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Most wonderful moments - Baba's San Francisco visit

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October 27th 2001 On 27th Oct. noon, while Baba was on the Singapore airlines flight to San Francisco, He must have got tired of the long journey and decided to speed it up by reaching 1.5 hrs in advance. Chapan, Bharadwaj, Raji and Mani had arrived home the previous day itself to be all prepared to receive Baba at the airport. Ganesh Swaminathan and Madhu also arrived the previous day and were staying at Srinivas' home. Ganesh, Aruna and Jayashree were at Monica Kiran's home. We were all planning to go together to receive Baba at the airport which is just 20 minutes from home. Bay Area devotees, Sundar's parents, Sundar, Jeyashree, Ganesh Sasthrigal and Bala's family were also planning to receive Baba at the airport. Anjana, Ravi and her parents who had also arrived from Oregon the previous day, planned on doing some sightseeing and then going directly to the airport to receive Baba. Ravikumar, Mala and family's flight from Oregon was scehduled to arrive 3 hours before the arrival of Baba's flight. So they decided to wait at the airport itself. While we were all happily preparing the home for Baba's arrival, Sree casually connected to the internet to check the arrival timings around 1.20PM and to our greatest shock, Baba's flight had already arrived!!! It was scheduled to arrive at 2.55PM... 1.5 hrs in

advance! We immediately tried to contact our people to convey this message. Chapan had gone to his relative's home nearby promising to be back by 1pm. Mani had gone to help us purchase drumsticks for one of our menu items (aviyal). Bharadwaj and Sree then decided to leave us at home and rushed to the airport with the garland. Monica and Kiran also rushed to the airport but couldn't make it and decided to come home instead of making Baba wait at the airport. And so, the privileged people to meet and receive Baba at the airport were, Ravikumar, Mala and kids, Jeyashree, Ganesh Sasthrigal, Sundar and Sundar's parents. Bharadwaj and Sree arrived just on time. We (Chapan, Raji, Mani, Monica, Kiran, Jayashree and me) were all waiting at home with crestfallen looks....



The great Lord arrived home and all our sadness turned to happiness and excitement the moment we saw Baba's car. Sundar's mom performed Harathi for Baba. We all settled down. Baba spoke to all of us and went in for a short nap. In the meanwhile we were all preparing for the potluck dinner at Sundar's home. Kiran was busy providing driving directions for all. Baba refreshed Himself and performed Homam around 6PM. Ganesh Sasthrigal and Ganesh Pattabhi chanted vedas, Purusha sukhtam, etc. during Homam. Around 7.30PM we started off to Sundar's home. It was exciting trying to follow each other's car and losing track. Baba spoke to the eager gathering that had arrived at Sundar's home and showed us CDs on Kelambakkam. We had a variety of items for dinner. Sambar, Rasam (Jayashree), Fried rice, Beans poriyal, potato fry, Spinach, Payasam, Curd Vadai, Appalam, (Sundar), Curd rice(Monica), vadai (Jeyashree) and a variety of sweets. After dinner, Baba relaxed in the hall and we joined Him after finishing our dinner. Sundar's Mom (Baba acknowledged that she sees great saints of the past with her naked eye) and Sundar's wife, Sangeetha sang beautiful devotional songs together. Anjana's father sang 'Janani, Janani...' song for the Lord. Then, Tinkoo sang melodious songs in Tamil and Sanskrit with the perfect accent, with a beautiful smile playing on her lips all the time. We listened to them spellbound. After this we started home to rest for the night.


October 28th 2001

Next day morning, the 28th, after 'Perumal Darshan' we all got ready for the Homam. Chapan, Bharadwaj, Mani and others got everything ready for Homam while we prepared breakfast and lunch. Around 8AM, everyone started assembling together for the Homam. Baba wanted to wait for Monica, Kiran, Jayashree and others for the Homam and so, we all had breakfast (Pongal and sambar) together. Baba performed Homam after everyone arrived. Mantras were chanted by Ganesh Sasthrigal, Ganesh P and others. After this we packed our lunch for the picnic to the Mystery Spot and were on our way to the Mystery Spot. On the way we stopped by to pick up Bala, Satya, Bala's mother and kids. Rema and Jayaram also joined us for the picnic. Again, we all travelled together in a caravan, we looking back every now and then to see if Baba's car and the rest of the cars followed. Ganesh Pattabhi's van with GPS system proved very helpful. Needless to say, those in the car in which Baba travelled had the most fun during the journey. We all went on a guided tour to the Mystery Spot. This is a small area where the laws of gravity do not seem to work and you'll always be at an angle, 17-22 degrees off center. There is a small cottage inside the mystery spot which will look tilted and we had so much fun walking inside the cottage and trying to retain our balance and not slip. We have taken photos of Baba here... It was impressive to see how the Great Lord remained calm and composed and yet enjoyed it with all of us.

