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The highest level of love is Divine Grace(Arul). Selfless love without any motive or expectations, such a kind of love has the energy to attract . The pinnacle of growth of selfless love is the way to reach Godly state.

Mahaans who have become Jeevan Muktan -liberated souls like a Ramakrishna Paramahamsar, Ramana Maharishi , Shivashankar Baba, their presence is a very major contributing factor. since ,always there is a God's energy radiating from them. So, you feel very elated & happy in a Mahaan's presence when you are in the orbit of magnetic field of God's energy. So, you get that happiness , that peace. There is no need of talking. The very presence of a Mahaan is enough to generate that higher level of energy. There is a level of Shakthi bhava in it.

You call others with different relationships, but can you pin me in any such relationships.This is the difference b/w a Divine level & a human level. In a God's state,there is no relationships. I love everyone, but I have no attachment. I have love in abundance & I am filling you all with love by my glance, touch, hug. The relationships in this world are all bodily related & worldly. When it comes to God, there is no relationships. It goes beyond body ,in the upper levels , astral levels, spiritual levels. This is a very miraculous thing. since .

You are the body, I am being the Athma, beyond the body. Today, our languages are different & it is not possible for you to understand this now. But at some point of time, when one day, when you attain my State, then you will understand this language of Athma.In that Athmic stage, interaction is much more sweeter & much more interesting. Everything is only in thoughts. But to reach this stage is very difficult for you & it will take time.So, a Jeevan Mukthan is a very difficult matter.It is beyond all relationships.He will keep emanating God's energy outside. These rays are absolute Love rays.

If you are in meditation & in a higher level of concentrating & if somebody is talking ,you will feel irritated , like a metal rod scratching your heart .If you feel this way, I feel differently.

So, Many of you are thinking of me here in my presence & also who are far off, miles & miles apart & whoever is thinking of me, in their hearts, then your waves reach me, I feel like a small peacock feather touching my heart .I am able to feel your waves.At one point of time, I get thousands of peoples waves together simultaneously. It happens this way. That heart position is the place where love generates. Whoever it is,wherever you are , If you think of me with True Love, I know it. Who, what are they thinking also, I know it.This is the truth. I can understand your feelings of Love & faith for me, Wherever you are.

So, understanding Love that way, is such a big matter.You are sitting somewhere, miles & miles apart & you think of me. I know it & I even know what you are thinking. In your wordly sense, you call it as mind reading. so, this Love waves, its vibrations all are very true. Thiruvalluvar has told very beautifully, "When you smell a flower, it becomes so soft".that way, Love has a sensitivity.That way, many things are there.

SHIVASHANKAR BABA is experiencing such a kind of love. He is able to jump into love b/w various age groups from a small child to an elderly person. And because of that love, I am able to touch everyone of you, not only you, but anyone who comes to Samratchana. And if you start looking into my eyes for sometime, when you are close with me, you will know what it is. Light rays radiate from my eyes. Those rays are Absolute Love rays, Love waves. I have already told you, look deeply into my eyes, you will feel ,that it will pierce your heart. I can even see in the level to touch your Athma. So, if a Mahaan has this power, it is called OJAS. It is the light's quality of the inner self. It will come in the mere eyes. If you get it, you will become Meenakshi. If she merely sees, by her eyes, Good will happen.

So, to that extent, Love's display, love's strengh is there.So, like SHIVASHANKAR BABA, when you get the selfless love ,when you can give to others completely, impartially, then whether i am in town or away on a mission., Whatever happens will happen in the same way. There should be no duality, when I am physically present of when I am not present.

Love is a very big language. What the love which you have understood is bodily love b/w 2 wordly people.That is not love.Love is the highest stage of thoughts. The summit of happiness in your mind & in every nerve centre of your body. It is very difficult to achieve this .Initially, you have to do a lot of Service, you have to get the summit of happiness on it own.It is a deadly stage.It will not come so easily to anyone.

Your Body & mind should become soft like a cotton.Then afterwards ,normally, you will shower love towards everyone impartially. everyone means, known people ,unknown people.He is known, he is unknown , i need to get some work done by him- means that is not Pure Love .That is business. Without Rhyme or reason, you should see everyone in this world as an Athma, see everyone as a form of God & shower love on everyone equally .It should affect you, when they come towards you. Your body will become so fragile, so delicate at a higher level of love. Only, if you experience it, you will realise it.Otherwise, how many times ,I preach you, you will not be able to understand this Bliss.

So, the Attraction which you have for SHIVASHANKAR BABA , from the small children to the elders , is due to the True Love waves radiating from SHIVASHANKAR BABA, since they are Divine waves.This Divine energy is not bodily related & worldly related. Since this Love is so True, You are being attracted by this Divine Waves.

But to achieve this stage is very difficult. You have to sacrifice a lot & not have any type of selfish thoughts. You should not expect anything out of any relationship.So, if you feel you will get something, then it doesnt attain complete perfection. There is a IF & BUT in it. So, you should not expect anything. Once you get such qualities, then you also can experience the Love, like SHIVASHANKAR BABA is experiencing. You can rule the world from the waves of your body.

Many new people come to SHIVASHANKAR BABA.Even after 2/3 hours, even if they dont want also, they will be sitting here, because of the Divine waves radiating from my body. Once they are gone outside the orbit of my love, the electro magnetic waves reduces after several km. But some of them, will come to see me,they wouldnt even have seriously thought of me, But once, they go home, for a few days, they wont have any other thought ,other than me.This will definitely happen.

My eyes are everywhere, My ears are everywhere. My thoughts are with everybody. If you come within my philosophies, i will come to you unexpectedly. BABA is only a call away.I am preaching you Love.I am living Love. You have not understood that this Love is a very big matter. With my every Glance, My touch, hug, I am showering you with Love. There is a reason for every Glance, talk, smile, work & laughter of BABA. The Love, which I have in abundance, I am slowly filling you with Love. I love, without any attachment.I AM FILLING YOU WITH LOVE & MAKING YOU GOD. AS TIME PASSES ONLY, YOU WILL KNOW THE FRAGRANCE OF THIS FLOWER.I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU,WITHIN YOU.






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