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Dear friends : Read the following .These are words of great

enlightened souls which I have put in my words :





What is our definition for a living being . Anything that feels , grows

, moves , talks or expresses and anything that obeys a set pattern .We

limit this idea of a living being to men and animals only .At the

most we can include plants also in this category . Because plants grow

, breathe , drink water ,take nutrients and also it has been proved by

scientists like Jagadish Chandra Bose that plants also have feelings

like men .That is ,they tremble when you are going to cut it or if

you take a cigarette nearby .These feelings and vibrations could be

recorded and analysed with some instruments similar to ECG .Also it

has been scientifically proved that the growth of the plants is

enhanced by playing music of musical giants like Beethoven .There are

some algae that can move from one place to another .There are some

insectivorous plants which eat insects just as we eat chicken or

mutton .So plants also can be classified as a living being .It may be

also true that plants also talk and that we are unable to understand

their languages . It has been said that persons like J .Krishnamoorthy

talked with plants .Even in the puranas like Bhagavatham Lord Krishna

,when He was a child was tied to a stone by His mother Yasodha .He

walked dragging the stone inbetween two trees and made the two trees

fall down .The two trees then transformed into two persons who told

that they were celestial beings and they were cursed to become trees

..Rama when He stepped over a stone ,the stone changed into Akalikai

,a lady who had been cursed to become a stone till an avatar shall

releive Her from the curse .The same idol of Goddess Bhavatharini

which was only a stone to others was Mother Kali with full of life

for Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa .So plants and trees are also living

like us .Trees not only live but they also love us .As Baba says,

there is a factory running inside the plants that converts the

Carbondioxide released by us into Oxygen in a matter of five minutes

.. We release harmful Carbondioxide and the plants give us the useful

Oxygen without which our life is impossible . Therefore it is a kind

of give and take policy and if you carefully examine it you can see

that it is love that links us with plants .A Masterbrain has designed

the link to love each other .



" Nobody is uncreative - not even trees,not even rocks .People who have

known trees ,know that each tree creates its own space,each rock

creates its own space.It is like nobody else's space.If you become

sensitive,if you become capable of understanding ,through empathy,you

will be tremendously benifited.You will see each tree is creative in

its own way ;no other tree is like that - each tree is unique;each

tree has individuality;each rock has individuality .Trees are not just

trees -they are people.Rocks are not just rocks- they are people . Go

and sit by the side of a rock -watch it lovingly ,touch it lovingly,

feel it lovingly .

It is said about a Zen master that he was able to pull very big

rocks ,remove very big rocks -and he was a very fragile man .It was

almost impossible looking at his physiology!Stronger men ,very much

stronger than him,were Unable to pull those rocks,and he would simply

pull them very easily .

He was asked what his trick was .He said " there is no trick -I

love the rock so the rock helps.First I say to her .'now my

prestige is in your hands,and these people have come to watch .Now

help me,cooperate with me.'Mm? -then I simply hold the rock lovingly

?and wait for the hint .When the rock gives me the hint -it is a

shudder,my whole spine starts vibrating-when the rock gives me the

hint that she is ready,then I move.You move against the rock;that's

why so much energy is needed.I move with the rock ,I flow with the

rock .Infact,it is wrong to say that I remove it - Iam simply there

..The rock remove itself .

If you are loving you will see that the whole existence has

individuality .Don't pull and push things .Watch ,communicate;take their

help-and much energy will be preserved " -OSHO.

Where do the plants take food? -from the earth . A seed is

sowed in the soil .It takes or selects the material from the soil

for it's growth , like water and the soil itself ( we term the soil

absorbed as nutrients - otherwise it is only mud ) . A beautiful

transformation is going on .The seed slowly transforms into a plant

..The seed develops it's organs - the stem , the leaves and the flowers

..A rose plant absorbs soil and water and develops thorns ,rose -

coloured or white -coloured or yellow - coloured flowers .As Bhakta

Meerabai says ,is it not a greatest miracle that soil is converted

into such a beautiful flower . Can man design such a flower full of

life with all his knowledge and science ,which the nature is so

casually doing . A sugarcane plant takes the soil and water and gives

us lot of sugar .Where was the sugar present .It was within the

earth and a sugarcane plant was needed to separate the sugar in the

soil and give to us .Or otherwise a coconut seed was needed to take

the sugar from the soil and give it to us as Glucose water . So

what we think as only soil has infinite possibilities of evolution .