We had our pinic lunch at an adjoining picnic spot. A very beautiful location. We immediately started laying the table with all the food we had brought while the guys helped us bring it all from the car. Our group was big one with Ganesh Pattabhi, Aruna, Raji, Mani, Ravikumar, Mala, kids, Anjana, Ravi, Amritha, Anjana's parents, Chapan, Bharadwaj, Ganesh S, Madhu, Srinivas, Bala, Satya, Bala's mother and kids, Anita, Pramod, Rema, Jayaram, Kiran, Monica and Sree and we had fun having picnic lunch together. Baba observed two people standing closeby and asked us to serve food for them. The two Americans seemed to be devotees of Mata Amritananadamayi. They spoke to Baba and Baba gave them pamphlets about Samratchana that Ganesh P had prepared.

We arrived home at 4.20PM and Baba had a short nap till 6.00PM. We had arranged for a Satsang at Centennial Hall(10 minutes drive from home) at 6.30PM. All the guys were busy decorating the hall, setting up the computer, etc. while we prepared Prasadam and dinner for the Satsang. Madhu got beautiful rose flowers, samandhi flowers, arali flowers etc. for the Satsang. Chapan and Bharadwaj decorated the hall while Mani and Sree set up the computer. Ravikumar managed the paper work for the hall. Monica, Kiran, Ganesh and Aruna brought Kesari and Curd rice for the Satsang and we brought Vattal Kuzhambu and Sundal. Thanks to the invaluable help of Rema in cleaning loads of utensils, Anjana's mom and Raji in preparing Vattal Kuzhambu and Sundal. Baba refreshed Himself. Sree and Anjana's family drove with Baba to the Satsang. We started for the Satsang a few minutes later with the Prasadam. The moment we entered the Hall we were astounded to see the beautiful decoration our guys had done... an enlarged photo of Baba in the center of the hall, a neat little table decorated with flowers and lit clay lamps and our beloved Baba seated in the center addressing the gathering. Baba requested Ravikumar, Ganesh P, Ganesh S, Monica, Madhu and a few other to talk about their experiences with Baba and Samratchana. Baba spoke on a variety of topics for more than 3 hours. He quoted inspiring words from the book, 'The greatest miracle in the world' by Og Mandino. After this we served Prasadam and dinner for Baba and the rest of us. Jeyashree and family had brought delicious Idli and a variety of side dish. Mala had brought Puliyoharai, Thaenkuzhal and Badam cake. It was pleasant to see how we served everyone cheerfully without any confusion. After this there was a Question & Answer session. Chapan distributed pamphlets about Samratchana that had been prepared by Ganesh Pattabhi. Then Baba went around personally talking to every person who had come to see Him while Bharadwaj collected their name and address information. Around 11.30PM our Satsang got over. Baba along with Chapan, Mani, Raji, Ganesh S and Bharadwaj went to Bala's home to rest for the night.

October 29th 2001

The next day, 29th, we all assembled at Bala's home for Homam. Some of the devotees who had met Baba last evening were also present for the Homam. Ganesh Sasthrigal, Bala, Ganesh Pattabhi, Srinivas and others chanted mantras during the Homam. After Homam, Baba sat amidst the devotees who had come to see Him. The devotees raised a lot of questions and Baba answered them all. It ranged from our current political situations to the day-to-day problems we face at home. All through, Ganesh Pattabhi did an excellent job in video recording all Baba's speeches, both formal and informal. We all spent a lot of time talking to Baba. Later, Sree and Mani when to drop Chapan and Bharadwaj who left unwillingly to the airport. Around noon, we had lunch at Bala's home and started for the sightseeing tour to the Golden Gate Bridge, Crooked street (supposed to be the most crooked street in the world) and China Town. The traffic to the Golden gate Bridge was very heavy at that time but Bala found a short-cut to reach the bridge. It was exciting and fun for us to walk with Baba on that pleasant evening along the sidewalk of the bridge. Baba joked all the way. Then, we drove through the Crooked Street and China Town.

We reached home late evening and found some devotees waiting to see Baba. We served refreshments to everyone. Baba spoke on a variety of subjects and we all listened to Him with rapt attention. Many devotees called and spoke to Baba over phone. Baba had dosai, chutney and milagai podi for dinner. We served Coconut rice made by Jayashree and potato fry made by Aruna and Jwala for everyone present. Baba Himself offered fruit to those present. Baba spoke for so long that Monica prepared a hot drink of Horlicks and served Baba. Ravikumar's family, Anjana's family, Ganesh S and others got blessings from Baba and departed. It was late in the night when people dispersed to their homes.

