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18th May afternoon speech - Part II

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Over the years the way I show love to you has become contagious and

spread among you too. All qualities are contagious, you don't need to

have any doubt about it. See that boy yawned, and see this gentleman

is also yawning. If one person yawns it spreads and 4 more people

yawn. This world exists in an ethereal layer in which sound and

light, happiness and sadness travel. If that's not the case, how come

at the stroke of 11pm everyone feels sleepy? Even sleep is

contagious. If 10 people in a place do the same thing it spreads. So

all good and bad qualities are contagious. Similarly the love I show

is contagious, it travels from one person to another.


Once there lived a king. He used to go around his capital on a

chariot every day. There would be heavy crowd on both sides of the

road. He would wave to the people and pass on. He used to be very

happy with this ride through the city. One day while he was riding on

his chariot, when he a saw a person in the crowd he got very angry

and felt like killing him. He returned back to his palace and

pondered, " That person was after all a subject of mine. Why did I get

that thought of killing? " He summoned the Raja Guru and told him

about his unusual experience. Guru said, " Don't go through that place

for the next two days, go there after the third day. " Obeying his

Guru, the king avoided going to that place for a couple of days. When

he went there the third day, he saw that same person in that crowd.

The person waved at the king and the king waved back. He did not have

any animosity against him. He came back to the palace and asked the

Guru, " What did you do? " Guru replied, " That person has a log shop.

When you went there three days earlier he was thinking, " I have just

received two loads of sandalwood logs. If the king dies, they will

buy it. " Because he got such a thought in his mind, the reflection of

that thought made you feel like killing him. During the two days when

I asked you to refrain from visiting that place, I asked the

accountant to buy the two loads of sandal wood and stored it in our

godown. So when you went this time the person was very happy

thinking, " Ah, because of the King I could manage to sell my two

loads of sandalwood. " That's why you also became happy as usual when

you saw him. "



So this world is also like this. Liking or disliking a person is

because of the thought waves that emanate from that person. Don't you

sometimes feel very friendly with total strangers sometimes? And

sometimes don't you feel annoyed with some people without any reason?

In fact I feel annoyed with many people. From every body, certain

light rays emanate. There are many of you who did not come here the

last Pournami (full moon) day. On that day I made a scientific

observation. In Science, you come across carbon dioxide, CO2 and

water H2O. Six molecules of CO2 combine with six molecules of H2O in

sunlight, and you get a carbohydrate, C6H12O6 that gives energy and

six molecules of O2. This is called photosynthesis in science. The

oxygen that is produced is the one you and I breath. Anything is this

world, spreads around with the help of light and matter. Energy=mc^2

where m is the matter's mass and c is velocity of light. So when

sun's rays impinge on a body, energy gets produced. So if I am Lord

Nataraja, you are also Lord Nataraja. If rays of light are emanating

from my body, they are emanating from yours too. This is all science.

We Indians have discovered these long before the modern day



So thought waves originate from each body and travel. Shivashankar

Baba wanted to kindle the waves of love in you all. There is no one

in the world without love. Even if you have a golden wick holder,

unless you keep the oil flowing, the light from the lamp will die.

Similarly, I am keeping the love flowing. Even that process is cited

in your science. It is called catalytic effect. The catalyst does not

directly involve itself in a process, it just enables and helps the

process along. The product of such a process has been this



When you come here, you see those boys and girls standing there,

these people clean and polish your chappals (sandals). Let me

introduce these people. This girl is from our colony and studies in

our school. This boy is not from our school or from our colony. His

father holds an important post in an insurance company. This boy is

the oldest of the volunteers. Next, this girl studies in XII grade.

Whenever she gets time, she will come here and do this volunteer

work. Next, this girl works in Central Government. She comes here two

or three days a week and performs service here. When you talk of

service, she will perform chappal stand duty, she will iron my

clothes Saturday and Sunday. Next, this girl works in a computer

company in Bangalore. She has come here on a three-day leave. After

cleaning your chappals, she will return to Bangalore. Next, this girl

is going to undertake studies in the medicine line.


I don't deal with Vaastu, Ring, Astrology, giving talisman etc. I am

molding them indirectly. If you believe me, I will make your life. I

won't talk to you too much. You may be thinking, " I have come all the

way from Arumbakkam. Swami talked to me just for 2 minutes. " Should I

talk to for half an hour inquiring about unnecessary things like " Is

the rooster in your house doing well? " That's all worldly talk and a

waste of time. Nowadays you get these programs in TV where you can

ask for your song or a comedy scene over a telephone call itself. If

you see in that program, the callers would have asked the host, " How

are you? " a 150 times. To that question she has already answered

once. In spite of that, every caller asks the same question. I know

you are well and I don't get into this small talk. I come to the

point straight away. I listen to the problem you have and initiate

the solution immediately. So far no one has spoken this kind of



People have come think of a Swami to have a beard with the aroma of

sambrani smoke around him and chanting, " Om, Hreem, Boom " like in the

Vittalacharya movies. I don't believe in such things, it does not

suit my health. If you believe me, I will solve your difficulties.

