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English translation of 15th eve speech-Part I

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When the parents of a child are hale and healthy, why is it that they

beget a child with health problems? Whose Karma is it?



It may be that the Father and Mother themselves have the karma of

thinking why they begot a child like this. Otherwise such children

will not be born to those parents. For everyone its the same. Take

for example Paramacharya. He became a sannyasi. But according to his

horoscope, at a predestined time in his life he had to undergo

difficulties due to progeny. Sannyasi does not have a son. But to a

Sannyasi, his disciple becomes a son. Exactly at that time, Jayendra

Saraswati left everything and went to Merkara. So for such a big

mahaan, if there is planetary alignment capable of producing

difficulties, it materializes.


So in this world, a testing period is interconnected. We talk of

Naaga Dosham (Snake God affliction). We say it will affect 7

consecutive generations. So when an atma has to suffer in Kaala Sarpa

Dosham, the family in which the atma takes the body by birth, will

already have that Dosham. Otherwise it wont be born in that family.

These things are inter-linked. This is a king to feeding in data and

programming a computer. When you read the Puranas, you will know how

these things are inter-linked.


Dasaratha goes for hunting. He hears at a distance as if an elephant

is drinking water. He shoots an arrow called Chaturvedi (precise

arrow shot in the direction of a sound). A young son of a Rishi ,

whose parents were blind, had made them sit in a safe place and come

to the stream to get some water. He got killed by that arrow. After

hearing a human cry, Dasaratha went to the boy and pleaded that he

had killed him mistakenly. The boy said, " My parents are blind and

old and I am everything for them. I have been taking care of them

until now. Now that you have killed me, who is going to take care of

them? " Dasaratha said, " I will take care of them. " He then took the

boy in his arms and went to the place where the boy's parents were

waiting. He pleaded with the parents, " I have done this mistakenly.

Please forgive me. " If one looks at this legally, this was an

unintentional crime. Being a king, he also offered to take care of

the blind parents. But due to the anger in the spur of the moment,

they said, " He was the only child we had. You killed him. So we curse

you to get afflicted by separation from your son. "


Dasaratha did not have any children at that time but he already was

cursed with Puthra sogam (afflication due to son). Later, with

Vasishta's advice, he performed Puthra Kaamesti yaagam (a yaaga to

beget a son), Rishi Rishyasringa obtained the Paayasam as the fruit

of yaaga. Dasaratha gave it to his queens which resulted in the

births of Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha and Shatrugna.


Krishna had a similar experience. Gaandhaari, wife of Dhritarashtra,

as a penance tied her eyes blind because her husband was blind and

used to take care of him very well. Having lost all her 100 sons in

the Mahabharata war, she was in a pretty bad emotional shape. When

Krishna came in front of her, she got angry momentarily. She

said, " You were the one who killed all my sons, I curse your Yadava

caste to get destroyed totally. " Krishna said, " You have cursed me

because of your Motherly feelings. You are a Pativrata (role model of

a wife). You have been performing a penance by tying up your eyes

throughout your life. I accept your curse. "


Meanwhile, some boys who were sons of Yadava Rishis, playfully

dressed up a boy as a pregnant lady and took him to Dhuruvaasa Rishi.

They said, " O Rishi, you know astrology very well. Can you tell us

whether she will beget a boy or a girl. " Dhuruvaasa cursed them that

their clan will be destroyed. So what was done playfully turned out

to have serious consequences. So Krishna took a curse from Gaandhaari

and the Yaadava boys got cursed by Rishi. So you see the situation

was set up for the destruction of Yaadava clan.


So the curses we get with or without our own knowledge, come true.

Lets look at another incident. Mahavishnu was in his abode with two

gatekeepers guarding Him. The Rishis wanted to gate crash and see

Mahavishnu. As part of their duty, the gate keepers tried to stop the

Rishis. But the Rishis cursed them to be born on the earth. When

Mahavishnu stepped out to the gate, the gatekeepers asked for

justice. " We were only fulfilling our duty, these Rishis have cursed

us. " Mahavishnu said, " If they have cursed you without proper reason,

the Rishis will have to bear the consequences. But because of the

power of their penance, their curse has to take effect. " For example,

you have an atom bomb. Whether you drop the bomb intentionally or

unintentionally, the destruction due to it cannot be prevented. So

the power they had resulted in whetever they spoke to come true.