October 30th 2001

The next day, 30th, Baba woke up around 2.30AM for His flight to Vancouver which was scheduled for 6.30AM. (Kiran and Monica were to go with Baba to sightsee Vancouver) We prepared some food for their journey. At 3.30AM, Baba performed Homam. At 4AM, we (Srinivas, Mani, Raji and us) dropped Baba, Kiran and Monica at the airport. (It was raining) We were talking to Baba for some time. He was making us laugh... we had mixed feelings... sadness that Baba was leaving for Vancouver...happiness that we will be able to meet Him on the 10th at Los Angeles during His return to India...

During their stop-over at Seattle on their journey to Vancouver, Sudhakar and Deepa met Him and spent time with Him. Deepa had brought lunch for Baba, Kiran and Monica after which He left for Boston.


Looking forward to Monica’s and Kiran’s narration after Baba's visit to Vancouver, Jayanthi’s for Boston and Vidya, Kalyan, Chapan and others for Houston. Chapan, hope all these details will be useful for you when you write your book.

Thanks to Ganesh Pattabhiram and others, we have video recorded and photographed every event that happened during Baba's memorable visit to San Francisco this year. SHANKARAM SIVA SHANKARAM


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my dear samratchanites

As my other friends have already written in detail; about the pleasant memories we had while BABA was in SFO, i think i am probably the last guy to mention about my experiences during baba's trip.to sfo


first of all, i extend my heartiest thanks to organizers Praveena/ Srivatsan & Kiran/Monica for making this trip possible by making elaborate arrangements and planned the trip to perfection, they are such wonderful persons and i must thank baba for giving me a opportunity to get to know thme better, also thanks to Mr. sundar & co, Mr Bala & Co, for having hosted baba & us. it was a divine experience being with baba and sharing his words of wisdom and also his jokes which kept us enthralled.


even though baba did nt have enough time to recover from his Jet-lag, he was full of vibrance and energy, divya chapan and praveena did a great job by summarising the entire acount of the trip. i thought divya chapan's mail was a breif acount of what occured here and praveena fulfilled his dream of writing a book by listing the events in detail. also thanks to Mr. mathur ravikumar & co, mr. Ganesh pattabhi & Co , raji/mani , pramod/ tinku, and my friends -bharadwaj, ganesh swaminathan, divya chapan, and Mr. srinivasan/ usha( spl thanks to them , who were my host during the trip). i had great fun with them. also mr ganesh patabhi deserves praise for quickly uploading audiofiles of baba's speeches and waiting for his video files also.


i have given my photos for developing and once they are ready , i will upload it asap probably in about a weeks time, praveena and raji and aruna all cooked some delicious food and special thanks to kiran & srivatsan , mani and mr sirinivasan who were excellent travel guides in showing us some places of interest in sfo. i am sorry if i forgot to mention others too.


to sum it all it was like a trip to heaven.


i think at the moment , baba is having fun on the cruise to bahamas and florida with kiran/ monica and the rest. we are all eager to see him back here next year (probably february or march'2002)


bye friends take careSSS


-madhu reddy

































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October 27th 2001 On 27th Oct. noon, while Baba was on the Singapore airlines flight to San Francisco, He must have got tired of the long journey and decided to speed it up by reaching 1.5 hrs in advance. Chapan, Bharadwaj, Raji and Mani had arrived home the previous day itself to be all prepared to receive Baba at the airport. Ganesh Swaminathan and Madhu also arrived the previous day and were staying at Srinivas' home. Ganesh, Aruna and Jayashree were at Monica Kiran's home. We were all planning to go together to receive Baba at the airport which is just 20 minutes from home. Bay Area devotees, Sundar's parents, Sundar, Jeyashree, Ganesh Sasthrigal and Bala's family were also planning to receive Baba at the airport. Anjana, Ravi and her parents who had also arrived from Oregon the previous day, planned on doing some sightseeing and then going directly to the airport to receive Baba. Ravikumar, Mala and family's flight from Oregon was scehduled to arrive 3 hours before the arrival of Baba's flight. So they decided to wait at the airport itself. While we were all happily preparing the home for Baba's arrival, Sree casually connected to the internet to check the arrival timings around 1.20PM and to our greatest shock, Baba's flight had already arrived!!! It was scheduled to arrive at 2.55PM... 1.5 hrs in

advance! We immediately tried to contact our people to convey this message. Chapan had gone to his relative's home nearby promising to be back by 1pm. Mani had gone to help us purchase drumsticks for one of our menu items (aviyal). Bharadwaj and Sree then decided to leave us at home and rushed to the airport with the garland. Monica and Kiran also rushed to the airport but couldn't make it and decided to come home instead of making Baba wait at the airport. And so, the privileged people to meet and receive Baba at the airport were, Ravikumar, Mala and kids, Jeyashree, Ganesh Sasthrigal, Sundar and Sundar's parents. Bharadwaj and Sree arrived just on time. We (Chapan, Raji, Mani, Monica, Kiran, Jayashree and me) were all waiting at home with crestfallen looks....



