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English Translation of 15th evening speech - Part II

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I had a 6000 sqft house in Anna Nagar. I used to think that that

itself was a big achievement. Not for myself, but this thought used

to come to mind often when I started my spiritual life in

Mannadi, " God doesn't seem to have the right mind. I had three big

halls in my old house. How appropriate would it have been to use it

for spiritual purposes. " I used to think like that because of my

ignorance. See now, I have 35 acres in Kelambakkam, a hospital on a 3-

acre site, another 3 acres in Vengaleri and another 12 grounds in

Neelangarai. You can see that we have abundant space now for Anga

Pradakshanam (rolling on the floor with all your limbs touching the

ground around God as an offering).


Nothing will be lacking, provided your faith in God is 100%. If you

have full faith, all your problems will come crumbling down to

pieces, there wont be any more of them. You may tend to believe it

now because I am already successful. If I told the same thing when I

was in search of the Almighty and had no material possession with me,

you would never have believed it. God's ways have changed. In those

days it was God who made me lose everything and it is the same God

who has made my life now. I am just an ordinary person, but you see I

have a Silver umbrella. Is there anything in which we are found

wanting? We have such a big silver Ther (chariot) and a silver

palanquin for the God. Wherever I am, that place will be filled with

wealth. Wherever Shivashankar Baba's feet touch or his glances fall,

there will be abundance of wealth. Just think, how big of a deal this

is? I am not running an office or a business, I do not have staff nor

do I pay any one. Whatever I think will happen. I don't even pray to

God. Why should I pray? If I just think it happens.


I am also an ordinary person like you. If I could achieve this state,

why can't you do it? You should also have that unshakeable faith in

God like me. I said I don't need anything except God. I did not go

bankrupt and then search for God, it was the other way around. Today

is Buddha Pournami. Did Siddharth have any wants in his life? He had

a beautiful wife, a son, a grand palace and all comforts. He had not

seen difficulties in life at all. Being in such a state, it stuck him

one day as to why there are difficulties in this world. Immediately

he left his family and palace in search of God. I am like him. After

going in search of God only, I had to face all my difficulties. I did

not run seeking God after I landed up in problems. How many of you

can do that? In fact, God comes to your mind only when you have

difficulties. That's the difference between you and me.


Is it that you get only materialistic gains when you seek God? Thats

not true. When the power of your atma manifests itself, you can pull

and make a group of people like you sit in the night at 10pm and

listen. You can establish a link with everyone's atma. You can

control anyone in the world with your mere glance and speech. This is

one of the 8 Siddhis, it is called Vashitvam. You can caste a spell

on the atma just like that. For that you have to realize yourself.

Leave me anywhere you want, not even in Madras. Since I created

Ramarajya and other institutions here, you may not believe what I am

going to say. You should not give me anything including money; that's

a condition! Just leave me with a vesti and towel in an isolated

place. You can even leave me in a place whose native language I don't

speak. Give me three years and I would have created an institution

1000 times bigger than this.


This is not an external power, but internal. You cannot attain this

power by externalizing but only by internalizing yourself. So no one

can steal this power from me! Even if you stab and kill me, the next

minute I can even enter into your body and talk from there. This is

called " Koodu Vittu Koodu Payarthu " - a power by which one can enter

another's body. There is virtually no death.


So we have one, where we can create materialistic things, second,

create a much bigger institution than this anywhere and attract

people towards me, and third live without death. What significant

statements these are! I am forever; I cannot be destroyed. Under any

circumstances, I don't have death. In Gita, Krishna says, " O Arjuna,

since you are grieving thinking of death, I will tell you the nature

of death. The Atma never dies, it just takes another body as a new

garment. " Once you start knowing more of such things, many of the

materialistic pleasures will not appeal to you. You will look down

upon this material world. You will come to know that death itself can

do nothing to you. Why should Bharathi sing so, " O death, come near

my feet. " Death is a non-issue in Mukta's (liberated person) life.


So you get such a major power if you go after God, but how many are

searching? You are catching hold of God's feet just because you need

His help to avoid difficulties. It is fear and insecurity that makes

you hold on to God. If you lose the entire world, become penniless

and stand in scorching Sahara desert possessing nothing, even then

you should not forsake God. If you can do that you can become like

me. God gave me tests like that. In one of the readings in

Coimbatore, a Naadi (predictions written by sages on sacred dry

leaves) said, " If anyone had in his life similar difficulties as you,

weeds would have grown on his grave by now. " I have faced such

difficulties in my life, that's the truth. The naadi

continues, " Since Lord Shiva was there by your side, no one could

harm you. " Even today a person from Coimbatore has written to our Dr.

