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Prayer & faith in in our heart & soul = Baba

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Prayer & faith is in our heart and soul = Baba

In Africa, Livingston had made many discoveries. One Sunday morning, he finished his prayers & tand told his Negro workers, who were with him, to go & do their work. So, their leader said, " TODAY SOUL TALK TO GOD, FULL DAY , SOUL REST IN GOD; NO GO". & refused to go.

Prayer is in our heart and soul , should talk with God & to merge with God. You should always be in the thoughts of God, doing your wordly responsibilities. This is the True Peace. When we pray to God with silence, God’s energy comes into us & catches up completely.

The true strength of life is peace. Whoever has learnt to merge with God, he is truly the Stronger person. & God comes into him. Peace is not idleness. He is the one, who truly is involved in Productive work. "Seyalin maiyill Seyalaatral". "Inaction in Action". In Bhagavad Gita,this is the true meaning of it. This is Talent mixed with Peace.

Speaking about this state, China Philosopher Lavothse said , "Such a person does not do anything.But he does everything". His job is mixed with the will of God. But, ego & proudness is mixed in our work. His job is the path shown by God. His job is run by God. "I don’t do anything, the God in me works".He says.

Once I asked Swamy Ramsuratkumar Swamy( visiri swamigal) for advice. He said " Always think fabout God & Never ever forget God, even for a moment" I don’t do anything. Whatever I think happens, because God is doing it for me. I am working for God’s mission. I have no wants. I work for God & God alone.

True service to God comes from the heart. It is the purity of your thoughts. If you truly work fior God, God will come in any form & will continue to satisfy your wants.

Abhimanyu used to get caught in the cycle of life ( Chakra vyu), but he did not know how to come out of it. You are all like that only. You will go & get caught in some problem very easily. To come out of this problem, you need some Krishna Paramaathma. It is possible only for Krishna to remove it. It was not possible for Abhimanyu. If you listen to what I say, I will make you come out of your problem. If you go in your way, everyone will circle & beat you & you will be in a serious condition. If you believe me, I can somehow make you come out of your problem. I will try to make the problems, not to affect you.

Samratchana is a intelligent organisation. It is a totally Rational Spirituality. It is not towards any religion. It has broken all the barriers of caste/ religion/ language/ gender/status/young/old. A new Spiritual philosophy. In the coming years, this will get major victories. Worldly solutions at the worldly platform and the spiritual success at the spiritual level. Spiritualism is different & worldliness is different. These two are 2 different languages.

On a thorn, the cloth falls on it. If you are in a haste, then the cloth will tare. Whether, the cloth falls on the thorn or the thorn falls on the cloth, the loss is for the cloth only. & not for the thorn. Anyway, the cloth is going to tare. So, whether you get problems from others or you yourself get entangled in problems, you are going to suffer. There is no pain for the thorn. So, what you should do, you should sit patiently & remove the thorn. If you act in a haste, the cloth will tare. That work can be done by a very patient person.

I have a lot of patience. . I can understand & analyse your problems & give proper solutions & I have the method of bringing you out of any problem. But, you should leave your own mind. The cloth should not act in a haste. You are just the cloth. I am the hand to remove the cloth from the thorn. The only requirement is the Firm Belief in me. If you have the faith, I know how to get rid of your problems. There is no profit & loss for me. There is only strain in removing the cloth from the thorn.

According to me, In this world, if you have done the Greatest mistakes & come to me also, I will not hate you & despise you. Whatever wrongs ,there is in this world, you could have done anything ., If you tell this to anyone outside, they will hate you & despise you & will doubt your character & conduct. I don’t think that way. Because these are all experiences. You get a variety of experiences in this world. Everyone will get the experience of eating a "Thirunelveli Halwa".

Assume you are the worst sinner, you are most accepted in my Kingdom. Considering our Ramarajya , the person with the most shortcomings are mostly welcomed & Loved & cared for a lot more , provided you really believe in me." I am not bothered about your shortcomings.

In this world , nobody needs a second advice. One advice is enough, that name is LOVE. Love all,Love is All. Love & care for everyone ,whether they are known toyou or unknown to you.I created this organisation ,Samratchana, to give you clear thoughts & to make your life prosperous & happy, In the journey towards God, to reform it,is my vision. Not to make you a coward; To make you more stronger & powerful. Anjaneya’s name is Mahavira. Mahavira is not to pounce on the opponent with a knife. "Kathiyai Theettaadhea… Thambi buthiyai Theettu .. Don’t sharpen your knife, younger brother, sharpen your mind ". This is Mahaviram. To rule the work with your mind. Not with the knife, but by your mind.

Worldliness is when you ask God, " What I want " ? . Spirituality is when you ask God, " What should I do for you "

Ramarajya is blooming. You are all God’s children doing service. Live life to the fullest. Never compromise on values. Be Good always. Good & God are synonymous. Be happy & cheerful & spread love & happiness all around ! Baba is always with you, wherever you are, & Loves you & cares for you a lot !


Shankaram Shiva Shankaram

Chant and be happy


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