Mahavishnu said, " You two have to undergo the curse. " The gatekeepers

quipped, " We have done our duty properly. How are you going to reward

us for that? " Mahavishnu said, " Either you can choose to take 3 births

in which you would always chatise me or take 100 births in which you

would always praise me. " They said, " Instead of praising you, we will

come back to you quickly. " So in 3 births, the two gatekeepers were

born as demons. During Varaha Avataram, they were born as Hiranyachan

and Hirankasipu. In Ramayana, they came as Ravana and Kumbakarna. In

Mahabharata, they took birth as Sisupala and Dantavakra. They are

just gatekeepers. But when you look at the drama, you feel as if they

were giving a good fight to Varaha Swami, Rama and Krishna. Its all a

drama going on.


In this world there are lots of instances like these that keep

happening. If you observe you will notice them. You read the Puranas

without observing these things. What was Ramayana? Someone kidnapped

someone else's wife and the husband wrested her back. We can

summarize the story of Ramayan in one line. Is that really Ramayana?

Every character was carefully created, the significance of each

character was brought out like a case study. In management, you have

case studies. They take up an issue and see what they can learn from

that. So all these puranas were not written for their stories in a

nutshell. If that was the case, why Vinaayaka, the Lord, should

accept the request of Veda Vyasa to write a Purana for World's good.

Veda Vyasa went to the extent of saying that there was no one else

fit to write the Mahabharata. Vinaayaka wrote it by breaking off one

of his tusks. The intention here was to deliver great morals to the

posterity. You all read Panchatantra. You hear there were 4 bulls.

When they were together they were able to fend off the jackal. When

they fought among themselves, the fox killed the bulls one by one and

ate them. We dont know where this bull and jackal incident took

place. Why do they tell this story then? It brings out the

moral, " United we stand, divided we fall. " Its just a story. There

are many such stories like Panchatantra, Aesop fables, Tenaliraman

stories etc. Whether these incidents really occurred is irrelevant.

We should learn from the morals. So you have a story that asks you to

be united.


Harischandran underwent many difficulties while adhering to truth is

another story. You see how many characters they create for that

story. Harischandra, his wife etc and intricacies in the story like

she only can see her Mangalyam etc. See they weave the story so

beautifully. They have a son and when he has to be cremated,

Harischandra is insistent on his wife giving the fee for the

cremation. When you see all this, you may get even angry with

Harischandra. Why is he doing this to his own son, you may think. You

should see the moral of the story. It says whatever be the situation,

she may be Harischandra's wife, but when he is the caretaker of

crematoria, he should not bring his personal life in it. He has to do

that duty perfectly.


Then why do you think that it took place a long time back and is not

relevant to you? Let's say you are a Police Officer or an IAS officer

or a Tashildar or a Principal. You have to be like Harischandra and

do your duty well. If your relative stabs someone, you should not let

him free. So all these stories are always relevant. For example, in

Bhagvat Gita, Krishna preaches to Arjuna. If it was meant for only

Arjuna, its a waste. It is meant for everyone. Arjuna is not a

character only in Bhagavat Gita. You are all Arjunas too. In the

battlefield of life where you have all these relatives and friends,

Gita tells you what kind of values one should have.


Assume you are a poor clerk earning Rs.1500. Also assume you have a

sister to be married. In a worldly sense, it is a difficult

situation. He may need at least Rs.20000, lets say. He is an Arjuna.

Not able to face the realty, Arjuna was ready to leave the

battlefield. So assume Krishna is preaching Gita to the clerk. You

can assume Krishna saying the same thing to the clerk as he told

Arjuna, " You should not leave the battlefield. Do you duty after

placing faith in God. God Himself will pave a way for you. You should

not shirk responsibility. " Thats what Mahabharata teaches to the 21st



Take another example. Lets say we have a couple of old parents, son

is still unemployed. So the son is like Arjuna, he is trying to run

away from the battlefield of life. At that time he should remember

what Krishna said in the Gita. He should ponder, " Myself and my wife

have food thrice a day. We will henceforth eat only once a day. From

whatever we save, we will feed my parents. " If you think like this,

you have remembered Gita. If you are thinking of running away without

facing the reality, then you have not learnt anything from Gita.


Let's say you have a problem in your own business. When the problem

comes up, you have to face it. The G.V films producer had loans to

the tune of Rs 200 crores ($40 million). He was a defeated Arjuna. He

thought taking his life was the only way out. He had the capability

of obtaining loan of Rs 200 crores. Not everyone can do that. Will

anyone give you Rs. 200 let alone Rs 200 crores? He had some power

for people to believe him and loan him that kind of money. When you

have such a power, why do you want to run away from the scene? Face

it. Amitabh Bacchan also had lots of loans. Amitabhs case was much

worse. He started ABC company and ran up a loan of Rs.3000 crores.