This is all due to spiritual power and the energy that flows through

me. Only when your times are good, you will come to see me. Today is

a Sunday, and you have left all your other chores and sitting here

since morning. Its already 4 o'clock. Have you ever sat before in a

place for 5 minutes continuously? When you visit a temple, if you see

a screen obstructing the view of God, you people without waiting, go

away muttering to yourself, " I will come and see the God later. " (In

Hindu temples, a screen is used by the priests to prevent the

devotees from seeing the God being dressed up and adorned.)


What makes you sit here is called vibration. You yourself don't know

that but I am controlling you. This is the first of the 8 siddhis. It

is called Vashitvam. It gives you the power of influencing anyone who

comes in front you. This is a very ordinary Siddhi. I am in a state

where I have gone beyond these 8 siddhis. The God has given me powers

to bring people back from death. I don't believe in all these powers

as it does not benefit in any way. You see these swamis trying to

cheat people by magically producing a camphor or ring. This is all an

act of pulling wool over your eyes. For this you don't need to be

swami at all.


Try going in front of High court on a Wednesday. There a person would

be blindfolded, made to lie on a easy chair and covered with a black

cloth. Another person near the guy on the easy chair will ask you for

Rs. 2 ($0.04). He will keep the Rs. 2 aside and ask the blindfolded

person to tell the number on the Rs. 2 note. The blindfolded person

to your utter astonishment will say correctly, " Z2343832 " . Then the

person will ask you to write down three questions on a piece of

paper. You will list down your questions, " Will I get back my lost

dog? " etc. etc. He will take that piece of paper and ask you for Rs.

10 now. His initial trick has already swayed you. So you will oblige



Actually, there is a spirit of a dead person inside the body of the

blindfolded person. That spirit acts as a remote device and the

blindfolded person sees exactly what the other man is seeing, that's

all there is to it. An ordinary person is able to do this trick with

the spirit of his grandparents, why do you need a swami for this?

Don't fall for all these tricks.


Usually what happens is, someone without any other job, would go to

the burial ground and pray for spirits to come to him. The spirits by

themselves don't have the power to get into him. The ether a spirit

is made of is very weak. You have at least a couple of hands with

which you can defend yourself, the spirit cannot even do that. It

cannot eat by itself, it has to get into someone else's body to enjoy

the taste or dress as it wishes. According to hierarchy in God's

creation, it cannot come to you on its own as you are a superior

force. If you yourself call for the spirit, don't blame the God for

that later.


For example, if someone comes to your house, its your decision

whether to let a person in or not. If that person later in the night

steals your money, then it's your fault. So these people, they beckon

to these spirits in the burial ground. The spirit is also like a

human. It will ask you to do certain things, which were left

unfinished things in its life as human being, and you would have to

do that. For example, it will ask you to get its sister's daughter

married. You would have to fund the marriage. Or it will say that it

would like to eat fish curry. Even if you were a vegetarian you would

have to eat it. You would have to do whatever it asks for. After the

spirit gets satisfied, it will be with you all the time. It will tell

you things which one cant know if blindfolded and you would be

dumbfounded. It knows only to tell things that have happened in the

past. It cannot tell you about the future at all. So all these small-

time magicians cheat you like this.


There is another way of cheating using hi-tech. When you are climbing

up the stairs, they would have a camera there. I am telling you all

this because I don't these kinds of trickery. If I did these things,

would I let you know about it? So they will be noticing who is going

in and coming out of the building using the camera. They will make

you sit in a hall. Over a mike, they will cite the color of the sari

and purse and ask you to come in. He has already seen you carrying

that kind of purse and wearing a sari with that particular color. You

would be dumb-founded again.


There are certain other types of Swami's. A person known to me called

Ramachander, had a daughter to be married and he visited such a

Swami. There is a Hanuman Swami in Nanganallore or Adambakkam, he is

a devotee of Anjaneya Swami. The Swami will ask, " Who is Subramani

here? " Half the people in the city are of that name. You yourself

would get up and say, " I am that person. " You would be expectantly

waiting for him to say something. Then he will continue, " You have a

God's photo in your purse, right? Please take it out and put it in

your hands. " You would be totally dumb-founded after seeing all this.

