

countries of Indian Ocean and Atlantic was more profitable. Afterwards, the

Yadavs of Dwarika established much closer ties with the generations of Anu and

Druhu of Gandhar (Afganistan) state. Third, further promotion of Vaishnav

philosphies amongst western regions was made possible through these situational

changes. The archeological findings in these regions do include temples and

their remainings. Unfortunately, in later times, the Buddha dharma and Islamic

religions reduced these established remnants of Yaduvanshi's in these regions.


Multan was known by many other names such as Kashyappur, Haspur, Bhagpur,

Sambhalpur, and Prahladpur. Kashyappur was established by Kashyap, father of

Aditya ( Suryadev). Father of Prahlad, King Hirankashyap was from the dynasty of

" Daitya " , or devils. Shree Krishna, defeated the grandson of Hiranyakashyap,

Banasur and gave the state of Sindh-Multan to his son, Samb. Prince Samb was

suffering with leprosy due to a curse by Rishi Durvasa. Thus, he could not stay

inside the palace of Multan, but stayed outside in a garden instead. Shree

Krishna requested Garud to ask the Ayurvedists of Shakdweep to find a cure for

Prince Samb. The Ayurvedists told Prince Samb to pray to Lord Suryadev in order

to find a cure for his predicament. Prince Samb acknowledged the same and got

cured. Thereafter, he made a marvelous temple for Suryadev in the city of

Multan. This temple was known for offering prayers to Lord Suryadev and patients

of leprosy from all corners used to come here and obtain the Lord's blessings.


Shree Krishna's grandson and son of Pradhugmn, Prince Anirudh was married to

daughter of King Banasur or Multan, Princess Usha. They had a son named

Mrigketan. Yet another son of Banasur was Kou Bhand, who had a daughter named

Rama. Thus, Usha was Rama's " bua " . Once Rama had accompanied her bua Usha to

Dwarika, Usha's sasural. Once arrived, Anirudh's Uncle, Sambh got attracted

towards Rama and married her. They had a son named Ushneek or Ushaneer. Prince

Kou Bhand became King after Banasur. But since he had no son, he called up

Ushneek and make him the King of Sonitpur, the capital of Mistra. Many centuries

later, one of the generations of King Ushneek, Devendra lost the kingdom to Nabi

Mohammad and as a result his son, Prince Ugrasen was forced to convert to Islam.

Prince Ugrasen was also known as Asvapati. Devendra's second son, Prince Gajpati

came to Surat and established his own state. Gajpati's generations were known as

" Chudasiya Yadavs " . Devendra's third son, defeated Firozshah in Gazni and ruled

thereafter. Devendra's fourth son ruled the states of Kacch and Sindh.


It is interesting to note exactly how the " Hindu " word could have come into

existence. The aforementioned texts do symbolize that " Hindu " word is a mixed

derivation of " Yadu " and " Yahudi " . Furthermore, what about " Christ " and

" Christian " , which resembles so closely to " Krishna " ? This is indicative of the

fact that the establishment of Yadhuvanshis in the western regions for a long

period of time and their subsequent amalgamation into their religion and culture

( Islamic and Judaism ), carries some weight in supporting similar sounding

words in both languages.


During Mahabharat, Shree Krishna led the team and states of Yadav, Vrishni, Bhoj

and Kukur. Akroor was the lead from Bhoj and Balram was his strong supporter;

Ahuk led the Andhak Yadav; Akroor and Ahuk were friends with Shree Krishna.

However, there was always an internal rift amongst them to attain the main lead

for the combined front. The main contenders were: Ahuk, Akroor, Gadh, Pradhumn,

Balram and Brabhu Ugrasen. Except Brabhu, rest of the leaders opposed Shree

Krishna, yet simultaneously, they were strong supporters Him. However, from time

to time, Shree Krishna felt that here was a lack of true commitment from the

combined front. Thereby, He had complained to Narad Muni that Balram with his

physical power; Gadh with his great thinking power, Pradhumn with his attarctive

personality used to make Him weaker unneccessarily as well as abused their

powers against the will of Akroor, Ahuk and Brabhu. Narad Muni asked Shree

Krishna to keep patience as He was the main leader of the Yadu combined front,

and that He should oversee small mistakes of His supporters. Otherwise, all of

them would suffer!


It is said that Mahabharat was based on a wide, joint Bharat varsh. Ayravrat,

whose teritories extended from Kashyap sea to Assam and from Himalayas to Sri

Lanka, had to be brought together as one.


After the terrible years of Mahabharat, everything was decadent. The aftermath

of the great battle was so mammoth that for a few centuries to come, history

stood still with no life. In this long stretch of time, there was no major event

to be noted by the historians. It is said that this phase of history was

stagnant until the rise of Gautam and Mahavir.


After the end of the Mahabharat war, the infuriated Gandhari, Queen of

Hastinapur, remarked to Shree Krishna that if He wanted, the war could have been

prevented even after the failure of the peace talks. According to her, Shree

Krishna that He was very well aware of the results of the war and in spite of

this, he encouraged the war between the Kauravs and Pandavs. Her extreme grief

over her sons made her blame Shree Krishna for the end of her " kul " or death of

all of her sons. She cursed Him that as He failed to stop the war between the

Pandavs and the Kauravs by all means, similarly, His Yaduvansh would suffer and

perish in the next 36 years.