Reddy, " I want to read Shivashankar Baba's Naadi and tell what kind

of changes he is going to bring to the world. I will be coming to

Madras 17th or 18th. " Go to any corner of this world, you will find

my horoscope or naadi readings. This is because World's horoscope is

my horoscope, I don't care if you don't believe me. Things are going

to happen at my behest. There is no powerful person like this

anywhere. See, I am telling you all these serious things coolly

sitting on a swing.


Why you don't take me seriously is because you need everything to be

dramatized. If I told you this by chanting " Om, Boom " (like they do

in movies) with Saambraani (material that produces aromatic smoke

good for health) smoke around me, then probably out of mere fear you

may try to believe me. Even if a person knows he is powerful and is

trying to tell you coolly, you do not want to believe. That's because

you have come to believe that people with Jada (knotted hair) and

beard only can be Swamis. You will come to know in the future, not

even one person on this earth is equal to the dust at my feet. I am a

bigger spiritualist than you. I am not telling it out of pride, i am

telling this to you with the Gods behind me as witnesses.


When time comes then you will know me. Whatever I tell today you

won't understand. What can an ordinary person understand about

spirituality, what's the yardstick you have to guage whether I have

power or not? A time will come when you will understand. There is a

book in English, which says, " The prophet of God will not be a fakir

or a saffron clad recluse nor a sannyasi. He is not a religious

person at all. He is a born Yogi. " When God sent me to the world, he

sent me like this and He made the calendar of events in my own life.

So you see things happening at the appointed hour.


Ok, why should I be telling you all this? That's because you are all

destined to participate in Gods work due to some divine

interconnection. See, that gentleman has come somewhere from Gujarat,

why should he come to me? They have come here for admission for their

children. See this kid, he joined last year and he does not want to

go home for summer vacation. All the people who have come here are

like that. Tell me, is any one of these people my relative? Not even

one is related to me. Then why so many people come to me is because,

there is some connection between you and me. This connection has been

existing over many births with God, since I have the God with me you

are all coming to me. Whichever form of God you are worshipping,

whichever Guru you have been following in your various births, such

thoughts and vasanas are embedded in your spirit. The power of those

thoughts pull you to me, thats the truth. This is true for anyone

irrespective of their affluence, sex and age; these things are

immaterial. At the body level you may not know but your atma knows my

powers and my status in the spiritual kingdom of God. That's why you

have come to me.


When you come to me, your examination starts. By examination I don't

mean your knowledge of Vedas etc., I don't do these things. I don't

see whether you chanted Vedas or Upanishads. The one word that I have

in my dictionary is called " commitment " . I am not asking any

materialistic things from you but your commitment. By commitment I

mean faith, that is what you should have. That's my only litmus test

for you. If commitment is there with you, I will mark you as having

passed the exam. Whatever else you do, I won't be carried away. Even

in Naadi it is told, " Gold, materialistic things and comforts are not

important to him. " Baba will be cracking jokes and loitering with the

children. When you see that you will be very confused. Even that is

foretold in the Naadi.


You can read in the Puranas. Naran and Naarayanan and some sages were

performing penance. To disrupt their penance, Lord Indra sent Urvasi

to dance in front of these sages. Naran tried to frighten Urvasi

away. But Naarayanan just patted his thigh and out came a damsel much

more beautiful than Urvasi, who ran away from the scene out of shame.

So there is nothing in this world that can affect Shivashankar Baba.

Dont think that I can get carried away by this game of love or any

such thing. This game is to push you towards salvation.


There are many people, over countless births, like Meera or Andal,

who chose the boon of being able to be with God and serve Him when He

comes down to the earth. Only such people come here to enjoy the

fruits of their boons, otherwise no one else comes here. The Naadi

says, " If Shivashankar Baba asks a person to sit on his right lap,

that person will be blessed spiritually, on the left lap lap, the

person will become wealthy. " So if I have to bless anyone I don't do

the ritualistic blessings like asking them to fall at my feet etc. My

way of blessing is always different. I do it with my eyes, I do it

with my thoughts. If you ask me frankly, you won't know that I am

blessing you. That's because people are trained to accept blessings

in a particular way. I will bless people only when I want to bless,

not when you ask me to. I will bless you only when you measure up to

my yardstick. Until then all my interactions with you are not



It is I who decide; I decide and bless in my mind, not externally. If

you think that all my power is my hands, you may even cut my hand and

take it away. I should not be caught off-guard, that's why I do

things my own way, I don't exhibit it to the outside world. I play

this game within my mind alone, so you cant understand my system of

working and my methods. I do things appropriately. Like I said,

either try to be innocent like a child, I will do good to you

quickly. I like the innocence of a child when it comes to me. Or you

should have what is called loyalty. I can do good to you but if you

don't have commitment at all, why should I do good to you.