This is one more way of cheating using common sense. Unless someone

has some a problem, no one is going to visit a Swami.


There are lots of people who come from Andhra (state in India). They

usually carry these typical bags and wear colorful clothes. This

Swami will come sit near you and say, " I don't want anything from you

except friendship. Just buy me a cup of tea. " Since he is not asking

you for money, you will be ok with it and buy him a cup of tea. This

technique is called Boxing technique. He will hit you when you least

expect him to. Then the Swami will continue, " I have met the Prime

Minister and the President. " The President and Prime Minister of

India don't have any work. If you go and ask for a snap with the

President, you would be stopped at the gate itself. But when these

adivasi kinds of people go there, the President and Prime Minister

oblige for propaganda for political purposes. So these Swamis will

show you all the photographs. You would wonder, " He seems to be a

real famous person. " Its just a photo, the Prime Minister never came

to this person for any prediction. Further, the Swami will ask for

addresses of five of your friends and you would give him that. First

he would cheat your friends and make them part their money. At the

end he would come to you. He would have a notebook with him. He would

place a feather on top of a photo on a page of the notebook and move

a magnet below. The feather would move and he would cite that as a

mark of you having done something wrong. You don't know what he is

talking about but you would accept it. He would keep some kumkum (red

holy dye) on your forehead and would ask you for Rs. 500 ($10). You

would be totally confused in that situation because you are the one

with the weaker mind. You would say, " I don't have so much money. " He

would threaten you saying the Gods would be angry and somehow make

you part with at least Rs. 150.


I don't follow or foster these kinds of things. I tell whoever comes

to me not to get stuck in these kinds of complications. You don't

have any belief that these fake swamis are going to give a solution

for your problem. After having seen these astrology journals, you go

to such people out of curiosity. If I haven't seen all this how can I

tell you about such things.


" Learn and forget what you learnt. "


I don't believe these kinds of astrologers and you also should not.

God is true and your Father and Mother are the truth. Believe them.

You don't even need to believe me, faith does not come to you so

quickly. Pray to God and do your duty. Don't waste your time and

money in these kinds of Swamis. Use it for buying things for your

family. You will become happy and will not feel the need of going to

these astrologer types of Swamis. If you had spent the money on your

family, imagine how your family would take care of you. You don't do

that. It is all time-pass, you want to buy some books here, go to

some astrologers there, you are wasting your time. Because your mind

is like that, jumping around like a monkey.


Adi Sankara himself says that, " O Siva, If you take an ordinary bowl

for begging no one will offer you any alms. I have a beautiful

monkey, it can perform wonderful feats, then you would get lot of

alms. " What type of monkey? Adi Sankara says, " Take the monkey of my

mind. " That work of Sankara is called Ninda Stuti. A mahaan like

Sankara himself says that he cannot control his mind and composes

such a work. You are an ordinary human being, you are answerable to

your superior officer, you have hundreds of family worries, and you

have lot of tension. This mind keeps confusing you like that. You

beget more problems.


Lot of ladies have this problem. Half the husbands don't know how to

show love to their family. Not that he dislikes his wife, it does not

occur to his mind. Once he knows the wife is his, he does not care

about her afterwards. If it was a lady in the office, he would

ask, " Madam, do you want some coffee? " He would never have asked his

wife even once whether she wanted some coffee and took her out for

lunch. Men take their wives for granted.


For example, if a beautiful lady were standing in a bus, the man

would offer his seat to her. If an old lady from a village really

wants to sit, would he ever give his seat to such a lady? It is all a

show of pretense. Even the act of trying to be humanitarian or show

nobility is more of being opportunistic and is not his true garb.

People who want to prove the world they are noble are filthy inside,

it is all an act. It is a pretext to show the world that they are

good. People adjust with others in the society but does anyone adjust

with their own family members, old or young?


A person works as a clerk in the office and gets bossed over from

morn till evening in the office. Once he returns home, he would act

as if he is an emperor on a throne and show his authority. You are

putting up with so many people in your office, why can't you put up

with another four people in your family? Are your family members

asking you to work for the home as a peon? You people don't

contribute anything for your house.


There are families where the wife earns the livelihood. The husband

has nice time playing cards and drinking but he still will boss over

his wife. What right you have to control your family? There are lots

of people who come to me with such problems. Unfortunately for wives,

the husand is a social symbol. The wives go to the extent of covering

for their husbands in order not to reveal to others the problems in

their family.