Even Rajiv and Sonia Gandhi refused to bail him out. Lots of people

known to him at high places turned their backs at him. But Amitabh

went to the Hanuman temple and offered Vada malai, wore talisman,

went to Sabari malai a few times, he never gave up. He faced the

reality. Thats Gitopadesam. Suddenly, in UP, Mulayam Singh's friend

Amar Singh, a kingmaker, offered to help him. He gave a moral hand to

Amitabh and propped him up. Amitabh is now the 10th wealthiest person

in India.


So anything in this world will pose difficulty only at a particular

juncture. Face it. Just because a dog is chasing you, you should not

try to run, otherwise you have to keep running. Stop and face the

dog, the dog also will stop chasing. So all problems are not without

solutions. If a God cannot solve your problem, then there is no need

for a God. If really God is so powerful and your faith in him is very

steadfast, all these problems become poweless.


" Dont tell God how big your problems are, Tell your problems how big

God is. "


What you do is, you go to God and badger him saying I have so many

problems. Why dont you tell the problems, " Muruga is a big God. Ambal

is a major Power. You cant do anything to me. " I gave you examples of

two cases. G.V ran away from the battlefield. Just because he

committed suicide, is anyone saying he was good? They are going to

chastise him further. When you have decided to die why cant you live?

This is my quotation. What is the worst that can happen, you may come

literally to the streets. Come to the street, what is wrong about

this? Even the street belongs to God.


In this world no one is rich and no one is poor. Life is like a dream

journey. Dont think a rich person is really rich. Take this example,

in a train someone knocked loudly on the door. What you did, you

opened the door lest he fall down and injure himself. He occupied a

place near the toilet. He searched desperately for a place to sit.

Even inside toilet there were a couple of people standing. The train

was full. He slowly slid himself nearer to a seat. When the person

occupying the seat went to toilet, he occupied a part of it. Slowly,

he was almost totally seated. When another person went to the toilet,

he seated himself very comfortably. After two people got down in a

station, he guaged the situation, and decided to lie down and

pretended as if he was sleeping after covering his face with a towel.

Otherwise, if he appeared to be awake, other would make him sit. When

the next station came, he himself went and bolted the door from the

inside so that no one will be able to come in. Just an hour back he

did not have place to stand, now he was acting as if the whole train

was his. The whole world is like this.


No property belongs to anybody in this world. The fellow who is

aggressive capitalizes, the fellow who is meek is left behind. Go to

any registrar office, the buyer and seller's name only will keep

changing. How many ever encumbrance certificate you have, the detail

of the property will always be the same. That's because the property

belongs to no one, it belongs to God. I am amused whenever i see a

property transaction, the buyer and seller will ask for a copy of the

document. Everything is same in the document, only the buyer and

seller name changes. What is there in the copy of the document, it is

there in all law books. You are just going to fill up the blanks.

Nothing in this world belongs to anyone and nothing is real.


Why do you want to commit suicide in this unreal world? Why do you

think you have lost respect or fallen in the eyes of others is

because of your ego. You have ahankaram and worry about what other

people will think about you. In this world of a sea, you are a wave

and he is a wave. Both waves get generated in the sea and merge in

the sea of God. Why should one wave be afraid of the other. When you

were well off, were you tense at any time? Though you have failed, it

is temporary. When you were successful, you were boasting. If you

have failed accept the reality. Try to see both of them equally.

Thats penance. Penance is the art of having equinamous disposition to

joy and sadness, respect and disrespect. Not being happy when you are

successful and sad when you are not. This is life. If you know this,

nobody can disturb you. With the help of God you can fight and win.


Take my example, I was successful till 1984. I never failed for want

of hardwork. I decided I dont want anything and went in search of

God. I went away leaving all my business behind. God's wish was I

should come back, live with my family and continue my business and I

should serve Him. He gave me a three point formula. Whether it was

acceptable to me or not, I came back to find my business in doldrums.

Beginning 1984 through 1988, my business went into a very bad shape.

There would always be debtors in cars in front of my house. Lot of

people are a witness to my good and bad times. They know me since the

times when we used to have beer parties. I used to have such parties.

I used to have a budget of Rs. 50,000 for children's birthday. I used

to perform yagna with 2 packets of cigarrette a day in those days,

now I perform a different type of yagna. There are people who have

seen me doing both types of yagnas. Dont think, i am giving you

armchair advice. I have faced it myself in my life.