Someone in the morning performed a marriage and went away. They

looked like they didn't have any training in spirituality but they

have a commitment that their marriage should be performed here. Take

the case of another person who came here last week. He told me that

he had got a job in Saudi Arabia because of my blessings, but there

was no life there. It would be good if he got a job in another place.

He had come here with his wife and sons. He said, " I have upanayanam

of my son. Here is the invitation. " When I looked at it I did not

find my name in it at all. Some names of Swamis from Karnataka,

Swamis residing 70 kms from Madras were mentioned in the invitation.

He had just mentioned that he got the job with my blessings, but he

does not know that it is Shivashankar Baba who is doing good to him.

It is ok to include other acharya's names, I am not against it. But

you should take that acharya as your mentor and follow his guidelines

or you should know that the acharya is really going to do you some

good. I am the one doing good to him but I don't find my name in the

invitation. I don't respect these kinds of people, I don't let them

even come near me. I am not after my name and photo to be printed in

the invitation, I am revealing to you my ways of evaluating people.

This man was very educated, wasn't he? He used to come and see me

whenever I visited Thiruvaarur or Salem but he did not include my

name in the invitation. And he still mentions he got the job because

of me.


I came across a similar case. I had gone to Abu Dhabi to see a movie

in the theater. The movie name was " Kandukonden Kandukonden. " One man

came running to me and asked, " Are you Shivashankar Baba? When did

you come to this city? " I asked, " What's the matter? " He said, " I was

going through tough times without a job. After seeing you, I got a

job in Oman. Now I have joined Philips in Abu Dhabi. I had come in

between to Madras and heard that your center at Neelangarai was on

fire. I came to know that they would let me into the center only if I

have a membership card. That was the reason I did not see you. " This

dog of a person who did not even have a job, he himself is admitting

that he got a job in Oman and then in Philips in Abu Dhabi because of

me. My ashram had got burnt. Just to prevent miscreants from entering

the ashram we had a Rs.100 ($2) lifetime membership fee, not Rs. 100

per entry into Ashram. This man did not want to buy the membership

card for such a small fee and he has the temerity to tell me that he

could not see me because of that. Why the hell should I consider him

when he comes to me tomorrow?


I am going to conquer greater heights and achieve greater goals. Why

should I let characters like these come near me? He does not even

want to spend Rs.100 why should I give him a promotion? I had

something outstanding to him, that was taken care of and that's where

it ends. I am not a fool to do you good. Shivashankar Baba has the

power to do you good, but I use the materialistic world to evaluate

you. If you want to catch some fish, you can't have masala dosa and

masala vada as bait. You have to use a worm as the bait, that's the

language it understands. So the language the materialistic people can

understand is that their problems should get solved. I am willing to

help you that way. I will give you the bait but I know it is of no

use to you. But still I will give it to you because that's what you

understand. Even then if you don't understand me, I will let you go

your way, I don't care whether you tread the right path or not.


I am the examiner and I am going to grade you. I will fail you,

that's all. I will give pass grade to others who do well. These are

my yardsticks. Do not take Shivashankar Baba to be what I am today. I

have been telling this since my Mannadi days that I will be advancing

by leaps and bounds. From a small place in Mannadi, I moved to a flat

in Beasant Nagar. People were surprised that I had moved up. I told

them, " Wait and see what happens next. " After that on a Vaikasi

(tamil month) Visakham (star) day, 22nd May, 1997, I started the

center in Neelangarai. In 6 years, from Neelangarai see how much I

have progressed. We have Vengaleri, Kelambakkam I, Kelambakkam II and

Kelambakkam III. From now on I will be growing in geometrical

proportions. Before you know anything I would be like a " ripe fruit

out of reach " . God will elevate me to those heights. So I will give

asylum only to those who have commitment. Others who want to be

spectators will be just that.