As per old stories, after the end of the Mahabharat war, Rishi Vishwamitra and

Narad Muni came to Dwarika. The Yadu Koksamuh, in order to trick the rishis,

wrapped Samb with cloth and took him to the rishis for their blessings so that

he could beget a son. The rishis were already aware of this by their sheer

knowledge and cursed him instead. The curse was that during Bharya time, the

Sambh, turned into a lady, would beget a " moosal " ( type of weapon ), which in

turn would be used by the Andhak, Vrishni and other Yaduvanshi to kill each

other. Balram and Shree Krishna would disappear right then the way they came

from (Bramhalok that is ). Shree Krishna had knowledge of this curse and, thus,

requested the Yaduvanshis to leave Dwarika right away and go for a pilgrimage to

Prabhas ( now known as Somnath, situated at the sea of Kathiavad, also known as

yadu-sthal ). He also told them to stay away from alcoholic beverages during

their trip. Despite His warnings, The Andhak, Vrishni and the rest of the

Yaduvanshis stopped for a break on their route to Prabhas and did consume

alcoholic beverages. By now, the curse of the rishis came into effect and Sambh

gave birth to a " moosal " . In order to reduce its effect, they crushed the burada

or gun powder of moosal and sprayed it all around their padavs or camps. The

drunk Vrishni, Satyaki, called upon Andhak Bhoj, Kritvarma. Pradhumgn supported

this move of Satyaki. The main cause of their anger was the fact that in spite

of being a Yadav, Kritvarma had helped the Kauravs during Mahabharat.

Furthermore, after the Mahabharat, Kritvarma had sided with Aswathama, who broke

war rules and had attacked the the sons of Pandavs while they were asleep. The

intoxicated Satyaki got hold of a sword somehow and beheaded Kritvarma along

with many others. This act had a ripple effect and other Andhak and Bhoj Yadavs

called upon Satyaki in revenge and killed him along with Pradhumgn. By this act,

the Yadus in war were polarized in two sides.


Shree Krishna became angry by the death of his son, Pradhumgn. When He could not

find any arms, He pulled out the nearby grass and trees which turned into

" moosal " ( watch the rishis curse here ) through which He crushed many of his

opponents. Following Shree Krishna, the armless Andhak and the rest of

Yaduvanshis also started pulling out plants and grasses which turned into steel

moosals. By this act of madness, Sambh, Charudesan and Anirudh all got killed.

Shree Krishna lost His focus by seeing His sons and grandsons getting killed and

set aside all dharma for a second and called upon his Sudarshana Chakra.

Everything was finished within blink of an eye. Thus, the war amongst

Yaduvanshis had begun and soon many died at the home front. This war ran for

some period of time in which there was no differentiation between wrong and

right. All sorts of weapons and techniques were used. When there were no remains

of weapons, the Yaduvanshis took on rocks, lathis, gadas etc. This was

intolerable to Shree Krishna and Balram. They ran away and took shelter in the

deep forests. Soon, they were discovered by the opponent's helping tribe,

Kaboos. They attacked Shree Krishna and Balram. Shree Krishna lost his sense and

fell on grounds. Balram, being surrounded by his enemies, ate poison and and lay

quiet in the forest.


As per stories, the remaining Yadhuvanshis having realized their mistakes

started looking for Shree Krishna and Balram. They found Balram under a tree in

deep meditation. Soon after, there came a white snake from his mouth and escaped

towards Arabian sea after which Balram died. This story reaffirms the fact that

Balram was an avatar of Shesh Naag.


Well, it was about time for Gandhari's curse to come into play. Shree Krishna,

cognizant of all this, went to the forests and slept under a tree anticipating

His death. From one of camps of Kaboos, Jara was following a deer as his prey.

From distance, he mistook Shree Krishna's left foot for the deer's ear and shot

arrows right on. When he came to claim his prey, he realized the mistake he had

committed and began asking for Lord's forgiveness. Shree Krishna, while

forgiving Jara Kaboo, explained that in their previous lives, He as Lord Ram had

killed him as Bali while hiding behind a tree. Now, they both were equal. Soon

after, Shree Krishna became quiet and died.


After these terrible times, Arjun performed the dahya-sanaskar of Balram, Shree

Krishna and other Yaduvanshi in Prabhas. Upon his return from Prabhas to

Dwarika, Arjun brought together the widows, kids and old men and women and built

protected camps for them. Afterwards, he started moving the camps to Mathura. As

soon as he crossed the border of Dwarika, the city of Dwarika submerged in the

sea along with the remains of its ancestors. The archeological findings have

recovered many remains from Dwarika. When Arjun crossed into the ranges of

Ahirvati and Abhirvati of Northern Rajasthan and Hariyana, the local Abhirs

attacked Arjun and the remaining Yaduvanshi. They kidnapped young widows, women

and kids. Seeing this, the remaining old women and men requested Arjun to

protect their kids from Abhirs. However, Arjuna knew their fate. He could see

their future in Mathura and could not use any force. It was apparent that none

of the Abhirs could have sustained Arjuna's Gandiv. However, he could not use

force even against his own will. Thus, he explained the crowd that when Lord

Shree Krishna and Balram could not protect them, then how was it possible for

him to be their savior?


Having heard the sad news of swargarohan ( travel to swarg) of Balram and Shree

Krishna, and internal fight amongst Yaduvanshis, the son of Pradhumgn, Vrijnabh,

of Mathura took off to Dwarika from Mathura. On the way, when he heard of the

death of his father, he could not bear the pain and died of a heart attack. He

had two sons with him at the same time of which the elder, Vraj, returned to

Mathura and became the new King while the younger Kheer, went to Dwarika.


The Ahirs of Mathura and Bajra regions were known to be peace loving cowherds

whereas the Abhirs of Hariyana and Mahendraghad, who later on became to be

called as Ahirs, were powerful and accomplished warriors. The generations from

the kidnapped women or widows were known as Yaduvanshis. However, the ones with

Abhir fathers became to be known as Yadavs. Out of these Yadavs, many have been

categorized into backward classes whereas the rest of them are flourishing

farmers in Hariyana, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar states.







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