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Live life -baba

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Baba's speech - Life

When we start progressing in Life, we will face many obstacles.At that point of time,we should not run away,thinking that this particular thing is not achievable. In this pilgrimage called life, till you reach the destination called GOD, you are bound to have a lot of hurdles. You should travel steadily towards the goal, not getting entangled in Worldly Illusions.

Hurdles form the foundation to life's achievements.In the struggle of life, there will be Waves & Whirlpools.The human fish has to live amidst these waves & whirlpools & prove their worth,because life is all about survival of the fittest. This is natures decree. The extent to which a human being submits to life's pressures & obstacles is the height to which ,He can elevate himself . Whomsoever, rose above the limitations of the body, cared not ,for the petty pleasures of the world or not for Rest, But toiled un-necessarily , Only those names are recorded in the pages of World History.

Life is an obstacle race. If you are able to win in this ,then you will achieve that happiness,that Divine Ecstasy very soon. Your Karma will dissolve in this life itself. The Pleasures & pains of everyday life are gateways to removing Your Karma. When Karma is destroyed ,the mind dis-integrates. And ,once the mind is done with, Divine Bliss is All Yours to Enjoy.

It is Your Attachment to this physical form ,that shows the pleasure & misery in this world like a mirror. Conquer your attachment to this Body. Learn to dedicate Everything in this World to GOD. Nothing will affect You. You will not get caught in the Illusions of this World. This Body is Perishable.Whenever death comes, you should always face it with a smiling face.This is the matter.If you understand this, then there is no problem.

Only GOD is permanent. GOD dwells within Whoever thinks of HIM. Act with GOD's name Always in your Thoughts. Everybody says "I WANT PEACE" .Remove the "I" & "WANT" & you Automatically have PEACE.

If You are Greedy to ask for everything with a Selfish mind, wanting for only ,You, Your Kith & Kin,GOD will withhold Everything from You. Learn to ask on Behalf of the Entire World & You will see that Prosperity starts pouring in full measure. EVERY BLESSING IS BESTOWED ONLY ON HIM,WHO IS PREPARED TO SHARE IT WITH OTHERS.

Realise that Life is very short.So, do not waste time worrying or hunting for pleasures.Resolve to make your Life more purposeful from now.Master the Art of being in the World, yet not,without it. Then your illusions will automatically fade away.You will gradually comprehend the Divine Ultimate.learn to be, without, even when you are within the Bounds of Living.You will realize that what you had been searching for ,without , is very much within You.

You dont need a dozen matchsticks to light up a cotton godown. Just one matchstick is enough.So,also, Light up the fervent All-Consuming Desire for GOD, in your Heart.All other petty desires will vanish away automatically.

The most precious Treasure in the World is in your Hands. It is your SOUL. You exert yourself to safeguard Worldly riches.Then ,why are you frittering away the priceless treasure, that GOD has Bestowed on You, The Gift of Your SOUL!!!

LOVE in the Truest sense of the term, GIVES ,without Expecting any Return. Learn to treat Everyone as your Own Kith & Kin.Care for others as much as, if not more than you care for yourself.Treat everyone as you would treat GOD.If HE were to appear before You.Start doing this with one person & gradually extend it to the Entire Universe.This is the secret of Realizing GOD's presence Totally within You. & Living upto HIS presence within You.

Learn to share the priceless reservoir of Love,latent within You become GOD. You cannot reach GOD by your Will.GOD will captivate You at the right point of time.He will subdue the results of your actions & grant You the Bliss of Being Moved by HIS Thoughts & Yearning for HIM.For, There is nothing more Ecstatic,than Yearning for GOD.It is appreciable that you are still clinging onto GOD's lotus feet, despite being surrou8nded by Illusions,Temptations & Miseries that are so much a part of this Kaliyuga.

You need not do penance separately.A lot of people assume that meditation is to be done after completion of worldy duties. That is a mis-conception. You should be able to remember GOD every single second of your Life, while carrying out your daily duties.That is the Real Nature of Thapas.

When you light up a lamp ,the darkness around is dispelled, but the place under the lamp is still dark.You are searching for the Brightness of Light throughout the World,But You are unable to realize the Light within You. You should attain the maturity of mind, to realize the Divinity within You.

Once you understand that GOD takes care of Everything, You will realize that He is indeed taking Care.You wil be un-affected by Anything.Give GOD His due, & GOD will give back to You, more than You deserve.Paramaathma is the only truth.You should aim to achieve this by full fledged devotion.

Learn to see & Love GOD in Everything.You will surely reach HIM.Given a choice whether you want GOD power, Man Power or Money Power,.Ask for GOD Power.

Gnanam is understanding totally that GOD & You are one & the same & Merging with the Lord in Blissful Oneness.

Do not be disturbed by the Pleasures & Miseries of the World.Seek the divinity within.,the Truth,that is the real You. It is only for this, that Birth has been bestowed on You.

A True Mahaan is one who is free ,Not only from Worldly desires, But also from Worldly relationships.He has no relations & No relatives ,.But the Whole World is HIS relation. GOD Loves ,without any attachment ,because HE is the soul.

Always Be Loving,Caring,Noble,Modest,Compassionate,Sublime,Patient,Tolerant. Abandon Anger, Jealousy,Hatred,Partiality, Arrogance. Beleive in GOD. GOD will Take Care of Everything.He comes rushing to Your rescue,If You will call out for HIM desperately enough.If you call GOD with Faith, He will definitely Come.

GOD is ready to undergo anything for the sake of Love & looks forward to an ongoing relationship flooded with the Bliss ,that only Love can Bring.You are Living for You. I am living for YOU, My Life is my Message. One who has wants Worships, One who has no wants is worshipped..

What is that ,You have Lost,If You have Everything, But still Got God.............. What is that,You have Gained ,If You Lose Everything, But still Lost God................ PLEASE KNOW THAT I AM NEVER SEPARATE FOM YOU. I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU. MY LOVE & BLESSINGS TO YOU . == BABA

SSS -Hema


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