When Jesus was nailed to the cross, to a man who believed him, Jesus

said, " I will be with my Father in heaven. I will take you there so

that you can be with me. " Only a Gnani can have such guts to tell

anyone like that. I am not telling you this from a cross, I am

telling this to you coolly sitting on a swing under a silver umbrella

into a microphone and at the same time inquiring whether you had your

tiffin (slightly heavy meal). If a man on a cross could believe

Jesus, why don't you believe me? I am sitting right royally in front

of you talking with so much authenticity and order. Would you have

believed if Jesus, on a cross, had told you the same thing. He

himself was nailed to a cross with blood dripping from his hands. If

you don't believe me even now, what can I do for you? I have not

given any chance for you to disbelieve me. I am giving you every

proof so that you can believe me and take me seriously. If you

believe me you will be with me in my celestial kingdom.


Even last week, one of the Naadis said, " Shivashankar Baba can leave

this world whenever he wants. He has the power to separate his atma

from the body. Devas (Gods) are asking him to come back. He is

maintaining he will be here for some more time to try his best to see

if people take to good ways. " Is the Naadi reader a fool to read such

a prediction? That's my true state. In the past 7000 years no Mahatma

who has taken birth in this world that has been able to successfully

guide human beings ashore spiritually. So I decided I myself will

venture, the spirit has decided such. If you let go this opportunity,

you will have no other for many births to come.


" I have not sent any emissary this time, I have come myself. "


This is my ultimate language.

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Shankaram Siva Shankaram


Dear Pattabi


Thanks for the translation. Have got thrilled after

reading this.It shows baba's seriousness. It's totally

unusual comparing past speeches delivered.

Thanks & regards






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Sankaram Siva Sankaram.

Jai Gurudev.


Dear Mr. pattabi,


Thanks a lot for your strainful work of translating

baba's speech. May you continue this service for ever

with Baba's grace.


Regards and thank you once again,



--- gpattabhi <gpattabhi wrote:


> I had a 6000 sqft house in Anna Nagar. I used to

> think that that

> itself was a big achievement. Not for myself, but

> this thought used

> to come to mind often when I started my spiritual

> life in

> Mannadi, " God doesn't seem to have the right mind. I

> had three big

> halls in my old house. How appropriate would it have

> been to use it

> for spiritual purposes. " I used to think like that

> because of my

> ignorance. See now, I have 35 acres in Kelambakkam,

> a hospital on a 3-

> acre site, another 3 acres in Vengaleri and another

> 12 grounds in

> Neelangarai. You can see that we have abundant space

> now for Anga

> Pradakshanam (rolling on the floor with all your

> limbs touching the

> ground around God as an offering).


> Nothing will be lacking, provided your faith in God

> is 100%. If you

> have full faith, all your problems will come

> crumbling down to

> pieces, there wont be any more of them. You may tend

> to believe it

> now because I am already successful. If I told the

> same thing when I

> was in search of the Almighty and had no material

> possession with me,

> you would never have believed it. God's ways have

> changed. In those

> days it was God who made me lose everything and it

> is the same God

> who has made my life now. I am just an ordinary

> person, but you see I

> have a Silver umbrella. Is there anything in which

> we are found

> wanting? We have such a big silver Ther (chariot)

> and a silver

> palanquin for the God. Wherever I am, that place

> will be filled with

> wealth. Wherever Shivashankar Baba's feet touch or

> his glances fall,

> there will be abundance of wealth. Just think, how

> big of a deal this

> is? I am not running an office or a business, I do

> not have staff nor

> do I pay any one. Whatever I think will happen. I

> don't even pray to

> God. Why should I pray? If I just think it happens.


> I am also an ordinary person like you. If I could

> achieve this state,

> why can't you do it? You should also have that

> unshakeable faith in

> God like me. I said I don't need anything except

> God. I did not go

> bankrupt and then search for God, it was the other

> way around. Today

> is Buddha Pournami. Did Siddharth have any wants in

> his life? He had

> a beautiful wife, a son, a grand palace and all

> comforts. He had not

> seen difficulties in life at all. Being in such a

> state, it stuck him

> one day as to why there are difficulties in this

> world. Immediately

> he left his family and palace in search of God. I am

> like him. After

> going in search of God only, I had to face all my

> difficulties. I did

> not run seeking God after I landed up in problems.

> How many of you

> can do that? In fact, God comes to your mind only

> when you have

> difficulties. That's the difference between you and

> me.


