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God is conducting tests all the time; every occurrence in life is a test.

Every thought that crops up in the mind is in itself a test to see what

one's reaction will be. Hence one must be always alert and aloof,

conducting oneself with a spirit of detachment, viewing everything as an

opportunity afforded to gain experience, to improve oneself and go on to a

higher stage. " - Nityananda of Ganeshpuri



" Demolish the wall of difference that separates you from God, and then the

road for your meeting will be clear and open. The sense of differentiation

as I and Thou, is the barrier that keeps away the disciple from his Master,

and unless that is destroyed the state of union or at-one-ment is not

possible. God is the sole owner of the body. Nobody else is our Protector.

His method of work is extra-ordinary, invaluable, and inscrutable. His will

be done and He will show us the way, and satisfy our heart's desires. It is

on account of former relationships that we have come together. Let us love

and serve each other and be happy. He who attains the supreme goal of life

is immortal and happy; all others merely exist and live so long as they

breathe. " - Shirdi Sai Baba


When men begin to recognize the omnipresence of God they will be

transformed. All their thoughts and actions will get divinized. It may be

asked: " Who is responsible for the evil in the world? " The persons

indulging in the evil deeds are responsible. God is only a witness. The

rewards and punishments people receive in life are fruits of their own

actions and not conferred by God. " - Sathya Sai Baba



" Once one is established in infinite consciousness, one becomes silent, and

though knowing everything, goes about as if he does not know anything.

Though he might be doing a lot of things in several places, to all outward

appearance, he will remain as if he does nothing. " - Nityananda of



" To meet the needs of different ages, God sends sages and Divine

Incarnations to sustain human life on Earth. These living examples of

Divine Law lead ideal lives and guide humanity in the disciplines needed to

live according to the Divine Plan for each Age. " -Sathya Sai Baba



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