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VALUE OF DESIRE!! = BABA Pattruga Pattattran Pattrinai Appattrai, Pattuga Pattru Vidarkku" - Thirukural.

Once when a King was hunting in a forest ,He Lost his way into a desert.Since 4 days,He could no tget water to drink.Feeling very thirsty & dry & holding his life in his eyes, He was in a very pitiful condition. So a man was passing that side, holding a glass of water, So the king requested him"Please give me half a glass of water. & I will give you half of my Kingdom." So, Hearing this, the man immediately drank half a glass of water". The king immediately held his legs & begged Him " Please ,Please..., Do no tdrink this water.I will give my full kingdom to you only". So the man laughed "You foolish king!.All htis time you were thinking that such a big kingdom was yours" So, saw the value of your kingdom. Only half a glass of water."

Without knowing this only, In this world ,you are searching for Materialistic Status & If you want to leave it.Hold onto a higher level-Paramaathma. Desire for the Paramaathma.This desire, like" Survival of the Fittest" will crunch other desires & burn it out."

LIFE is not a serious matter. Life should not laugh at you.You should laugh at life .It is very simple.This is the complete matter(Pooranatthuvam). ,Complete bliss, Life is not running & hiding in a forest. Do your duties ,remembering God in your thoughts ,while doing your daily duties to your family.. Life is a mixture of colours. We all are ordinary mortals.Life is a beautiful thing. & you can make it more beautiful,I f you know the art of Balancing Life.In every minute ,you can lead a perfect life.small things.Every sentence can be talked with sense. You can laugh at somebody, laugh at it. Before Life could laugh at you, you should Laugh at Life..


"BABA EXPLAINS - THIRUKKURAL... -- KURAL NERIAnbilaar EllaamThamakuriyar Anbudaiyar , Inbum Uriyar Pirarkku."TRUE LOVE is not keeping anything for the self, not hiding anything & giving everything. If You want to give to only some people, then, that is not Love.When this Love grows, it will come to All the People in the World. I HAVE IT. SO, YOU ALSO HAVE IT. GIVING THAT WAY , IS ONLY, TRUE LOVE. The stage, where Lord Shiva, drank poison to safeguard & protect all Living Beings, in this world. If Good has to happen to the world, with True Love for the People in this world. Then for the sake of True Love, I will even drink Poison. This sort of a mindset.What will people do, who don't have Love. They will hide & Keep Saying, they need Everything for Themselves. What will People with Love say" If You want my bone also, You can take". This is the highest stage in Love. The Love of Kannapa Nayanar towards Lord Shiva, By giving His eyes for the Lord. ------------------------------AN AZHWAR BESEECHED THE LORD" PLEASE REST YOUR FEET ON MY HEAD A SECOND TIME". HIS NEIGHBOUR ASKED HIM" WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME., GOD PLACED HIS FEET ON YOUR HEAD.?" TO WHICH THE AZHWAR REPLIED," WHEN THE LORD TOOK THE VAMANA AVAT4R, HE MEASURED THE EARTH WITH HIS FOOT. I WOULD HAVE DEFINITELY EXISTED AT THAT POINT OF TIME. THEN, IS'NT IT TRUR, THAT HE PLACED HIS FEET ON MY HEAD"?EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD HAS HAD THE BLESSING OF GOD'S LOTUS FEET.ALL OF YOU ARE CLOSE TO GOD. YOU CANNOT REACH GOD BY YOUR WILL. GOD WILL CAPTIVATE YOU AT THE RIGHT POINT OF TIME. HE WILL SUBDUE THE RESULTS OF YOUR ACTIONS & GRANT YOU THE BLISS OF BEING MOVED BY HIS THOUGHTS AND YEARNING FOR HIM. FOR THERE IS NOTHING MORE ECSTATIC THAN YEARNING FOR GOD.LIFE IS AN OBSTACLE RACE. HURDLES WILL COME YOUR WAY. ONLY YOU HAVE TO CROSS THEM CAREFULLY. WHOEVER SUCCEEDS IN THIS OBSTACLE RACE BECOMES GOD. A DEVOTEE SHOULD NOT BECOME DISCOURAGED BECAUSE OF THE OBSTACLES HE HAS TO FACE IN LIFE. THIS IS TRUE DEVOTION.



LOVE & BLESSINGS TO YOU ALL ---- BABA , photo attached

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