The same soil can become a Gold ornament ,or a Silver houseware .It

can become a plant or an animal body .It can even become the human

body . If a soul can reside in a human body which is actually mud

or clay why can't a lowly evolved soul reside in a rock or tree

or any matter .Sri Ramakrishna Parahamsa used to sit on the banks of

Ganga and He would throw a Gold coin into the water and then a

handful of mud saying " This Gold is only mud and this mud is Gold

" .So Gold also is one form of mud only .


What are we thinking as the meaning of miracles .Anything that is

unnatural or anything we have not experienced so far .What is the

meaning of the word " Natural " in our dictionary .Simply it is

anything that we have experienced or came across .If you ask somebody

why the Crow is black ,he will say it natural .Why are the trees

green - it is natural .Why the Sun is rising in the east - it is

natural . Why different animals are making different sounds - it is

their nature . What do we mean by the word nature .It simply means


" IT IS LIKE THAT " .All crows are black .Suppose if somebody sees a

white crow it is a miracle because it is unnatural .We have not

experienced it before .The first person who sees a white crow says it

is a miracle .He shows the white crow to a second person and the

second man also surprises .When so many persons see the white crow

often then the surprise vanishes .Or if day by day all the crows

become white , people will say " what happened to these crows .All are

becoming white " .White crows then become natural and after a month if

a person is asked why crows are white he will say it is their

nature which simply means " IT IS LIKE THAT " .So, saying that a

phenomenon is quite natural is not giving the required answer but it

a sort of pretension of the mind that it has got the answer .The

human mind pretends that it has got the answer .But it is actually

a type of escapism only -a kind of maya or illusion .

Why do the plants serve as food for human beings and animals

..Why are some animals created as food for other animals .A deer or a

rabbit is food for a lion .Why is it so .Why is God who is

considered as so much loving towards His creation allowing such a

thing which is a torture for the plants and the meek animals .The

reason is Love . Just as Jesus was ready to die on the cross , Sibi

was ready to offer his flesh for a small Dove and Buddha was ready

to give His life for a goat ,these plants and animals are being

trained by God to offer themselves for the requirement of the others

..The only difference between Jesus or Sibi or Buddha and these plants

and animals is that Jesus was willing to offer His life for the

sake of others but the plants and animals are forced .When you offer

yourself willingly for the well being of others it becomes love and

that act makes you divine .The more you withstand the insults and the

tortures that the society gives you and still if you love them

wholeheartedly ,the more and more divine you become .So the food cycle

tells that every being in the universe is inter connected with the

other and nobody can be a separate entity .The air that we breathe

is being shared by others also .The air that we inhale now was the

breathe of another person just a while before .

.. .

Now where do the plants get water .The sky gives rain to

earth . Where do the sky gets water .From the sea -water .The sea

water evaporates to vapour and becomes clouds .The clouds get cooled

to give rain to the earth .The ocean ,the sky ,the earth and the

plants and animals are interconnected with each other .Why all these

are giving something to the other .Because the nature is so designed

by God that one will serve the purpose of the other and the driving

force behind all this is Love. Throughout the nature the same

phenomenon of Love is going on smoothly .The whole nature is

vibrating in love except in the case of Human beings .Only in the

case of human the problem of possessiveness comes and it is the

cause for all the miseries that the world have ever experienced .Only

man tries to go against nature -tries to go against love .He wants

more and more for himself .He wants wealth for his comfort and even

if he gets a lot ,he is not satisfied and he wants to possess still

more .If he has got a big house he aims for a bungalow .If he gets

a Maruthi he wants to own a Lancer .He wants to have everything for

himself . The desire of man grows in geometric progreession that he

almost forgets what has been given to him .The huge Universe was

created for the happiness of men and the idea of possessivenes had

destroyed all the great things given to him .Man has almost become a

beggar forgetting that he had been already provided in abundance .He

had forgotten that he is an emperor and he starts begging all

through his life .What is this idea of possessiveness .It is the idea

of " I " and " MINE " .Man wants everything for himself .At the most he

can share his possessions with his family .Beyond that boundary his

mind finds it difficult to expand .He wants his smaller circle only

to be benifitted by his riches .He forgets the fact that the whole

world is a family and the whole universe is the VIRAT VISWAROOPAM of

the Lord .Krishna in the Bhagavat Gita shows His Viswa Roopam which

includes everything and excludes nothing .A spider spins it's web with

it's saliva .The web is made beautifully .Now what is the web .It is

nothing other than the spider itself . What appears as the web was

nothing but the spider a few moments before .

