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The Subtle bodies

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The Subtle bodies

Unseen one ...

We have lived our lives pampering our gross physical self. The beauty of the

flower and the flawlessness of our skin have long held sway over us. Each day we

exist in the periphery of gross sensations and feelings. All that we see, seems

so real. From the book to the television to the car we travel in … all just seem

to have one concrete tangible physical reality.


Our consciousness is born of the One omnipresent consciousness and yet pervades

the entire spread of the subtle energy bodies in creation. These subtle bodies

are as much a part of our reality as are the physical ones, except that they

exist at a more subtle level of vibration. Everything in creation is vibrating

at a certain rate or frequency of vibration. These frequencies can be measured

and plotted on a graph just as you might plot an electrocardiogram.


The subtle energy bodies in simple basics refer to the astral and the causal

bodies of a being. Certain more popular schools of thought do tend to outline a

field of seven prominent bodies, viz., the gross physical body at the physical

plane, the etheric body, the astral body at the emotional and lower mental

plane, the causal body at the upper mental plane, the Buddhic body at the

intuitional plane, the Aatmic (or Nirvanic) body at the Spiritual plane, the

threefold triad of will, wisdom, and active intelligence at the Monadic plane,

and finally the cosmic manifestation in the plane of Spirit, but for all

practical purposes we really need to be concerned only with the physical, the

etheric, the astral and the causal aspects of our self. There is, however, an

ever-increasing trend in psychology and parapsychology to employ this kind of

septenary division in order to understand the form and functions of man and the

fields he utilizes and lives within.


These subtle bodies are not necessarily outside or inside the physical body but

actually pervade and permeate our whole being. Further, while they do have their

correspondences in the physical self, they do also have their reflections in the

planetary and solar systems.


The physical body ,The etheric body,The astral body,The mental body...

source india times

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> Sankaram Siva Sankaram.


> Dear members of ,



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> I thought i shall share what i happened to learn

> when

> i read the Gita:


> Arjuna tells Krishna when the Kauravas & Pandavas r

> arrayed in the battlefield ready to fight that he

> finds no use in fighting against his own kith & kin

> for the mere pleasure of wealth, power, & kingdom.

> Even if they (the kauravas) make a mistake as 2

> fight

> against the pandavas, their own brothers, Y shud v

> (pandavas) lose our senses and retaliate by fighting

> against them. There is no point in achieving a

> kingdom

> that is blood-stained. " How can i fight against

> Bheeshma, Drona & Kripacharya? " says Arjuna. They r

> worthy of reverence as gurus. " Is it sane 2 fight

> against them for our mere wants " says arjuna. Then

> Krishna says, " From where did this unmanliness come

> to

> yu, O arjuna? Take up yur arms and b prepared to

> fight. " As these scenes r portrayed by Sanjaya (who

> had been given the vision to see the war) to

> Dhirtharashtra, the blind king says, " Why Krishna

> seems to go against my sons? Y shud he provoke

> Arjuna

> to fight? If arjuna has not got the mind to fight y

> is

> Krishna instigating him into fight? Y Krishna is

> bent

> on seeing destruction? "


> It is not right 2 say that Krishna was bent on

> bringing about destruction. Krishna had made all

> attempts to prevent war by going over to Duryodhana

> to

> seek kingdom for pandavas, their birth right as much

> as Duryodhana had. He even went 2 the extent of

> showing his Visvarupa. Y shud Krishna show his

> viswarupa to Duryodhana? B'Cos he wanted to show him

> that he was God. IT WAS NOT MERE OF


> GOD NATURE. But merely 2 warn Duryodhana that the

> path

> he was taking was not right. He felt atleast after

> seeing him as God he might get the buddhi not 2

> antagonise the pandavas on whose side dharma was &

> on

> whose side Krishna was standing. Even after this

> Duryodhana failed to c reason. In utter audacity of

> the power & authority that backed him, he told

> Krishna

> that he shall not give land to the pandavas even as

> much as that was under the point of a needle. Was it

> Krishna who made Duryodhana not c reason? Did he not

> try his most in wasting his magnificient viswarupa

> darshan 2 even the evil-minded Duryodhana? He tried

> &

> finally when all peace talks failed he told

> Yudhistra

> to wage war befitting a kshatriya to fight against

> adharma and establish righteousness. It was this

> duty

> of Arjuna, born as he was a kshatriya, the duty to

> not

> desist from fighting evil, that Krishna reminded

> arjuna. Whatever b the might of the opponent a

> kshatriya shud protect righteousness & establish

> dharma by force if all peace missions failed. There

> is

> nothing more worthy for a kshatriya than to lose his

> life in a battle for a just cause against evil. If

> he

> dies while fighting evil he will attain the heavens

> of

> glory and he will remain ever-praised by all. If he

> wins he shall enjoy sovereignity of ruling the

> earth.

> Either ways the kshatriya has nothing to lose. So

> Krishna reminds arjuna of his duty to rout adharma

> from the earth. Moreover, Krishna gives additional

> explanations. From the yoga point of view, the athma

> r

> soul is indestructible. Nothing can make the soul

> non-existent as the soul pervades all matter. The

> soul

> is ever-existent. The death that we say is mere

> separation of soul from body. The soul after being

> separated from the body continues its journey into

> another body. Just as a child grows into an youth

> and

> then into a man, the soul enters another state. So

> yu

> cannot kill the soul. When there is a transition

> from

> youth to old age v dont cry b'cos v know it is just

> a

> change. So also the atma throws away the present

> body

> and enters into another body, a new dress for the

> athma. The yogi who sees this truth doesnt cry for

> the

> death of a soul as he understands the athma to have

> entered another body upon leaving this body. It was

> for bringing this science of the soul to the world

> that Krishna himself preached arjuna. Moreover the

> burden of the earth has to b removed. So in view of

> all this Krishna told what the right thing was to do

> for arjuna. He says do yur duty as a kshatriya

> without

> the expectancy of the fruit of yur actions. It is

> the

> expectancy of the fruit of actions that clouds us

> with

> ignorance r ajnana. This desire to get the fruits

> for

> ourselves binds us into body. Once v get rid of this

> nescience v can break the shackles of karma and

> liberate our soul from the body, i.e. the state of

> no

> rebirth.


Source: " The Gita Bhashya " by Swami Tapasyananda of

Ramakrishna Mutt.

> ---------------


> I thank yu for having patiently gone thro this. I

> felt

> it might b useful.


> Sankaram Siva Sankaram.


> Sriram Sampath Kumar,


> BITS, Pilani







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