> Is it that you get only materialistic gains when you

> seek God? Thats

> not true. When the power of your atma manifests

> itself, you can pull

> and make a group of people like you sit in the night

> at 10pm and

> listen. You can establish a link with everyone's

> atma. You can

> control anyone in the world with your mere glance

> and speech. This is

> one of the 8 Siddhis, it is called Vashitvam. You

> can caste a spell

> on the atma just like that. For that you have to

> realize yourself.

> Leave me anywhere you want, not even in Madras.

> Since I created

> Ramarajya and other institutions here, you may not

> believe what I am

> going to say. You should not give me anything

> including money; that's

> a condition! Just leave me with a vesti and towel in

> an isolated

> place. You can even leave me in a place whose native

> language I don't

> speak. Give me three years and I would have created

> an institution

> 1000 times bigger than this.


> This is not an external power, but internal. You

> cannot attain this

> power by externalizing but only by internalizing

> yourself. So no one

> can steal this power from me! Even if you stab and

> kill me, the next

> minute I can even enter into your body and talk from

> there. This is

> called " Koodu Vittu Koodu Payarthu " - a power by

> which one can enter

> another's body. There is virtually no death.


> So we have one, where we can create materialistic

> things, second,

> create a much bigger institution than this anywhere

> and attract

> people towards me, and third live without death.

> What significant

> statements these are! I am forever; I cannot be

> destroyed. Under any

> circumstances, I don't have death. In Gita, Krishna

> says, " O Arjuna,

> since you are grieving thinking of death, I will

> tell you the nature

> of death. The Atma never dies, it just takes another

> body as a new

> garment. " Once you start knowing more of such

> things, many of the

> materialistic pleasures will not appeal to you. You

> will look down

> upon this material world. You will come to know that

> death itself can

> do nothing to you. Why should Bharathi sing so, " O

> death, come near

> my feet. " Death is a non-issue in Mukta's (liberated

> person) life.


> So you get such a major power if you go after God,

> but how many are

> searching? You are catching hold of God's feet just

> because you need

> His help to avoid difficulties. It is fear and

> insecurity that makes

> you hold on to God. If you lose the entire world,

> become penniless

> and stand in scorching Sahara desert possessing

> nothing, even then

> you should not forsake God. If you can do that you

> can become like

> me. God gave me tests like that. In one of the

> readings in

> Coimbatore, a Naadi (predictions written by sages on

> sacred dry

> leaves) said, " If anyone had in his life similar

> difficulties as you,

> weeds would have grown on his grave by now. " I have

> faced such

> difficulties in my life, that's the truth. The naadi


> continues, " Since Lord Shiva was there by your side,

> no one could

> harm you. " Even today a person from Coimbatore has

> written to our Dr.

> Reddy, " I want to read Shivashankar Baba's Naadi and

> tell what kind

> of changes he is going to bring to the world. I will

> be coming to

> Madras 17th or 18th. " Go to any corner of this

> world, you will find

> my horoscope or naadi readings. This is because

> World's horoscope is

> my horoscope, I don't care if you don't believe me.

> Things are going

> to happen at my behest. There is no powerful person

> like this

> anywhere. See, I am telling you all these serious

> things coolly

> sitting on a swing.


> Why you don't take me seriously is because you need

> everything to be

> dramatized. If I told you this by chanting " Om,

> Boom " (like they do

> in movies) with Saambraani (material that produces

> aromatic smoke

> good for health) smoke around me, then probably out

> of mere fear you

> may try to believe me. Even if a person knows he is

> powerful and is

> trying to tell you coolly, you do not want to

> believe. That's because


=== message truncated ===





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Shankaram Shiva Shankaram

Dear Sriram

It is not been strain full at all. In fact, it is helping me more in

understanding what Baba is trying to convey. I will continue as long

as He wills.



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I think we found a excellant transcriber in you ganesh ! You style and the appropriate choice of words to use is impeccable



----Original Message Follows---- "gpattabhi"

Re: English Translation of 15th evening speech - Part II Tue, 27 May 2003 16:07:05 -0000

Shankaram Shiva Shankaram Dear Sriram It is not been strain full at all. In fact, it is helping me more in understanding what Baba is trying to convey. I will continue as long as He wills. Love -ganesh


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Hi Ganesh


It is great . I really happy to see the good transcrition in English .

keep it up







> " gpattabhi " <gpattabhi



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>Shankaram Shiva Shankaram

>Dear Sriram

>It is not been strain full at all. In fact, it is helping me more in

>understanding what Baba is trying to convey. I will continue as long

>as He wills.







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