The dress I am wearing today is new. I have got 12 new dresses in the

last three days. In fact I dont even know who gave it to me. I told

them not to bring dresses, then I told them the same through the

magazine and through notices, no one seems to be paying any heed to

it. I dont care if you dont believe me, i have 2000 dresses. No one

in Madras will have so many dresses. I have 130 wrist watches. The

one I wore in the morning is different and this one is different. I

have nearly 50 to 100 sovereigns of gold, i dont touch it either. I

dont have anything to accomplish with that. As I told in the morning,

I am wearing this chain because I have Perumals dollar in that. It

will remind me of God and it will help you, thats why I am wearing

it. I dont even need these. You will be taken aback when you see the

number of sandals I have. There is no dearth for anything. I have

four golden tumblers. Everything is in abundance. See, that lizard is

clicking, it says I am telling the truth.


Ok, personally Shivashankar Baba does not have any bank account. But

today my bank balance is at least 1.2 crores. Can you believe? Thats

the bank balance of this institution. Whether it is loan and has to

be given back is a different issue. I am not suffering for want of

one rupee. Just think, so many people have come since morning. Have I

taken a single rupee from any one of you? Do I have a Hundi for

collection? Or am I collecting donation? Have I asked you to bring

anything? I have been helping conducting yaagam for you all and

served you food. This is power. Look at Shivashankar Baba's life.

Imagine what everyone would have been thinking of me when I went in

search of God. " This guy is an idiot. He is going after God after

having lost his face in business. " They did tell that. My own

relatives said that. Now, if they have problems, they come to me. In

fact they are the ones standing first in the queue asking me to solve

their problems.

(To be continued...)

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Shannkaram shivam shankaram



I am much thankful to you for taking the time and

efforts to translate Baba's speeches in English. It is

really helping a lot of us in understanding it all and

hence gain knowledge. This is the best gift you can

give us all.


Look forward to the next one-




--- gpattabhi <gpattabhi wrote:

> Question:

> When the parents of a child are hale and healthy,

> why is it that they

> beget a child with health problems? Whose Karma is

> it?


> Baba:

> It may be that the Father and Mother themselves have

> the karma of

> thinking why they begot a child like this. Otherwise

> such children

> will not be born to those parents. For everyone its

> the same. Take

> for example Paramacharya. He became a sannyasi. But

> according to his

> horoscope, at a predestined time in his life he had

> to undergo

> difficulties due to progeny. Sannyasi does not have

> a son. But to a

> Sannyasi, his disciple becomes a son. Exactly at

> that time, Jayendra

> Saraswati left everything and went to Merkara. So

> for such a big

> mahaan, if there is planetary alignment capable of

> producing

> difficulties, it materializes.


> So in this world, a testing period is

> interconnected. We talk of

> Naaga Dosham (Snake God affliction). We say it will

> affect 7

> consecutive generations. So when an atma has to

> suffer in Kaala Sarpa

> Dosham, the family in which the atma takes the body

> by birth, will

> already have that Dosham. Otherwise it wont be born

> in that family.

> These things are inter-linked. This is a king to

> feeding in data and

> programming a computer. When you read the Puranas,

> you will know how

> these things are inter-linked.


> Dasaratha goes for hunting. He hears at a distance

> as if an elephant

> is drinking water. He shoots an arrow called

> Chaturvedi (precise

> arrow shot in the direction of a sound). A young son

> of a Rishi ,

> whose parents were blind, had made them sit in a

> safe place and come

> to the stream to get some water. He got killed by

> that arrow. After

> hearing a human cry, Dasaratha went to the boy and

> pleaded that he

> had killed him mistakenly. The boy said, " My parents

> are blind and

> old and I am everything for them. I have been taking

> care of them

> until now. Now that you have killed me, who is going

> to take care of

> them? " Dasaratha said, " I will take care of them. "

> He then took the

> boy in his arms and went to the place where the

> boy's parents were

> waiting. He pleaded with the parents, " I have done

> this mistakenly.

> Please forgive me. " If one looks at this legally,

> this was an

> unintentional crime. Being a king, he also offered

> to take care of

> the blind parents. But due to the anger in the spur

> of the moment,

> they said, " He was the only child we had. You killed

> him. So we curse

> you to get afflicted by separation from your son. "


> Dasaratha did not have any children at that time but

> he already was

> cursed with Puthra sogam (afflication due to son).

> Later, with

> Vasishta's advice, he performed Puthra Kaamesti

> yaagam (a yaaga to

> beget a son), Rishi Rishyasringa obtained the

> Paayasam as the fruit

> of yaaga. Dasaratha gave it to his queens which

> resulted in the

> births of Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha and Shatrugna.


