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Present Day problems & their solution

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Baba explained how from the highest level of pure consciousness

(Shivam) the trinity was born - the three aspects of progenition,

sustenace and destruction. These three aspects exist in each

individual as he is born into this world, leads the life according

to his karma and disappears from this world.


If a jiva is able to destroy his karma, he would be eligible to

realize the highest stature of Shiva tathvam which is pure existence.

Various are such jivas like Venkateswaran, Sundareswaran to mention

a few. These Mahaans while living were in Vishnu tathvam as they

tried to uplift the struggling souls and when they finally left their

mortal coils attained Easwarathvam.


This is the doctrine preached by the Vedas where a jiva is categorized

as Shudra, Vaisya, Kshatriya or Brahmana based on his spritual

progress, certainly not by birth in a particular family. These

teachings somehow got diluted over a period of time. Though there were

efforts by Mahaans like Ramanujam to revive, this casteism is still

deeply ingrained in society and is the cause of the present day

problems we are facing.


Brahmanas who are highest in the ladder having taken to materialism

in the past 350 years is another reason. Thus the soceity has become

rudderless in this ocean of samsaram and lost track of its

destination. The solution for our problems is for Brahmanas to follow

their swadharma which is to guide the soceity on the spiritual path

which may take two generations to come back on track.


In other nations because of the technological advancements, people are

too much addicted to science that they cannot comprehend anything

beyond the realm of reasoning. It is not possible to comprehend the

Infinite within the limitations of mind. Therefore Baba sends powerful

waves of love and divine bliss to those who come to him to help them

break the barriers of logic.


Those who are immuned to it are afflicted with strange diseases who

in search of remedy will come to Baba and get cured by Him.


Kelambakam will be the center of physical and spiritual healing in the

days to come.

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