The great Lord arrived home and all our sadness turned to happiness and excitement the moment we saw Baba's car. Sundar's mom performed Harathi for Baba. We all settled down. Baba spoke to all of us and went in for a short nap. In the meanwhile we were all preparing for the potluck dinner at Sundar's home. Kiran was busy providing driving directions for all. Baba refreshed Himself and performed Homam around 6PM. Ganesh Sasthrigal and Ganesh Pattabhi chanted vedas, Purusha sukhtam, etc. during Homam. Around 7.30PM we started off to Sundar's home. It was exciting trying to follow each other's car and losing track. Baba spoke to the eager gathering that had arrived at Sundar's home and showed us CDs on Kelambakkam. We had a variety of items for dinner. Sambar, Rasam (Jayashree), Fried rice, Beans poriyal, potato fry, Spinach, Payasam, Curd Vadai, Appalam, (Sundar), Curd rice(Monica), vadai (Jeyashree) and a variety of sweets. After dinner, Baba relaxed in the hall and we joined Him after finishing our dinner. Sundar's Mom (Baba acknowledged that she sees great saints of the past with her naked eye) and Sundar's wife, Sangeetha sang beautiful devotional songs together. Anjana's father sang 'Janani, Janani...' song for the Lord. Then, Tinkoo sang melodious songs in Tamil and Sanskrit with the perfect accent, with a beautiful smile playing on her lips all the time. We listened to them spellbound. After this we started home to rest for the night.


October 28th 2001

Next day morning, the 28th, after 'Perumal Darshan' we all got ready for the Homam. Chapan, Bharadwaj, Mani and others got everything ready for Homam while we prepared breakfast and lunch. Around 8AM, everyone started assembling together for the Homam. Baba wanted to wait for Monica, Kiran, Jayashree and others for the Homam and so, we all had breakfast (Pongal and sambar) together. Baba performed Homam after everyone arrived. Mantras were chanted by Ganesh Sasthrigal, Ganesh P and others. After this we packed our lunch for the picnic to the Mystery Spot and were on our way to the Mystery Spot. On the way we stopped by to pick up Bala, Satya, Bala's mother and kids. Rema and Jayaram also joined us for the picnic. Again, we all travelled together in a caravan, we looking back every now and then to see if Baba's car and the rest of the cars followed. Ganesh Pattabhi's van with GPS system proved very helpful. Needless to say, those in the car in which Baba travelled had the most fun during the journey. We all went on a guided tour to the Mystery Spot. This is a small area where the laws of gravity do not seem to work and you'll always be at an angle, 17-22 degrees off center. There is a small cottage inside the mystery spot which will look tilted and we had so much fun walking inside the cottage and trying to retain our balance and not slip. We have taken photos of Baba here... It was impressive to see how the Great Lord remained calm and composed and yet enjoyed it with all of us.

We had our pinic lunch at an adjoining picnic spot. A very beautiful location. We immediately started laying the table with all the food we had brought while the guys helped us bring it all from the car. Our group was big one with Ganesh Pattabhi, Aruna, Raji, Mani, Ravikumar, Mala, kids, Anjana, Ravi, Amritha, Anjana's parents, Chapan, Bharadwaj, Ganesh S, Madhu, Srinivas, Bala, Satya, Bala's mother and kids, Anita, Pramod, Rema, Jayaram, Kiran, Monica and Sree and we had fun having picnic lunch together. Baba observed two people standing closeby and asked us to serve food for them. The two Americans seemed to be devotees of Mata Amritananadamayi. They spoke to Baba and Baba gave them pamphlets about Samratchana that Ganesh P had prepared.