> Krishna had a similar experience. Gaandhaari, wife

> of Dhritarashtra,

> as a penance tied her eyes blind because her husband

> was blind and

> used to take care of him very well. Having lost all

> her 100 sons in

> the Mahabharata war, she was in a pretty bad

> emotional shape. When

> Krishna came in front of her, she got angry

> momentarily. She

> said, " You were the one who killed all my sons, I

> curse your Yadava

> caste to get destroyed totally. " Krishna said, " You

> have cursed me

> because of your Motherly feelings. You are a

> Pativrata (role model of

> a wife). You have been performing a penance by tying

> up your eyes

> throughout your life. I accept your curse. "


> Meanwhile, some boys who were sons of Yadava Rishis,

> playfully

> dressed up a boy as a pregnant lady and took him to

> Dhuruvaasa Rishi.

> They said, " O Rishi, you know astrology very well.

> Can you tell us

> whether she will beget a boy or a girl. " Dhuruvaasa

> cursed them that

> their clan will be destroyed. So what was done

> playfully turned out

> to have serious consequences. So Krishna took a

> curse from Gaandhaari

> and the Yaadava boys got cursed by Rishi. So you see

> the situation

> was set up for the destruction of Yaadava clan.


> So the curses we get with or without our own

> knowledge, come true.

> Lets look at another incident. Mahavishnu was in his

> abode with two

> gatekeepers guarding Him. The Rishis wanted to gate

> crash and see

> Mahavishnu. As part of their duty, the gate keepers

> tried to stop the

> Rishis. But the Rishis cursed them to be born on the

> earth. When

> Mahavishnu stepped out to the gate, the gatekeepers

> asked for

> justice. " We were only fulfilling our duty, these

> Rishis have cursed

> us. " Mahavishnu said, " If they have cursed you

> without proper reason,

> the Rishis will have to bear the consequences. But

> because of the

> power of their penance, their curse has to take

> effect. " For example,

> you have an atom bomb. Whether you drop the bomb

> intentionally or

> unintentionally, the destruction due to it cannot be

> prevented. So

> the power they had resulted in whetever they spoke

> to come true.

> Mahavishnu said, " You two have to undergo the

> curse. " The gatekeepers

> quipped, " We have done our duty properly. How are you

> going to reward

> us for that? " Mahavishnu said, " Either you can choose

> to take 3 births

> in which you would always chatise me or take 100

> births in which you

> would always praise me. " They said, " Instead of

> praising you, we will

> come back to you quickly. " So in 3 births, the two

> gatekeepers were

> born as demons. During Varaha Avataram, they were

> born as Hiranyachan

> and Hirankasipu. In Ramayana, they came as Ravana

> and Kumbakarna. In

> Mahabharata, they took birth as Sisupala and

> Dantavakra. They are

> just gatekeepers. But when you look at the drama,

> you feel as if they

> were giving a good fight to Varaha Swami, Rama and

> Krishna. Its all a

> drama going on.


> In this world there are lots of instances like these

> that keep

> happening. If you observe you will notice them. You

> read the Puranas

> without observing these things. What was Ramayana?

> Someone kidnapped

> someone else's wife and the husband wrested her

> back. We can

> summarize the story of Ramayan in one line. Is that

> really Ramayana?

> Every character was carefully created, the

> significance of each

> character was brought out like a case study. In

> management, you have

> case studies. They take up an issue and see what

> they can learn from

> that. So all these puranas were not written for

> their stories in a

> nutshell. If that was the case, why Vinaayaka, the

> Lord, should

> accept the request of Veda Vyasa to write a Purana

> for World's good.

> Veda Vyasa went to the extent of saying that there

> was no one else

> fit to write the Mahabharata. Vinaayaka wrote it by

> breaking off one


=== message truncated ===





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Indeed ... It's a blessing for those of us who understand little or no tamil Thank you so much.

I really really do appreciate the time and effort that must have gone into it.


It would be selfish(and greedy !) on my part to expect to see more translations posted to the group,

but kindly continue to do so, as and when time permits :)


Thanks again,






madhusudan jayashree

Friday, May 23, 2003 10:26 AM

Re: English translation of 15th eve speech-Part I

Shannkaram shivam shankaramGanesh-I am much thankful to you for taking the time andefforts to translate Baba's speeches in English. It isreally helping a lot of us in understanding it all andhence gain knowledge. This is the best gift you cangive us all.Look forward to the next one-loveJayashree--- gpattabhi <gpattabhi wrote:> Question:> When the parents of a child are hale and healthy,> why is it that they > beget a child with health problems? Whose Karma is> it?> <snip>

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