So there are two types of people, one who don't tell the truth

because it is detrimental, and the other who tell the truth and get

caught in other problems. For example, the husband will be reasonably

good. There may be a small issue. The wife will tell all about in to

everyone in the office. Her colleagues will try to console her and

finally it would end in unexpected ways landing you in other

problems. So the main problem with the society is the confused

thinking of the mind. If the mind can think clearly, half your

problems will get solved. The spirituality that I advocate and my

achievements are down to earth. I don't believe in the worldly

gimmicks. I don't believe in confusing you in the name of religion

and spirituality. These are all small techniques.


For a husband and wife to live happily, why do they need anyone else?

If these two decide to live happily, then that's it, they can be

happy from the next minute onwards. They don't need any God or Swami

for that. But you people don't want to mend your ways. Even if one of

you adjusts your ways, if not today you would get a solution

tomorrow. It is all due to false ego, you don't want to give in

first. Even if the husband decides to give in, sometimes the planets

will play their role and cause situations whereby the wife would have

periods and togetherness would not be possible. So such things also



Recently, a movie called Vaali was released where Ajit plays a dual

role. I see all movies. You may ask why do I see these movies. I need

to tell anecdotes from such movies for you people to understand,

right? I have even seen Swami, the latest movie. In many families the

problem will not between husband and wife. There is a girl whom I

know. She is a good person, a shipping engineer. Her mother-in-law

spoiled the good relationship between them. She wanted her son to

help her daughters not her daughter-in-law. There are lots of women

like this in the world. I have seen mother-in-laws getting in between

husband and wife and not even allowing them privacy. These mothers

are sadistic and don't want their sons to live happily with their

wives. They are insecure suspecting their son may leave them for

their wife.


So this mother-in-law used to prevent the daughter-in-law from

cooking saying she was not clean. She would go to their room and

switch on TV and say she would be sleeping there. So this girl used

to come to me and complain about her problems. I said, " Don't worry,

I will tell you a story. "


Once there was Raja (king). One day he ordered his Minister to be

hanged. When the Minister was about to be hanged. he laughed

heartily. When the king asked why he was laughing the minister

replied, " O king, what kind of a fool you are! I know how to make

your royal horse fly. But you are going to hang me without knowing

the secret of performing such a feat. " The king asked, " Can you

really do this? " to which the minister replied, " Definitely, in six

months I will show it. " The king threatened, " If you don't do this in

six months I will hang you. " and let the minister go. When the

minister went home, he saw his wife was in grief thinking he was

already dead. When the wife asked how he was let go, he told her what

he had promised the king. The wife asked, " Do you really know how to

perform this feat? " The minister said, " I don't know any such thing.

In six months three things can happen. One the horse can die, two the

king himself can die and three I myself may die. " The wife

quipped, " Why didn't you ask for two years time? " The minister

replied, " If I had asked for that the king would not have believed

me. "


So I told this girl, " Don't worry. There are many good solutions to

your problems. One your mother-in-law may die. Or your husband may

understand you and come around. Or you will adjust yourself and come

around. " Just like I said, the mother-in-law died. Now they have no



So there are always solutions and you have to wait with patience. You

may think that your problems have no solutions but there is no

problem that God cannot solve. If your prayer is sincere God will

somehow give you a solution. I myself have thought sometimes that

there is no solution to some problems. I cannot offer a solution of

asking the boy to leave his mother. That's not right. The best I can

do is plead with the boy to take care of his wife. Solutions are

there but they take time depending upon the environment and your bad

times. I have no karma but you have some. Once you go through that

karma, there will be no more problems. You also can be happy chit-



So all my solutions to your worldly problems are down to earth. I

don't confuse you in the name of sky. When I talk about language of

the sky, it is about how you would love God. You are not ready for

that today. Whenever you are ready, I will show you the way. For now

I give you solutions to your problems. I don't say, " No " . Even now I

saw a lady. She asked whether her children could learn cricket during

summer. She had just come on a visit from abroad. I told her that we

have a coach for cricket only during school working days. Now they

can learn Veda and Yoga only. So she let her children learn both. She

asked whether her children could stay here and learn. I found her to

be sincere and gave them permission to stay here and learn. If your

approach is genuine, I will definitely help you.


None of you who come here is known to me or related to me. I treat

everyone equally. You should get closer to the organization on your

own. No one is close to me, I have no one who is close to me or who

is not. I give mangoes to the kids just because they live in the

colony and are able to express their love. At that age they like such

small things. This is another way of molding them. I have told

once, " If someone thinks he is close to me, he is close (finished). "

I am not close to anyone. I have left my life behind to perform

service to God. I have no interest in anyone else other than God.

Since you also are contributing to this effort by either singing or

dancing, I am just reciprocating the faith you have shown in me. It

is my way of saying I care for your love and your work for God. It is

as simple as that. These are the thoughts I would like to share with

you this afternoon.

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