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Leadership skills - Jesus as CEO

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Leadership Skills - Jesus as CEO





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Jesus had only three years to train 12 people, none of whom were divine, to

go out and change the world, and that he trained them so effectively that

they went on to do the work after he left. I asked, 'What did he do with

these people to turn them into such lean, clean marketing machines? What

skills did he possess that we could duplicate or learn from? Jesus and the

apostles were an example of a team working together under the guidance of a

man with a visionary plan, clearly defined goals, and the wisdom to train

the next generation of leadership


| JESUS as CEO | The Management Principle |

| | behind |


| Jesus' Strength of Self | |

| Mastery | |

| | The very essence and purpose|

| Even Jesus had to learn who he| of business is |

| was and what his gifts and | relationships: relationships|

| potential weaknesses were. He | with customers, board |

| had to do this before he | members, |

| could lead effectively. | suppliers, funding sources, |

| | staff members, and their |

| | families. |

| It was essential that he be | |

| sure about his own. His 'I Am'| The focus of this theme mostly|

| statements are what he became.| dealt with the importance for |

| To be successful, leaders must| leaders to not only have |

| combine self-mastery with | self-confidence, but to truly |

| action and relationship | ground themselves into whom |

| skills. And Jesus was pretty | they are, what they stand for,|

| good at relating to different | and where they want to be. |

| kinds of people -- from Simon | |

| the Zealot to the woman at the| |

| well. | |


| | |

| | |

| Jesus' Strength of Action | |

| He came from Left field. Jesus|Despite the seeming |

| was neither a warrior nor |disqualification given by |

| royalty. He wasn't exactly |external characteristics, an |

| handsome, either, according to|insignificant person may be |

| some writings. He not only |used to perform great acts. |

| came from the wrong side of |People should be judged based |

| town, he came from the wrong |on the fruit they bear, and not|

| town. The man nobody would |on mere externals. |

| have considered wore the | |

| crown. | |


| Jesus' management style is | |

| that of Attractive Love | |

| Jesus' management style is | Managers or other |

| good not only for managers; | experienced employees could |

| anyone can learn from the way | choose to be mentors to |

| he led. | colleagues, offering help to|

| | others on their career |

| | paths. |

| | |

| | " Focus is one of the key |

| | attributes of a leader, and |

| | nowhere is it more powerful |

| | than when applied to and on |

| | behalf of another human |

| | being. Your deeds and |

| | behaviors will be injected |

| | like dye into the psyche of |

| | your staff members |


| Power of a Plan | |

| Jesus had a good plan and gave| We need to plan our work and|

| his " staff " clear instructions| work our plan, by Posing |

| on how to implement it. " He | seven brief questions: |

| did not claim to know all the | |

| answers, " but he certainly saw| · What is your plan? |

| the big picture and acted on a| · Is it written down? |

| day-to-day basis | · Is it clear? |

| | · Can it be communicated? |

| | · Is it workable? |

| | · How can you implement it? |

| | · When will you begin? |








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