In the same ,God created the whole universe OUT OF HIM .The whole

universe is nothing but God Himself .A banyan tree branches with it's

hanging roots and it goes on branching and branching till it covers

a very vast area .In the same way God ,the banyan tree has branched

out far and far till it has become the entire universe .What is

deluding us is the name and form of the things we see .We say one

as the Sun ,Moon,Earth ,Man,Animal ,Rose ,Waste ,Water ,etc.But everything

is the same energy ,same matter manifested in a variety of forms .We

name it differently and thereby create a wrong vision .Actually in all

this diversities there is unity .Only God has become everything .Baba

says everything is God. Everyone is God .It is the ultimate truth -The

Advaita . Actually do we possess anything . Is it true that we possess

certain things . OSHO says that game of possession is the most absurd

game that we are playing and this is the whole of our life's game

..We can at the most use or utilise certain things like a big house

, car ,television ,etc.They allow themselves to be used by us .Once we

are gone ,they allow them to be used by another person .They totally

forget that you were using them .They go to a state of oblivion .If

you really possess them they should come with you when you are gone

..But they are with you for a particular time period and they leave

you for serving another person . You have even to leave your body

here itself -which you have tendered with atmost care all these years

..The earth has given the body on a contract basis for so many years

and once the time is over ,you have to hand over it's property .Osho

beautifully says whatever is yours cannot be taken away or robbed and

whatever can be taken away is not yours .Only God is the sole owner

of everything .Even you are His possession .So drop this idea of

possession and attachment .It cannot give you happiness.

Consider an Iron pillar .We think it is just a mass of matter

it has no life. But the Iron pillar is made of infinite number of

Iron atoms .Each Iron atom has a nucleus at the centre surrounded by

electrons revolving in particular orbits -just like planets revolving

round the Sun .The electrons are attracted by the Protons inside the

nucleus .We call this as electron -proton attraction .That is just a

word coined by us - replace it with the word Love . Now the electrons

are in their particular position because of their Love towards the

protons .The Iron pillar that seems to be just without life is having

very very orderly movement in every atom of it .How can we say that

the Iron pillar has no life .Can't the supreme force that sets such

an orderly pattern even in the tiniest atom look after the needs of

you and me .The same orderly arrangement is there all .Take sand .It

is Silicon dioxide .There also the same movement and order is there

in every atom of Silica and Oxygen .Take wood .There are Carbon and

Hydrogen atoms -The same set pattern .Take an Uranium atom in a

atomic reactor .When one atomic mass unit of Uranium atom is bombarded

( broken down ) energy equivalent to burning one tonne of coal is

liberated .How so much energy is stored inside a small atom .In air

Oxygen and Hydrogen atoms are also having the same set pattern .When

a cylinder containing oxygen and hydrogen gas in opened to mix these

both ,immediately water flows down and is this not a greatest miracle




knowledge so far developed were got only from the experiences of

different persons at different times .Whatever we call knowledge are

only our experiences .Since there is still a very very vast world

that we have not even experienced ,our knowledge is very very narrow

..With that we cannot come to a generalisation and we that it is

impossible to analyse the Supreme knowledge - GOD .So we have to better

surrender to Him .That is why total is emphasised in religions .

What is the difference between a Scientist and a Religious person .A

scientist wants to know the HOW of everything but , for a religious

person everything is a wonder .Osho says ,if you start analysing how

everything is happening ,you will become a philosopher or a scientist

..But if start wondering at everything that you come across ( and it

is true that everything in the universe is a wonder ) you will

become religious .Vivekananda also says " I want the 'WHY' of everything

..I leave the 'HOW' to children " .When an apple fell down Newton

analysed How it came down and he discovered the Gravitational force

..A religious wonders at the same thing and asks Why the apple fell

down instead of going up into space - he concludes that the earth

has Love for the apple and it has to feed men existing in it .So

it pulls the apple with Love and gives to men .In the same way

everything is united with love .Why is the air or atmosphere extended

only upto a height of 110 kms only .Because of Love . Why does the

Sun comes daily without fail .Why do the rains come at appropriate

intervals .Imagine the cost that you have to spend to create a

similar shower of water .Why are the stars are always in their fixed

positions .Why is the earth hanging in space in a fixed position

without colliding with the other stars or planets .Whatever may be the

terms you use to explain all these phenomenon ,the basic truth is

that the whole universe is obeying the command of a very very

supreme force -out of His infinite Love towards His creation and not

because of fear towards Him .God expects the very same Love from man

,who is at the top of evolution also .If not possible in actions

atleast show your Love to others in the thought level and God will

be highly pleased if we do so .As Baba says a human birth is

achieved only after 84 lakh births .So carefully utilise this and try

to attain to still great heights and never allow your minds to drop

to the beast levels .








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