We arrived home at 4.20PM and Baba had a short nap till 6.00PM. We had arranged for a Satsang at Centennial Hall(10 minutes drive from home) at 6.30PM. All the guys were busy decorating the hall, setting up the computer, etc. while we prepared Prasadam and dinner for the Satsang. Madhu got beautiful rose flowers, samandhi flowers, arali flowers etc. for the Satsang. Chapan and Bharadwaj decorated the hall while Mani and Sree set up the computer. Ravikumar managed the paper work for the hall. Monica, Kiran, Ganesh and Aruna brought Kesari and Curd rice for the Satsang and we brought Vattal Kuzhambu and Sundal. Thanks to the invaluable help of Rema in cleaning loads of utensils, Anjana's mom and Raji in preparing Vattal Kuzhambu and Sundal. Baba refreshed Himself. Sree and Anjana's family drove with Baba to the Satsang. We started for the Satsang a few minutes later with the Prasadam. The moment we entered the Hall we were astounded to see the beautiful decoration our guys had done... an enlarged photo of Baba in the center of the hall, a neat little table decorated with flowers and lit clay lamps and our beloved Baba seated in the center addressing the gathering. Baba requested Ravikumar, Ganesh P, Ganesh S, Monica, Madhu and a few other to talk about their experiences with Baba and Samratchana. Baba spoke on a variety of topics for more than 3 hours. He quoted inspiring words from the book, 'The greatest miracle in the world' by Og Mandino. After this we served Prasadam and dinner for Baba and the rest of us. Jeyashree and family had brought delicious Idli and a variety of side dish. Mala had brought Puliyoharai, Thaenkuzhal and Badam cake. It was pleasant to see how we served everyone cheerfully without any confusion. After this there was a Question & Answer session. Chapan distributed pamphlets about Samratchana that had been prepared by Ganesh Pattabhi. Then Baba went around personally talking to every person who had come to see Him while Bharadwaj collected their name and address information. Around 11.30PM our Satsang got over. Baba along with Chapan, Mani, Raji, Ganesh S and Bharadwaj went to Bala's home to rest for the night.

October 29th 2001

The next day, 29th, we all assembled at Bala's home for Homam. Some of the devotees who had met Baba last evening were also present for the Homam. Ganesh Sasthrigal, Bala, Ganesh Pattabhi, Srinivas and others chanted mantras during the Homam. After Homam, Baba sat amidst the devotees who had come to see Him. The devotees raised a lot of questions and Baba answered them all. It ranged from our current political situations to the day-to-day problems we face at home. All through, Ganesh Pattabhi did an excellent job in video recording all Baba's speeches, both formal and informal. We all spent a lot of time talking to Baba. Later, Sree and Mani when to drop Chapan and Bharadwaj who left unwillingly to the airport. Around noon, we had lunch at Bala's home and started for the sightseeing tour to the Golden Gate Bridge, Crooked street (supposed to be the most crooked street in the world) and China Town. The traffic to the Golden gate Bridge was very heavy at that time but Bala found a short-cut to reach the bridge. It was exciting and fun for us to walk with Baba on that pleasant evening along the sidewalk of the bridge. Baba joked all the way. Then, we drove through the Crooked Street and China Town.

We reached home late evening and found some devotees waiting to see Baba. We served refreshments to everyone. Baba spoke on a variety of subjects and we all listened to Him with rapt attention. Many devotees called and spoke to Baba over phone. Baba had dosai, chutney and milagai podi for dinner. We served Coconut rice made by Jayashree and potato fry made by Aruna and Jwala for everyone present. Baba Himself offered fruit to those present. Baba spoke for so long that Monica prepared a hot drink of Horlicks and served Baba. Ravikumar's family, Anjana's family, Ganesh S and others got blessings from Baba and departed. It was late in the night when people dispersed to their homes.

October 30th 2001

The next day, 30th, Baba woke up around 2.30AM for His flight to Vancouver which was scheduled for 6.30AM. (Kiran and Monica were to go with Baba to sightsee Vancouver) We prepared some food for their journey. At 3.30AM, Baba performed Homam. At 4AM, we (Srinivas, Mani, Raji and us) dropped Baba, Kiran and Monica at the airport. (It was raining) We were talking to Baba for some time. He was making us laugh... we had mixed feelings... sadness that Baba was leaving for Vancouver...happiness that we will be able to meet Him on the 10th at Los Angeles during His return to India...

During their stop-over at Seattle on their journey to Vancouver, Sudhakar and Deepa met Him and spent time with Him. Deepa had brought lunch for Baba, Kiran and Monica after which He left for Boston.


Looking forward to Monica’s and Kiran’s narration after Baba's visit to Vancouver, Jayanthi’s for Boston and Vidya, Kalyan, Chapan and others for Houston. Chapan, hope all these details will be useful for you when you write your book.

Thanks to Ganesh Pattabhiram and others, we have video recorded and photographed every event that happened during Baba's memorable visit to San Francisco this year. SHANKARAM SIVA SHANKARAM


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